Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

February 27, 2009

#3 - When this perfume stopped being produced, this married A/B list always movies actress had her assistant spend two weeks online cornering the market on enough of the perfume to last our actress a lifetime. She refuses to endorse any perfume or develop and sell her own brand although she could and has been made offers. She has said that she "cannot live" without wearing this perfume everyday.

Michelle Pfeiffer


  1. But what kind of perfume?

  2. What is the perfume?

  3. That's what I was thinking!!

  4. I believe it was l'artisan parfumeur vanilia. Google says it was discontinued.

  5. Ah, L'artisan Parfumeur Vanilla. Discontinued.

  6. My mom searches for Lauren, they discontinued the first and original scent...

  7. L'Artisan Fragrances - Vanilia

  8. How very very movie star of her. I could see myself pulling that kind of a shenanigan if I had the money.

  9. Anonymous10:52 AM

    She should have her assistant scour the market for good scripts! Pfeiffer fell off the radar when she started doing plastic surgery. Some actresses are too vain too age gracefully.

  10. Gross. Only strippers wear perfumes with vanilla notes.

    1. Wow that was totally harsh.
      An enormous amount of perfumes contain vanilla.

    2. Wow that was totally harsh.
      An enormous amount of perfumes contain vanilla.

    3. Yeah, the cheap ones.

    4. And I'm sure that you are scrambling to google all "expensive" vanilla scented perfumes. But it's not for the sophisticated palate.

    5. Grinch much? You're extremely rude forcing your opinions on others as if yours is the only right one. Save the snark for those we come on this site to snark about and sweeten up! We are all friends here.

    6. Sorry you were offended.

    7. Then give me a pole! Lol, i think vanilla smells nice.

    8. Wow, didn't think I would have to deal with a perfume snob here. I am a big fragrance lover ( over 100 different scents in my collection) and I can say that several perfumes have a vanilla note, some more pronounced than others, including the niche scents. To each there own: you don't like vanilla scents, don't wear them but don't call someone cheap if they choose to do so. Maybe you should check out some of the fragrance blogs & learn more about the different notes. May I suggest WWW.fragantica.com

    9. At least we know that CDAN appeals to the refined palate

    10. Sarah, haha. Indeed, I feel classier just reading these comments.

    11. Coming from a girl with such a regal name as Katie.. I bet you sit next to me in class wearing sweat pants that say pink on the ass tucked into a pair of uggs..

  11. She should try CM 7 Billion Hearts. Very lovely vanilla, though L'Artisan as a house tends to be light and the Brosius' is rather smoky.

    MISCH, have her check eBay; that's about the only place I can ever find my Lauren!

  12. Well I for one don't blame her. Michelle is my idol anyway. She can do no wrong.

    1. Me too. Ever since Grease 2 (a guilty pleasure)...

  13. Ugh. I wore vanilla perfume in like 9th grade and now the thought makes me want to barf.

  14. Only strippers wear vanilla? I love the smell of high quality vanilla. Guess I need to shop for a pole.

    1. That'll teach me not to read all comments before i post. We had the same thought. Ha ha

  15. Good for her! I did the same with 2 discontinued scents that will remain unnamed. It was a big day on EBay for me. Hope everyone is having a great day. Thanks for the posts Enty!! Back to festivities for me .........

  16. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Ive done this too for my fave mascara. Big whoop.
    Plus vanilla is very teen... But oh soooooo good :)

    1. @the I'm dying to know!!!! What's your fav mascara that was discontinued? I never got into expensive mascaras bc I find drugstore ones do as much as I need but I'm curious especially since I don't know any that are discontinued unless its a drugstore one which usually get updated into better formulas.

