Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blind Item #5

This almost A list celebrity just got married. No pre-nup. She said she would leave him if he asked her to sign one. His family doesn't know yet because he told his family that she did sign one. She made it clear that she wanted to be married before this next huge moneymaker.


  1. Kim K and Kayne? I hope not.

  2. Cacee and Donald? If we consider Cacee a celeb, that is.

  3. Drew Barrymore? Not sure which one is A list (almost)

  4. Lively and reynolds. I don't care for her but maybe beingbin a sxorcese film.made her almost a?

  5. if she doesn't want to sign that prenup it is sign to dump the chick.

  6. "she wanted to be married before this next huge moneymaker"... Are we talking about a movie here?

  7. Biel is a good guess. Strike mine.

  8. Has to be RR and BL

  9. Blake and Ryan. I think its the guy who's almost A list. No way does Biel have enough power in that relationship to pull that.

  10. Could moneymaker = baby? As in Blake and Ryan?

  11. What is the "next huge moneymaker"? A sure fire blockbuster? A hit record? Timberlake is not likely to have a box office hit out, but if he is planning another album, or a reunion album with his old band, that could count. But is Beil really almost A list? Well, she was on the cover of people so that could count.

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  13. It can't be Blake & Ryan or Jessica & Justin because the blind says his family doesn't know they're married yet.

    Everyone knows.

    1. @Phoenix,

      The part about the family not knowing yet is about them not knowing there isn't a prenup, I think.

  14. I think it's the husband who is being referred to as almost A list, not the woman.

  15. Phoenix- I think they mean his family doesn't know she didn't sign a prenup.

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  17. The family doesn't know there was no prenup, since the guy has lied to them. I'm guessing it is someone who comes from money. I think Ryan Reynolds comes from a normal, run of the mill family (meaning not loaded), so I don't think it is them.

  18. I read years ago that RR has money due to stock investment success. At the time, the story was his lawyers were all over Scarlett to sign a pre-nup over it.

  19. @Gypsy, Enty's grammar is so ambiguous. I guess it's an element of writing blinds.

    In that case, I still don't think it's Ryan or Justin because neither has a history of "huge moneymakers". Justin probably comes closest for his role in The Social Network, but that was just luck by association because he's not that big of a box office draw on his own.

    1. I know. I've studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Chinese, but Entyese does not follow any grammatical pattern. Can I get an amen? And, maybe a comma on occasion? ;) Happy holidays everyone!

  20. Um, Hugh Hefner? The only reason he came to mind is someone above said maybe the "next huge moneymaker" is a baby (to guarantee even more money?)

  21. Not that they just got married but it made me think it's Nick Lachey, Vanness Minillo and Jessica Simpson being the unmarried money maker.

  22. justin timberlake has a history of huge moneymakers.. with all of his nsync and solo albums. there are rumors that he's working on a new one right now... from huff post:

    Last month, Showbiz 411 reported that Timberlake has been working on a "hush-hush" new album. The album, which may have “many more than a dozen new tracks,” could be ready for the first quarter of 2013 on Sony’s RVA label.

  23. You can all bet your asses that Justin Timberlake was hammering out his pre-nup from the time he placed that ugly ass ring on Jessica's hand.

  24. Ryan Reynolds did voice in an animated movie coming out called The Croods. Those family movies usually do really well. I don't see anything on Timberlake's IMDB coming up that looks like it will be huge. Unless of course he's working on an album.

    And the family THINKS she signed a prenup, but don't know that she didn't really.

    I think it's Lively/Reynolds. They got engaged and married really quickly.

    1. And The Proposal was one of the highest grossing that year. Granted, a few years ago...

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  28. Anonymous11:20 AM

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  29. Somehow I can't see Ryan falling for that. Remember he's supposed to be the controlling one. I can't see Blake wield that much power over him.
    LOL @ Shitty Bangs Biel @Reeses!

  30. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Definitely thinking Biel and Timberlake here. She definitely seems like the type to wear the pants and demand that there be no prenup. Isn't that what their marriage is about, money and p.r?

  31. Anonymous11:34 AM

    the part i'm stuck on is "celebrity". that would rule out rr&bl right? if it's justin and the next big thing is an album, ERMAHGERD!!!

  32. Ok, I'm just looking at this from another perspective here.

    What if the A list celebrity is the one with all the cash, and the husband wants a pre-nup in order to get his chunk of it when the marriage ends?

    my guess:

    Jessica Simpson for the A list celebrity
    Eric Johnson for the husband
    next huge moneymaker: the next baby and WeightWatchers Round 2

    1. According to the blind the A lister is the male with the money that the female is angling for. The blind would need to be rearranged a lot to fit Jessica.

  33. It says the family doesn't know that she didn't sign the pre-nup, they know they're married.........

    There were big fights when Jessica and her sperm donor met at the lawyers for the pre-nup....

