Monday, December 24, 2012

Blind Item #5

This married A list female celebrity is always telling reporters and interviewers that she wants kids and that she is going to take time off soon to start a family because it is so important to her. She knows it makes her look more human. The thing is she can't stand kids and has never been shy about expressing that to her friends. She says that what she tells the press is her persona and what she believes in real life is none of their business.



  1. Fergie? She's always talking about it, and has been for years.

  2. Jennifer Aniston?

  3. Anne Hathaway. I've seen a ton of "She's ready!" articles this past month in conjunction with her press for "Les Mis".

  4. When did Jennifer Aniston get married?

  5. Fergie's a good guess because it says "celebrity" and not "actress." Maybe singer would have been too obvious? Anyway, she's always being asked about starting a family w/Josh.

  6. jennifer is engaged not married

  7. Jessica Biel said something about kids recently, but I don't think she's A-List.

    And we have to think outside of actresses because it says "celebrity."

  8. Carrie Underwood

  9. biel has said before she doesnt want kids.. I think its good if someone thinks they dont want kids, then they shouldnt have them. I have no problem with that

  10. Probably KimK...she's still married to that dufus... and she's a celebrity, not an actress, singer, or any other talent.

    1. I think if she could manage to get Kanye to knock her up, she'd be over the moon. That makes her more legit with his friends, especially JayZ and Bouncy. Next thing you know, she'll be getting mani/pedis with Paltrow.

  11. Not wanting kids makes you looks 'not human'?

  12. Raspberries. I forgot about the married part. Man I stink at blinds but I want to be a part of the guessing so badly!

  13. I kind of agree with her. Good for her that she says the truth is nobody's business. Not having/wanting kids isn' "politically correct" if you're in the public eye. I don't have or want kids and when I tell that to some people they look at me like I just told I was an alien.

    My guess is Fergie. Also, if Jessica Biel has said she doesn't want kids, that makes me like her (but only a little bit).

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      @hothotheat - Everything you said!

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      @hothotheat - Everything you said!

    3. As a Mom with a lot of friends who are childfree by choice, I have much more respect for people who know themselves and their wants well enough to choose. There re enough "accidental parents" and "hate kids but it is what you are supposed to want parents" out there breeding and then messing up the lives of their kids and those they encounter in life.

      It is nobody's business... But she shouldn't have to lie about it any more than celebrities should have to lie about sexual orientation.

  14. Yes, Fergie is asked about kids in almost every interview although Biel doesn't look very human to me. By the way, tell me I'm not the only one tired of baby bump speculation.

  15. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Wanting kids or not doesn't make someone look more or less human. Who is known as an inhuman bitch?

  16. @mame dennis Yes, to some people not having or wanting kids makes you a selfish being.

    1. Not having or wanting kids doesn't make one inhuman. Those who look down on those who have them or look at kids like they are cockroaches....Those are the ones who look inhuman.

    2. Not having or wanting kids doesn't make one inhuman. Those who look down on those who have them or look at kids like they are cockroaches....Those are the ones who look inhuman.

  17. Coco baby.

    For someone who talks about wanting a family as much as she does she sure as hell isn't doing much to keep her family together, or expand it.

  18. Anne Hathway and Jessica Biel are actresses and have only ever been actresses. We all know better than to think that Enty would refer to either of them or any other actress as a celebrity unless they do reality tv, singing, yada yada anything other than ONLY acting.

  19. I don't get why a celeb doesn't feel comfortable saying, "You know, as wonderful as kids are, I don't think having my own is the right choice for me." I mean, how could that affect their career negatively, especially if they addressed the question in a thoughtful way?

    One of my dearest friends and her hubby are childless by choice and are the kindest, warmest, most giving couple I know. They also like kids, but they just knew that having kids wasn't right for them.

  20. I love kids and I'm glad to be blessed with my boys. However, I can see that women get treated differently because they don't want kids and I feel for them. I say more power to you! It's very responsible, in my opinion, to know that and not bring a child into the world just because you feel you have to. I have a few friends that feel that way and we never expect them to behave any differently. they are great with our kids, but they like them in small doses. :)

  21. I say jenn Anniston hands down... That's why brad Pitt left!!!

  22. I was going to guess Fergie, too...

  23. I can't blame her.
    I'm so bad around children that even my parents have seriously counseled me to never have children. It's not that I don't want kids. I would, but they told me I have zero patience, am too absent-minded and self-centered and have the ability to tune out the world when I'm concentrating on something.

    "You'd probably leave out your soldering iron, wander off, and when the kid burns himself on it, you wouldn't notice the screaming for an hour and then throw a bandage and oil at them and tell them to fix it themself since you're busy in the workshop."

  24. Jen Aniston is not a celebrity, she is an actress.

    But whats up with all the mag covers with her saying she is prego and having twins? They all say "Yes! I'm Pregnant!" but I really don't believe them. Did I miss something? IS Jen preggers?

  25. Can someone compile a list of female celebrities who own cats?

  26. I don't care who this is, but I am glad they are at least honest with themselves, if not the press (and it IS none of their business). I just hate it when a celebrity has a baby just so they can get that People cover.

  27. The actress is correct in saying that what you tell the press is for publicity and what you believe IRL is none of their business.

    It's a practice as old as the film industry.

    I can't get even slightly offended at this blind.

  28. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Forever Aloniston

  29. @Kats Taylor Swift. The ultimate cat lady.

    1. Lol good guess @js! Is she considered a "celebrity"?

  30. I don't wants kids. Not because I think I'd be a shitty parent. I just prefer my life as it is thank you very much. It sometimes feels as though others have to explain this lack of a desire to procreate as a responsible decision made by people whose ambivalence towards children is for want of a better word, abhorrent.