    2. My fave hair product was discontinued and I searched everywhere. :.(

  17. I'm sure vanilla's not the only note in that particular fragrance, and, as others have pointed out, it's a note in many, many other scents not necessarily worn by pole dancers--it lends an "edible" note that a lot of people find very appealing. (Also, vanilla is an orchid...) Besides, I thought all strippers wore Egyptian Musk or some such... *runs away*

    Anyway, I can understand feeling that way about a particular item, so I really can't blame Michelle for going that route--hell, if I had her kind of money, I'd do it too!

    1. Strippers wear any perfume with vanilla as the main note. Gucci Rush is a total hooker perfume.

    2. Katie, please stop talking smack. Sex workers generally don't wear perfume beyond soap and deodorant. Just because you don't like certain scents there is no reason to denigrate both perfumes and sex workers.

  18. i do the same thing whenever bath & body works discontinues my favorite scents, i get on amazon & search like crazy. lol

  19. Frufra - me too, definitely!

  20. well, i don't know much about hookers, so i will defer to the expert as to what they prefer. i wear what i like, no idea what is in it.

    years ago, a friend of a friend worked at cartier. melanie griffith use to come in there & buy their perfum by the case. used a bottle of it in every bath she took.

  21. Katie, are you a (grumpy) stripper? Or are you a (grumpy) patron of strip clubs? You seem to know a lot about what types of perfume strippers wear. Is it strippers world-wide, or just strippers in your city that wear perfumes with vanilla undertones? Enquiring minds want to know.

    1. A) neither
      B) worldwide

      How do I know? Bc every "cheap looking" girl I know wears vanilla perfume and body wash. It's literally like women drinking barefoot Chardonnay and saying "this is delicious". I prefer scents with sandalwood as the main component.

    2. which is for easy hippie chicks aka sluts.

      hahaha this stereotyping by perfume is highly entertaining

    3. Vanilla = blow job w/a side of the clap!
      Holy shit!

      Now we all know.

    4. Interesting because I just read somewhere that because of the sandalwood shortage (also my favorite) that the perfumeries have been faking it with vanilla, cedar, and musks. Also- it's kind of smart for strippers to wear vanilla because men overlap hunger and desire, so they're actually making a smart business move.

    5. Only college admissions counselors wear scents with sandalwood as the main component.

  22. Oh, Michelle! I could see myself doing this over about half a dozen L'Artisan Perfumeur scents too. Not their current vanilla scent(Vanilla Absolumant), perhaps. But I've been wearing a sample I got and been asked by my female co-workers what's that delicious perfume. When I've told it's vanilla, their jaws have dropped. Yes, this obviously isn't your "keep the men happy and make them tip big" obvious vanilla scent. Still delicious enough to be noticed.

  23. Katie, you're killing me.

  24. I always wonder how people "know" the only kinds of perfume sex trade workers wear.

    1. @mari I'd like to introduce you to @katie, CDaN's in-house stripper expert. Since no college offers a stripper expert degree the only way to become an expert is by long, grueling on the job training. We are very lucky to have someone do dedicated to her craft willing to educate the rest of us. Merry Christmas @katie and thank you!!!

    2. @mari unfortunately I've been to Vegas. Unfortunately, I had to deal with the musky scent of hookers

    3. @katsm0711- I'm more of a fragrance snob. But educating the masses brings me almost as much pleasure as receiving your thanks.

  25. Well Katie, Sandalwood gives me a headache. In fact, most perfumey scents give me a headache. So I stick to food scented lotions which means I'm destined for the kitchen or a stripper pole. See you there!

  26. I feel like a movie star bc literally today I told someone that there's a perfume I've wanted for years n only have a tiny bottle from EBay. A few years agowbuif ally decided to get it at Sephora but the just phased it out and only sold it online. Today when I went to show it to the "buyer", they no longer carry it at all! Now I need to get creative...

    I actually AM trained in aromatherapy so if anyone wants me to drag out my textbooks and list the properties of vanilla and it's effect on mood... No? Didn't think so.

