Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blind Item #6

This former A list tweener and now still almost A list as a celebrity is getting really good at the cheating on his celebrity girlfriends. Sex on a plane with the mistress and then change clothes and meet the girlfriend at the hotel.


  1. The Biebs, the VS model, & Selena in that order.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think LottaColada got it.

    Enty, if this is the Biebs, you keep referring to him as former A list. He does nothing for me either, but he's still an A. Letting your personal feelings subjectively color your rating just makes the rating system as a whole pretty useless, at least for me.

  4. Isn't Biebs still a tweener though? Can't think of anyone else.

    1. Oh maybe you mean former A list not former tweener. Never mind me.

  5. Not liking Bieber for this one, mainly because of the wording. Getting good at cheating on celebrity girlfriendS implies he's had more than one, which JB has not. Also, I believe he's still a tweener. (Seriously, who else even tolerates him?) A list as a celebrity also cancels him out, since he's still a "singer" in his little world. Having deconstructed that guess, I have nothing else to offer. Sorry!

  6. Pre Ejaculatory Justin Beiber. - thinks he's cool now he's in the mile high club. There's a reason he wears those stupid pants.

  7. Zack Effron? I don't know about celebrity girlfriends though. But he did turn out to be quite bangable!

  8. Ryan Gosling. Idk. Just throwing someone differen out there. Remember the Mickey Mouse club?

  9. I agree NOT the Beible ..
    someone a little older

  10. Bieber,Gomez,VS model

  11. What is it with sex on a plane? Have you been in one of those bathrooms? It better be a private jet, because nothing should go down in that cubicle.

  12. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I'm pretty sure this is Justin though all the clues add up, he was on a plane flying back to LA where Selena was, they met up and hung out, he tweeted "Alone on the plane, missing you bleh bleh." When in actuality not alone at all, he is such a douche. I guess the reason he's gradually moving out of the A list range is because of One Direction, right now their the "it" thing, they have also surpassed Justin's sales in record sells, so I can say their in the #1 spot, followed very closely by Justin. He's still very prevalent of course, but not the most popular right now.

  13. How can an unmarried guy have a mistress?

  14. The guy is a former tweener and still almost A-list but not a tweener any longer. Not Bieber. And he's cheated before. Maybe Joe Jonas, if he's almost A-list (???) or Timberlake? Didn't he cheat on someone with Alyssa Milano?

  15. Shouldn't this be "easy easy?"

  16. Shia laDouche? Didn't he just break up with his gf to be with his costar?

  17. Shia laDouche? Didn't he just break up with his gf to be with his costar?

  18. if it's not the Biebs it's Beater Brown
