Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blind Item #7

This B list reality star from a very hit network show has been turned down for everything she has auditioned for. She likes to live life like she makes millions a year, but only earns a fraction of that amount. To try and make ends meet she has called her ex and thinks they should pitch a reality show together. That could get violent.


  1. If she makes millions a year why can she not make ends meet??????

  2. She lives like she makes a million, she isn't actually pulling in millions tho.
    Can't think of anyone that is a reality star from a network show that had a violent ex.
    Blinds are hard, mkay?

  3. Pam Anderson. Xtina doesn't "audition".

  4. Ochocinco and Evelyn?

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      @sarah yep, on board with your guess

  5. Pam and Tommy could work, tho doesn't she make her money doing erm...private performances?

    1. Private performances? Whatever could you mean?!

  6. Ochocinco and Evelyn from Bssketball Wives Jon and Kate or Ronnie and Sammi from Jersey Shore.

  7. ooo yes .. Evelyn and Ochocinco ... good guess!

    what reality show was Pamela Anderson on?

  8. This is a very wild guess I know, but what about JLo and her ex Marc Anthony? She isn't having the success she thought she would after leaving Idol, she does live large, and Marc was reputed to be very violent with her.

    1. Omg @del I think you've got it with Jenny from the block!

    2. Nope, JLO really IS raking in the millions.

  9. Can someone please spell out exactly what the networks, almost network, and any other categories are?

  10. Hi @Reindyr! Welcome to Comment Land :)

  11. Completely OT, but Bethenny and Jason split up!!! It's on People. Even though I think we all knew it was coming, it still gives me a big case of the sads :(

  12. Hi folks! I've been a lurker for a long while as well. I appreciate the amicable atmosphere here in the comments. I always look to CDAN for a brain candy fix and I love that everyone seems to be on the same page as me here. Happy Holidays everyone !!

  13. Oh.... And this is totally JLo

  14. Hmmm maybe Pampam and Tommy Lee?
    Ocho and whats her face is a good guess too

  15. Welcome to the fun, catecanary and reindyr! I try to chime in even though I'm usually late to the party, love getting caught up on the weekends!

  16. Nene Leakes...hit network show, "The New Normal."

    Evelyn & Ocho is a good guess but "Basketball Wives" isn't considered a network show, is it.

  17. Not the Gosselins again....

  18. I was thinking nene too...

    Welcome and merry Xmas first time posters! :)

  19. Welcome former lurkers.

    Is The New Normal a big hit? I like the show, but I'm not sure if it's a hit.

    Otherwise, I got nuttin'

  20. Welcome newbies! My guess is Nene, JLo is not just a reality star and the others are not on network shows

  21. Brain candy - LOVE IT!

  22. The wording on this is hard to get around, but my take is the woman is B List because she is on a hit network REALITY series.

    Jlo fits, but I am not sure she would be considered reality just because she judged Idol. Other than that she does fit.

    But just for someone different how about Lisa Welchel? She just did Survivor and got ALOT of press for that. And she has said she wants to get back in the business again. I have no idea who her ex is, but she did just get divorced.

    1. Actually, JLO doesn't really fit any of the clues. She is not a B list reality star. First and foremost she is a singer / actress and former talent show judge second.
      Also, she doesn't make a mere fraction of millions. She is actually making millions. She is also currently on a world tour so I doubt she is auditioning for anything or would be setting up meetings to pitch tv show ideas.
      I'm surprised people keep guessing her.

      Nene seems like a good guess.

  23. Lisa Welchel hasn't been on a reality show and her ex is definitely not a celebrity - I wouldn't see the producer's attraction there.

    I like JLo for it, too - she's all over the place with her furs and decked-out kiddos. But Skeletor? Ewwww.

  24. @DBZee Lisa was just on Survivor and tied for 2nd place with Michael. Survivor is a hit reality show and she has become very popular again. I don't think this blind is about her though. I was just guessing.

  25. Oh, I forgot about that! It's been ages since I've seen Survivor. I still hate them for giving us naked Richard and that annoying woman on The View.

  26. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Sounds like Evelyn and ochocinco....

  27. JLo and Pam had long careers before reality tv, they wouldn't be described as reality stars.

  28. I think this is Adriane Curry her ex Christopher Knight aka Peter Brady. I'm probably wrong bc.of.the.clues.B list and hit network but I can't think of anyone else.

  29. It can't be JLo. She makes bank off of her perfume.

  30. Hasn't JLo been touring? Aren't concerts lucrative?

  31. JLo *does* make millions a year though. Plus as others pointed out, she's not a reality star.
    Her perfumes are amazing btw. So are her bags.

  32. @Mango Concerts are actually how most musicians make their money. They only get about $1 or $2 per CD sold. Out of that money they have to pay for things like videos, studio time, ect. So they basically make nothing from CD sales.

  33. What about Shana Mogler and the drummer dude?

  34. Welcome lurkers! Join the fun. Thanks for all the blinds Enty! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!!

  35. Pam and Tommy Lee. Hit show: DWTS. She used to act but when was the last time you saw her in anything?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @paper sorry but you leave me no choice...

      I think you meant to say 'when was the last time you saw anything in Pam.'

  37. I thought Holly Madison and Cris Angel...

  38. LOL at the JLo and Marc Anthony guesses. JLo alone is worth $250M. Marc makes millions too.

    This is definitely Evelyn and Ochochino. There was a story on the internet that Eve wanted to meet with Chad for "closure". Que the reality show...

  39. Emily Maynard from The Bachelorette

  40. Me too. I just started commenting :) im not good at these blinds either.

  41. Katsm, yes! You are right! I did mean that!

  42. Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. It says nowhere that the ex is male and PH/LL were revealed by Enty to be lovers and fighting a lot.

  43. i read this as Ron and Sam, but the Ochocinco?Evelyn guess makes sense, but the Pam Anderson guess makes even BETTER sense

  44. catecanary, reindyr and Shanabntz welcome aboard and Happy Holidays.

  45. Why not Denise Richards? She was on DWTS. Charlie could turn violent. Pitch for the show coud be a whole blended family kinda deal.

  46. @paper trail I don't remember Denise being on DWTS, but she DID have her own reality show a while back called It's Complicated. I have no idea what her financial situation is, but she probably got good coin from Charlie in the divorce. Not sure how they would manage it, or even if Charlie would do it, but a reality show with those two would be a good ratings bet. Throw in Brooke and it could be very interesting. I like your guess. It fits.