  27. HAHAHA! You all are cracking me up. Fragrances are like anything else-there are themes that go in/out of style. I remember Dior Poison/any Lauder/Coco strength..then came fruity floral lights (ugh I never want to smell Clinique Happy or Tresor again tyvm)...then Marc jacobs..clearly I worked too many years in cosmetics. What's the one you can smell and instantly be transported? Mines Calvin Klein. Eternity. Smells like a drunk sorority girl.

    Merry Christmas :)

    1. Bill blass. Had Lauren too. Didn't like either at first. Still like tresor. Current favorite : in the library.

    2. I used to looooove Chanel Coco. Didnt wear it for a few years and smelled it recently...didn't like it at all. Strange.

  28. All the strippers I've ever met smelled like patchouli, which I find far more gross than vanilla.

    Why do you give a shit what fragrance choices other people make, Katie?

  29. Oh Katie, you've been trolling here a lot lately. You must be a total joy to hang out with in real life.

    "Cheap looking" women = strippers? Thanks for the(unintended)giggle.

    Better yet, the simplicity of sandlewood = class.

  30. Honestly, i wear body sprays now. It is surprisingly hard to find a perfume to be a good signature scent. Does anyone know of any good jasmine or lavender type perfumes?

    1. L'Occitane used to make a nice light lavender, don't know if it's still available but it wasn't too heavy I remember

    2. Pacifica brand makes a nice Jasmine. Pacifica is made in Oregon and I love their body butters and shower gels, glycerin soap, perfumes (including solids) plus they make candles and room diffusers. All natural, and so many of them are complimentary to layer with each other. Its available @ Sephora. They do make an island Vanilla, its not my favorite but LOVE the coconut one blended with one of the citrus scents. I get compliments every where I go. Plus its an enviromentally contentious company:)

    3. L'occitaine is the best for a lavander scent.

    4. Alma I love Bvlgari Mon Jasmin Noir, it's a lovely jasmine based scent.

    5. Awesome! I look forward to trying these out . Thank you!

    6. Katie, it's *lavender.

  31. Haha Santa must've been mean to Katie so she's trolling for attention.

    There are some lovely scents out there with vanilla notes. If it's the main scent it can be a bit "young" but otherwise it can add a richness to other fragrances.

  32. I don't find this blind that shocking.. I would have done the same if I had the money. Some beautyproducts I use daily may not be expensive, but I love them and it makes my skin very happy.. If they would be discontinued I would stack up as many as possible too.

  33. Alma, I've been loving the Lavender perfume from Crabtree and Evelyn. It's just simple and not too strong. I can't stand to wear too much purfume - it almost makes me gag!

  34. I tend to obsess about one perfume for a while and then completely give it up. I currently love Marc Jacobs Lola but always come back to Chanel no.5. I also love vanilla scents and I'm not a hooker or a stripper. Many years ago there was a Swiss formula vanilla honey face wash that I loved.It was cheap but wonderful and I am sad that it was discontinued.

  35. And I don't think strippers or prostitutes wear perfume; they can transfer the smell to a man's clothes, and then the wife finds out. I am not making this up; it is very logical; married men who visit stripclubs/prosti's usually don't want the wife to find out.

    Yes, I read too much and I have watched too many episodes of Secret Diary of a Callgirl xD

  36. I'm very sensitive to scents. I remember wearing Narcisse on my first date with my ex-husband. I hate that perfume now. I smell it and go back in time. Used to love it in my 20s.

    I love jasmine, ylang ylang, and rose. I customize my scent now.'

    If this is a vanilla scent, does Michelle wear bubblegum lip smackers too?

  37. I love vanilla! And hasn't hasn't it been proven in actual scientific research to be arousing to men, though? Not a terrible reason to wear it, then! ;-)

    That said, um, there's a certain fragrance from a certain lingerie/clothing store that smells like strippers to me, too. Perhaps it's because an ex-friend who WAS a stripper wore it. It gave me a headache. So I kinda know where Katie's comin' from. I just judge in my head and don't mention it. ;-)

    Yves Rocher had a perfume at the turn of the century that I adored. They discontinued it, and it now has a cult following. It's crazy-expensive on eBay but I hope to get some again someday.