  31. @katsm Cameron Diaz is a cat lover (if not cat owner). Penelope Cruz adopted two street cats years ago. I believe she still had them when she and Javier got together. Despite her stealing my man (Javier), I like her for this.

  32. Celebrity is a blanket word that covers a lot of territory when Enty doesn't want to be pinned down by saying "actress" or "singer".

    That said, my guess is Fergie.

  33. Fergie's a good guess she's in random photos today.

    Merry Xmas-Happy Holidays everyone!

  34. I never wanted kids. I just couldn't find that 20+ years where I would have nothing more to do with my life. Call it selfish but to me that definition fits someone like Octo and Kate Gosselin more. I wouldn't have any living thing I couldn't properly care for - which is why I have no plants or pets. I'm a mess, really. Thanks for all the posts Enty!

  35. @Kats I am about to give up on ever figuring out Enty and who he considers a celebrity, just an actress, just a singer, or both. Although, Taylor has done some films so I suppose she would be considered a celebrity?

    Dear Enty, for Christmas this year I would like a key to help me decode your secret language.

  36. I hate the whole child/childless argument. Parents are breeders, childless people are selfish. WTF ever, you do what you want with your womb, and I'll do what I want with mine.

    My only exception to this rule is the Duggards. Their whole "Quiverful" thing says that people who don't have kids (or who use birth control) are sinners & won't be going to heaven. For Christmas, I'm giving them a big box of STFU!

    Ah, what a lovely thought on Christmas Eve, celebrating the birth of the most famous baby ever... I should be in a better mood but I had to go the store for some last minute things and I was positive I died and gone to Hades.

  37. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Oh DBZee, I love you! That cracked me up. ^_^

  38. I had my daughter early, she's grown up now, and I very much enjoy my freedom. I'd just say I didn't want kids. Maybe it's GaGa, she's an alien trying to pass herself off as human, that entrance via egg ship gave it away.

  39. Whomever this is, I understand why she feels she has to say one thing publicly in this particular situation--as others have mentioned, there's definitely still the attitude that childless people, women in particular, are too selfish, but they'll be sorry when they're old and don't have anyone, oh yes they will**...thankfully, most of my social circles are a lot more progressive than that, but I definitely still get whiffs of it on the breeze in the world at large. AHEM: Not everyone wants kids; not everyone can have kids; sometimes life just doesn't work out the way you thought it would, and sometimes it's a combination of factors. *raises hand* It's none of the general public's business which one or more might apply in any given case, so don't get pissy if people lie to you about that kind of thing, because you brought it on yourself by demanding they (verbally at least) toe your line of acceptability. *sigh* OK, getting off soapbox now...

    **Sometimes I wonder if the most strident "breeders"--I use the term here as a pejorative strictly for those who get obnoxious, not for your ordinary live-and-let-live parent--are trying as much as anything to convince themselves that they made the right choice in having kids...

    1. Can I give you a hug for all of this ^^ ?

      Also, thank [deity] my mother got herself a puppy and declared "this is all the grand baby I need for now"...

    2. Co-sign all the way!
      I wanted kids, but I have two autoimmune diseases that killed that dream. I keep women who have kids at a distance because I get judged by them A LOT, as if its their biz anyway. Even when I explain to them that this wasnt my choice, they look at me as if I'm lying.
      Men are so lucky--they never have to explain themselves to anyone
      BTW anyone who thinks kids are a protection against future lonelinesss needs to take a trip to a nursing home and listen to the residents. Seriously, if you want to stave off loneliness youre better off with a pet.

  40. Merry Christmas... And here's a bonus BI, straight out of the AGC BI Rehash page of December:

    "Which A/B-list comedic actor who got his start on that sitcom with a cult following was caught off hand when he was spotted by an amateur paparazzo at Toronto's Gay Pride Parade? Money exchanged hands and the pictures seemingly disappeared... but later surfaced on a now-defunct website. This was the year before the actor appeared in the two films which he is best known for."

    It's a very easy one:

    Michael Cera: got his start on Arrested Development, from Toronto, appeared in Superbad and Juno in 2007.

  41. I dunno, CL... the last time I was awake at 5AM on Christmas Day was with a very eager toddler, and I was awake at 5AM today because of a very needy cat. Little turd yowling at 5AM because no one is petting him!

    @Kowalski - :)

  42. For whatever reason, I read this as Kim Kardashian.

  43. For whatever reason, I read this as Kim Kardashian.

  44. I have a child whom I adore, but I personally think having kids is the selfish choice. There are too many people for this little planet to support. Not having kids - or certainly having no more than the 'replacement level' of one or two - is the more selfless, humanistic, and environmentally responsible choice.

  45. Anonymous8:39 AM

    @nutty......I agree. When I discuss mykids future with them I always add "if u choose" to have children of your own, and not "when u have children ". I don't want it ingrained into their subconscious that has to be done at some point.

  46. @angela Thanks for the blind, but not sure what the scandal is. TO Pride, much like any Pride in a big city, is attended by all sorts of people, not just gays. Unless of course he was holding hands or kissing his boyfriend in the middle of the street (that goes on ALOT at Pride and its wonderful) then I say good for him.

  47. Anonymous1:41 PM

    wasnt' there an awful blind about a husband who really wanted kids and the wife pretended she did too but was taking all measures to not concieve? the popular guess was fergie iirc

  48. John Krasinski & Emily Blunt

  49. Sorry to crush the popular guess, but I happen to know for a fact that this is not Fergie. We have a mutual friend, I have met her on several occasions and been in a more private setting with her and Josh a few times, and she is excellent with children (my own included) and very interactive/interested, as was he (amazing).