  34. I think Ryan and Timberlake are both A list.

    When I think almost A list but with a big money makers in the past and coming up..

    Chris Hemsworth hasn't been married that long, Thor 2 and Avengers 2 are both coming up and will be big money makers.

    I'd call him almost A list at this point.

  35. Sorry @CJ, no way is Eric Johnson the one insisting on a prenup from Jessica Simpson. The A list celeb is definitely the man, and he has all the money. The wife is just a whoever.

  36. Beil & Timberlake otherwise known as the other Justin.

  37. Who is the other other Justin then?

  38. @Amy,

    Bieber maybe?

  39. how about Will and Kate?????? as in royalty.?? he's worth a ton, next moneymaker being the heir

    1. No way any details escaped the queen. If the queen wants a pre-nup she will have it or no wedding.

  40. Ronnie Wood-50 Aniversary of The Rolling Stones soon.

  41. Maybe I'm having a brain fart....I cannot figure out if the almost A list celebrity is the bride or the groom.

  42. I'm with you, CJ - Simpson & her guy, "next big thing" would be her pregnant belly.


  44. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I'm with @Chaparra. Ronnie Wood just got married.

  45. Anonymous1:41 PM

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  46. In what world is a Rolling Stone not A list? It's a fabulous guess otherwise, but if the Rolling Stones or even just any Rolling Stone is not A list, someone as their alphabet jackass backwards. I think it's Dnaldson/ Cobb. He was big on scrubs, almost a list for tv?

  47. What about jack Osbourne? It says celebrity, not ctor, singer, etc. and that's usually a clue. Plus, his family is very involved in his life and he is about to embark on next chapter of whatever it is he does, because he was fired from that NBC show. Next gig or baby or selling wedding /baby pix= gig?!

  48. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Iwas thinking timberlake because he Is close to his mom. But Jack Osborne fits too.

  49. Queen Elizabeth probably knew the status of Kate's last gyno exam before the wedding, much less the status of the pre-nup.

  50. Woods and his new bride. And I can't believe a Rolling Stone would be this stupid.

    "18 years, 18 years
    She got one of yo' kids, got you for 18 years"

    Now I ain't sayin' she's a goldigger...

  51. The unusual factor here is the family involvement. That means the groom is either from inherited wealth, or he is older with kids who would be concerned about a new wife without a prenup.

    Hugh Hefner and Ronnie Wood are good guesses ...

  52. Next big moneymaker - the Stones are about to go on tour...

  53. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Isn't a refusal to sign a prenup grounds for walking papers? Wow, I can't imagine trying to protect myself financially andmy fiance being indignant about it......:-(

  54. @PS
    Ronnie Wood was a B-list Rolling Stone for a very long time.
    He joined the band in 1975 but he was on pay, not a member of the partnership. It's only after Bill Wyman (who played bass) left the band that he joined the partnership and started to receive an equal share of the earnings for records and concerts.

    Remember that Mick Jagger is a very astute businessman and that Wood had been erratic for most of his time with the Stones (while he was consistently amazing with The Faces or on the early Rod Stewart albums). Wood was deprived of his share of the money, as he would have spent it on drugs and other stuff, but they had to let him be a full time member when Bill left.
    Jagger and Richards gave him a few credits for songs on the albums, which was a difference with the guy he replaced, Mick Taylor, whose contributions were almost always denied in the official credits (and songwriting rights).

    But Ronnie Wood is definitely B-list.

  55. T Lex -- I think you're right about the family clue hinting at someone older with wealth they're trying to protect. And it's also probably accurate to say both Hugh Hefner and Ronnie Wood are "almost A list" -- to some they're very well known, to others, the name is sort of familiar until it all clicks when really put the name with Playboy or Rolling Stones.

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  57. This is Wood and Sally Humphreys. One of his kids was interviewed in the UK tabs a few weeks ago talking about how Ron has mismanaged his wealth in the past and how that affected the family, esp his other kids as they were dependent on him financially (still! as adults)...he said the family likes the new wife but expected a tight pre-nup to be in place.

    Surprise surprise kids! She'll be knocked up within a year.

  58. Anonymous5:42 PM

    There is no such thing as a.simple blind. Blinds are ambiguous for a reason....

  59. I'm with the Ron Wood/Sally Humphreys guess. Anyone in the Stones is A list or just about. Aren't the Stone's gearing up for another tour?

  60. Wood is the Stone who had a Brazilian girlfriend for a couple of years. From what I'm reading online his family thought she was a gold digger and the relationship didn't last.

    Sometimes when men get older they act just like teenagers. I'm guessing, if this is Wood, that he lied because his family was so against the girlfriend before this one.

    And he may find himself singing Kanye's refrain.

  61. And in my opinion, is related to this blind:

  62. @Chaparra

    I think you're right.

  63. I pray Timberlake isn't that stupid...