  38. Has anyone else noticed that men seem to be going overboard on scents?

    Nine times out of ten now, when I encounter someone I can smell before I get close to them, it is a male. Worse yet, a lot of them are wearing Axe body sprays. I loathe them because they smell like an industrial cleaning product to me.

  39. Vanilla is a smell for hookers but cucumber isn't? Hahahaha

    1. :)that's what I was thinking. Cucumber is up there with "fresh raspberries" and makes me think of hand sanitizer. Maybe she means green/grassy scents like vetiver (though that has been accused of smelling like carrots, ha!).

  40. We have a WINNER. Rejectedcarebear has come up with the POST OF THE DAY!!!!!

    Very funny!

  41. Well, must get back to Christmas stuff. Thanks for the break. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Tomorrow, I'll pop down to the Brass Rail and interview the lap dancers on their choice of scent when working, and when off duty.


  42. Katie, you do realize a blend of your oh, so refined sandalwood and oh, so vulgar vanilla notes is actually one of the most commonly found in perfume industry? Possibly because of the everlasting popularity of the classic Guerlain scents which almost unfailingly ("my" Mitsouko is a rare exception) use them both. L'AP Vanilia L, Michelle Pfeiffer's favorite, apparently did too.

    Other, I can't tell how embarrissed I am, as someone who happens to love scents, and know a lot of them, right now. The magic of a scent is that they evoke feelings. Finding and wearing one that brings joy to YOU personally is something I absolutely think more people should do, because obviously, there isn't enough joy in the World.

  43. This could totally be me and Burberry Britt in the future should they ever discontinue it.

    @Katie you know an awful lot about hookers and strippers and their scent.
    I for one thought strippers and prostitutes smelled of lost hopes and dreams, old man spit, and scummy semen. And a nice smokey aroma lingering in the hair.

    1. Looovvvee Burberry Brit - I got my BF hooked! Viva La Juicy, Light Blue and Armani Code are also amazing!!!!

  44. "Vanilla is the most erotic scent to older men.
    Allan Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation found while researching that older men tend to respond most strongly to the scent of vanilla. Overall, men responded best to the combination of lavender and pumpkin pie, followed by the combination smell of doughnut and black licorice."


    Don't know what you'd attract with cucumber ...

  45. Hahaha, y'all are on the move today!

    I have to say, though, if the means and resources (and wore perfume), I'd have done the same thing. The only thing I wear is Chanel No 5 on very special occasions, and the teeny tiny bottle I have of it has lasted for a few years now.

    OH, CHILIE, YES! A lady we know (who is very dear), came over to give my husband a letter. She wished him merry Christmas and gave him a hug - when he came in to give it to me, my eyes were watering from the scent. The letter was on the other side of the room for a while!

  46. ...I think Barefoot Chardonnay is delicious.

    But I also drink boxed wine. So obviously my standards aren't exactly in the clouds.

    1. Me too. I'm having a glass of clos du bois chardonnay right now-which I've heard is low class. Where's my vanilla extract?

  47. @Kats YES!! Maybe not on such a busy day like today but I am def interested to know!

  48. Oh Katie, a classy, sophisticated perfume does not make the wearer classy and sophisticated. Silly goose.

  49. As someone who works in the strip club industry in Las Vegas Katie, I can say with absolute certainty vanilla is not the designated scent of strippers. However, i have smelled patchouli as mentioned above and >gasp< cucumber in the summer months (good call rejected!lol)! Specific scents I've recognized have been escada magnetism, Ralph Lauren romance, juicy, Gucci, and Chanel chance. Overall, I'd say JSierra has given the most accurate description so the gold star of the day goes to you!!
    Your resident stripper expert (sorry to take that title from you Katie and I'm sorry your man probably wasted your hard earned money on some stripper that happened to wear vanilla).

