Saturday, December 08, 2012

Brooke Mueller And Her Overdose

I was having a conversation with someone just the other day about Brooke Mueller and how it seems that Denise Richards is taking care of Brooke's kids and then someone reminded me that Brooke and Lindsay Lohan used to share the same PR person. So, if you think about it in that context, then when the world says Brooke Mueller had an overdose, but her PR person says it was just a routine 911 call because Brooke was unresponsive during a nap, then you say, umm, I am trying to remember the last time I took a nap and needed to call 911. Yeah, my guess is that you haven't. Lets say Brooke was unresponsive after a nap and 911 was called. Don't you think when the paramedics got there they could get her to wake up from the nap? I admit it is a great excuse and this PR guy should win PR person of the year award for having to work with Lindsay recently and now Brooke. Perhaps he could look into working with someone who is not quite so needy.


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