    1. I'm in Las Vegas, too!!! ;-)

    2. Yay for a fellow Las Vegan!!!

  50. Katie, the way you address others is not too classy. Apparently your scent doesn't fit your personality.

    1. That's the point I was trying to make with my failure of a comment above. In my defense I may be heady from all the vanilla I smelled today. From baking, not twerking betwixt a pole and a dollar bill.

  51. For what it's worth, Demeter fragrances are heavenly. I used to buy their "sex on the beach" scent from Sephora, but I don't think they carry it there anymore. I loved that brand though; they had a vast array of scents, ranging from basic one- and two- note organic scents like fresh basil or rain, all the way to the other side of the spectrum to fruity cocktail inspired scents or fragrances that smelled like a bakery.

  52. @katie I don't know who peed in your perfume, but damn it's not that crucial. And fyi I like vanilla too,so I guess that makes me a low class stripper. Someone bring me my pole!

    1. You have to get it out of Katie's ass, first.

    2. Lmao I know right!

  53. TLex- I have a perfume that is a lavender and pumpkin pie combo. It doesn't smell exactly like that but it smells nice on me. It's called Eau Flirt!

  54. This reminds me of that scene in The Devil Wears Prada where Hermes is no longer making that signature white handkerchief and Andy has to go and buy every single last one of them for Anna Wintour -- I mean Miranda Priestly. Whatever, if I liked something that much and had an assistant (and that much money) I'd probably do the same thing! We all have our faithful scents, cosmetics, favorite jeans, etc. If there was a threat of them no longer being around I'd want to stock up too.

    Also PuggleWug, you win. *slow clap*

  55. I love L'artisan! I wear las chausse aux papillon and mimosa pour moi. :)

    1. I love patchouli patch and dzing...

  56. Katie loves the combined smell of sandalwood and spent 5.56 ammo.

  57. Your sarcasm was needed. Thanks!

  58. Katie, you seem to know a lot about strippers and their preferences. Projecting a bit much?

  59. L'artisan, l'artisan, l'artisan. That's French for "artisan."

  60. Do you remember those Designer Imposter sprays you could buy at Walmart? Maybe they are still there, dunno. The Georgio one was a big hit back in the day. It came out with such force you reeked of it for days, and that combined with cheap wine was the stuff of many Saturday nights.

  61. Made a note of all the fragrances you have each recommended. Thanks guys! I think in the next year maybe i will smell better. Lol

  62. I wear Euphoria every day (the lotion). I get comments from both men and women-used to be worried it was bc I reeked of it, so now I just do lotion. I just did a Pfeiffer bc apparently Ms Dior Cherie is discontinued (!!!) And that is my summer love! Also Nanette Lapour-that and No5 are special occasion fragrances.

  63. Except perfume has a shelf life and can go rancid or fade- there are things you can do to extend the shelf life and better quality perfumes will last longer in general but over a few decades I doubt it.

  64. @Pug if you're talking to me, I was being completely serious!

  65. I don't believe that I have actually smelled a stripper up close so I will have to take Katie's word for it. I love Aquolina's Pink Sugar and always get stopped when I wear it. I guess I must be mistaken for an old stripper because the notes are Bergamot, Sicilian orange, Raspberry, Fig leaves, Lily of the valley, Licorice, Strawberry, Red fruit, Cotton candy, Barbe-a-Papa, Vanilla, Caramel, Musk, Wood, and Powder

    1. I love pink sugar too and betsey johnson. My friend says that the betsey smells like fresh laundry on me, so what notes would make that scent?

    2. Love pink sugar - but it always reminds me of the line in mean girls when lizzy caplan tells Lindsey she smells like a baby prostitute :)

  66. @Brea, another favorite of mine is Bond No. 9 I Love New York for All. It is $225/bottle, so unless you are a stripper making some great tips not too affordable, but it smells soooo good. Notes of bergamot, muguet, pepper, cocoa lmr, coffee beans, creamy chestnut, patchouli, vanilla, leatherwood and sandalwood. It has a really rich, creamy scent. I never actually bought it, but had gotten some samples when I purchased another Bond fragrance. The $225 is out of my budget.

    1. I have actually smelled that! I use to know someone who could afford it. It is indeed yummy smelling :) I love how this thread got hijacked, now I have some perfume to buy in the new year!

  67. Kelsey, sorry for the snark! Determining whether someone means to be sarcastic it sincere on blogs, on top of the trolling in this thread, made it hard for me to tell.
    Also, when I run out of my sophisticated perfume, I use some body spray by Calgon. I suppose that puts me in the ranks of street walkers. Thank god for regular Courtney Stodden pictures here, as I now have a fashion icon.

    1. It=or
      Damn you, autocorrect!

    2. it's all good, I hear ya! Maybe "Katie" is a cover for Ms. Stodden herself... nah, I doubt she'd know how to open a laptop.

  68. rejectedcarebear: I got a sample of Eau Flirt, thinking that having a little mojo in a bottle might be a good thing, but I can barely stand to wear it--for some reason, most commercial fragrances either don't smell "right" on me, or they flat out make me sick. I couldn't pick up the lavender/pumpkin pie notes in it, either, although I'm half-tempted to see about trying to tincture dried lavender & some of the spices in pumpkin pie in brandy or vodka, and then distill it to see what I come up with.

    Overall, I tend to like fruity scents (Pacifica Tuscan Blood Orange is lovely, but it has NO staying power); I pretty much wore the Body Shop's Dewberry to death back in the early to mid '90s. Right now I seem to be going back to Benefit's Maybe Baby; I don't remember all the notes, but I seem to recall there's peach/apricot, musk, and "a tumble of white blossoms," which sure smells like lily of the valley to me. It smells very soft and a bit clean on me, and everyone who's smelled it on me loves it so far. (Lily of the valley has been a lifelong favorite, going back to my mom wearing Muguet de Bois back in the day; I'd love to get some Diorissimo, but it's way too expensive for the likes of me.)

  69. Also FWIW, back in the day a lot of women who couldn't afford/didn't have access to real perfume would dab a bit of vanilla extract behind their ears in order to smell nice--I'm talking farm wives and such, not ladies of dubious professions. It's been used in perfumery for many years, but IIRC Cher's perfume from 20+ years ago was one of the first to use it as one of the major notes.

    (BTW, I keep hearing how Angel is supposed to be such a big "foodie" scent, what w/vanilla, chocolate, caramel, etc., but to me it absolutely REEKS, and I'm not picking up any of those notes. Opinions?)

    1. Don't forget, that's how Jennifer Love Hewitt baits the vajazzled man trap! Vanilla behind the ears. And we KNOW she is a classy woman, her vagina is sparkly!!!

  70. @Katie

    Any gain you make with your business in being a self-appointed expert, you are going to lose with your elitist and narrow-minded attitude.

    Fragrance is such a personal thing, and close to a woman's heart. Many of us have worn the same fragrance for much of our lives, while others enjoy changing their fragrance.

    I don't normally point out spelling errors, but if you are such a student of perfumes, you might at least take the time to learn how to spell words in the nomenclature of your area of study.

    Wine snobbery is just area in which you are trying to make yourself look superior by putting others down.

    People who have class don't need to do any of this.

    1. THIS! ALL OF THIS!Thank you tuxedo cat. But I think Katie is gone to study the perfumes of strippers because she hasn't been back in a while.

  71. Hmmm, I like Shalimar for Fall and Winter, Champs d'Elyssee for Spring and Summer. I'm not sure where that puts me on the social scale.

  72. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm no huge JLo fan, but her perfumes are so lovely. Miami Glow and Glowing are my favorites.

  73. Sign me up for the stripper class, too. Vanilla is one of my favorite scents, even if I go for more citrus smells now.

  74. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I have no sense of smell due more to internal nose plumbing than olfactory sensing. its not debilitating by any means but its takes the color out of life and makes me feel like I miss out when people talk about smelling being the strongest trigger of memory, smell playing into attraction to their partner. I worry about the concept of smelling bad so I get fragrance sampler boxes try them out here or there and pray I get feedback. I factor in friendly opinions, online reviews and sephoras great descriptions to pick scents out.

  75. Ewww am I the only one who thinks pumpkin spice and lavender would not smell so delicious? That is interesting that it attracts men though, I definitely need to try that one out, regardless of how yucky it sounds.

    @Reno as much as I hate to say it, I really enjoy Beyonce's Heat perfume. I went spray crazy with that one dirty hangover day when I was in Wally World and my friend and I could not stop smelling ourselves, we were delicious. It's a shame the people behind the fragrance are such assholes, in no way shape or form do I want to contribute to JLO or Bey's wealth.

  76. I'm betting against the vanilla, considering that Miss P hasn't been a big fan of food for most of her life. I vote Calandre. At the time she was coming of age, it was considered a post-modern scent that wasn't too floral and not overly musk.

  77. Ha Ha This thread has been my best Christmas present today! Thank you :)

  78. I always thought hookers smelled like a combo of b o, latex and rotten fish. Boy was I mistaken!

  79. How did I miss this hysterical thread today? Thanks for the laughs ladies!!! And vanilla is one of my favorite scents. Ha!

  80. Wine snobbery is a scam, by the way. How good it tastes often has nothing to do with how expensive or cheap it is.

    They always do these experiments, put the same boxed wine in a fancy bottle and a cheap bottle, then have people pick their favorite. They go on and on about how the fancy one is so incredible, and how the cheap is just bleah.

    There's also a problem with selling the extremely expensive wines -- they get faked, and people can't tell. One article I read talked about a group of people in a restaurant who ordered a few bottles of a rare $$$$ wine. First bottle: awesome! Second: sent it back, it was terrible, an obvious fake. Third: awesome!

    The second was the real one, 1 and 3 turned out to be the fakes.

    So if something's cheap and you like it, buy it! If your wine-snob friends tease you, pour it into a nice bottle, and next time they visit, give them the "good stuff." Sit back and enjoy the compliments!

  81. Okay so what is a decent bottle of wine, cheapish, in the Chardonnay/Pinot Grigio range? I never know what to order or buy.

  82. I never pay a great attention to whom says what between threads and I don t know Katie but I didn t like this thread at all. Too many against one.

    I love heavy, sweet, chocolate, vanilla scents (Angel, Womanity ...) on winter only. Otherwise it kills flies.

  83. @Paper trail, I'm not a big white wine drinker, but if we get Pinot, I really like Santa Margherita. It's $15 a bottle, and very good. If you like Riesling, my favorite is Chateau St. Michelle, also about $15 a bottle. They carry them at ABC and the grocery store.

    I am NOT a "fancy" wine drinker, I just go for what tastes good.

    I missed this entire thread yesterday, but I'm on the vanilla train, too. Something about a smell that's both sexy and comforting at the same time that I love. Thanks to you all, I have a new list of things to smell! :)

  84. I took the time to read every single one of the comments and I laugh my behind off. The best part is that everyone took it lightly and besides Katie's, there was no mean comment. That's why I keep coming back and love the commenters in here!!
    @rejectedcarebear, your first comment said exactly what I was thinking... cucumbers, huh???? Lol

  85. I was at a a nice winery one time and the owner was there in his workboots talking about wine. He said, "Don't ever let someone tell you what is a 'good' wine. Everyone has a different palate and you should drink what tastes good to you." I thought those were fine words of wisdom. funny follow up: I was relating this story to a wine snob friend who sniffed and replied, "He probably told you that because your palate is not sophisticated". I burst out laughing.

    Perfume - very personal but easily overdone. I really like "Amazing Grace" by Philosophy :)

    Be well Cdaners... REVEAL DAY is only a few days away!! Wooohoo!

  86. I happen to love the LaVanila line. I'm not going to drop it because some perfume snob says it's low rent.

    Guess she didn't come back because she had to go to the ER. There was a huge log stuck up her asshole...

  87. I've worn Lolita Lempicka for like 10 years.
    I thought strippers wear Lolita Lempicka, is why.
    Is it full of vanilla?

    Somebody reassure me that I smell like a stripper!

  88. Libby, you MUST smell like a stripper. I also love Lolita Lempicka and determined yesterday that I smell like an old stripper based on my preferences.
    Don't despair, I think between all of us we could come up with a vanilla-based scent and market it for people who don't seem to care if they are judged or not based on their choice of scents.

  89. Whew, thanks lutefisk.
    I can't believe I missed this one yesterday! What a riot.

    Old strippers: Activate!

    Form of: The (vanilla) scent of desperation.
    Shape of: an ice stripper pole!

    (It's a Wonder Twins reference--an old Saturday AM cartoon, if I sound like a crazy person with that.)

  90. I have a friend with a teen age daughter who calls her an old slut. I will have to get a good whiff of her next time I see her.. I think we could probably come up with a product line that would suit just about everyone out there.

  91. I dislike all vanilla scents - in baking and other things, not just perfume - but that's personal preference. Whatever makes people happy!

  92. Chasing Heaven, I thought the exact same thing, this thread was a Christmas present to me! @Robin, my best girlfriend just gave me the Pacifica blood orange sent yesterday, can't wait to try it! And for you coconut loving fans, my super secret scent is Laura Merciers almond coconut, people (mostly men) stop me to tell me how delicious it smells, just don't tell anyone else, it's my secret weapon!

  93. As a former stripper -- totally insulted by your comments.

    FYI -- we wouldn't have a job if there wasn't a demand for it.

    That being said, I always wore Christian Dior's "Addict" -- very sensual and spicy.

    Take your stereo types that stem from your own insecurity and shove it.

    Asshole judgmental bitches.

  94. Late to the party, but here goes.

    Fragrances with Sandalwood notes:
    Jean Nate
    Lady Stetson
    Vanilla Fields
    White Shoulders

    Sandalwood does not equal class or delicious scent; just as everything that contains vanilla fragrance (a HUGE portion of perfume [excusez-moi, "parfum"] on the market today) cannot be classified as "repulsive". Fragrance is subjective, but as it is also a personal choice, so that doesn't give you the right to insult our (or any stripper's) preferences either. As a reformed cosmetics junkie and former fragrance specialist & makeup artist, I can tell you that regardless of what women prefer, many men like things that smell like food. Simple, but true nonetheless. While perfume can be considered an indulgence or a treat for a woman herself, it also has the added benefit of attracting the attention of passersby or potential suitors. Hence, why many fragrances trigger the tastebuds in conjunction with smell from one's scent memory.

    Panda: mad respect.

  95. @Panda80, I hope it was only to Katie. =)
    I think people were more making fun of the fact that she was judgemental.
    Also, there wouldn't be hitmen if there wasn't demand for it too, lol

  96. Sandalwood is often a complementary note to vanilla for a "sensual" scent

  97. Paper Trail - I'm lousy with wine names and what they are (chardonnay, shiraz, etc.) so this may not be accurate. My favorite wine these days is a red from Georgia (country, not the state) that says "Kindzmarauli" on the label. They have a few different kinds, but this one is my fave.

    They sell it at the hippie supermarkets and other places; it's about $10. The one where I shop has an off-duty cop that provides security, and he told me about it; he adored it!

    It's a general red, not bitter, not sugary, not dry. It's easy to drink; I cook with it sometimes because I don't drink often.
