Monday, December 17, 2012

Blind Item #5

This celebrity had a falling out with his all movie actress sister and says the pair have been "intimate" in the past when she was going through a drug phase.


  1. Seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.

  2. ...if she was going through a drug phase, that might explain HER actions. What's YOUR excuse, guy?

  3. Her brother is not a celebrity

    1. Ditto...I was thinking Jake/Maggie

  4. Her brother's an actor, & "famous" for kissing her at the Oscars.

  5. Julia and Eric Roberts?

  6. Obviously looks to be Angie and James Haven. But I don't know, I'm feeling very Ron Burgandy about this one for some reason: "What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? I'm not even mad; that's amazing."

  7. Its not Angelina. She's done tv. This is Julia Roberts.

  8. Julia Roberts was on Law & Order when she was dating Benjamin Bratt.

  9. This seriously grosses me out. Way to go all Targaryen Hollywood!
    Jake and Maggie Gyllenhal

    1. LOL! Love the GoT reference! This is so Circe and Jamie!

    2. That would be Lannister, actually, although I think the Targaryens went in for that too.

    3. That would be Lannister, actually, although I think the Targaryens went in for that too.

    4. Not to nerd out on you, but Jamie justified his and cersei's love because targaryens married their siblings :)

    5. Not to nerd out on you, but Jamie justified his and cersei's love because targaryens married their siblings :)

    6. Haha yes! I love my fellow CDNA nerds<3
      This could work with either the Targaryen's or Jamie and Cersi.

    7. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Game of Thrones. X

  10. Do TV Movies (ala Gia) count as TV or does TV mean a regular TV show/series??? What is the Enty rule on that????

    Because Angelina has done TV movies but never appeared on a show like Julia Roberts with Law and Order.

  11. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Warren Beatty, you really are so vain. Like John Cusack, you will say anything to stay relevant.

  12. Julia Roberts was on Friends also. And I don't think she went through a drug phase. Leave my Julia alone!!

    1. I really don't get the Julia vitriol here.

  13. I thought Jake and Maggie.

  14. Angelina's brother is not a celebrity

  15. Heres a link that has all celebrity siblings...

  16. Angelina Jolie does have TV movie credits. The most famous is that "Gia" movie she did for cable.

  17. It sounds like Angie but her brother is not really a celebrity but then again, who else could it be? Wait it could be Kim K! She has done movies! Lol!

  18. Shirley McClain and Warren Beatty.

    1. They're brother/sister? Had no idea!

  19. If it's Angie, Brad doesn't like having James Haven around..

  20. OMFG! Can the "she was in TV once upon a time, even if she's only been in movies for the last 5 to 10 years" Nazis please let it go?!? Every GD time Enty posts an "all movie actor/actress" blind, you all jump out and scream like pissy little five-year-olds.

    Most actors have done some sort of TV at some point. Hell, does a Barbara Walters interview ruin their "all movie" status because that's on ABC?

    Clooney is "all movie." So is Angelina Jolie.

    This rant is now officially over.

  21. Anonymous11:54 AM

    James Haven is admittedly gay, so how would he be interested in doing things with his sister Angelina? I'm thinking Eric and Julia Roberts. Enty's hinted at him (in blinds at least, so who knows?)having an inappropriate relationship with his daughter Emma.

  22. UGH I just had them all typed out but I just went through EVERY actress on the list that I linked and the only one who has not done tv is Maggie.

  23. Give me a sec, I'm calibrating my "celebrity" translator... tuning the antennae to "blind item" and... switching language to "bullshit" setting...ah, yes! Here we go:

    Angelina isn't speaking to me anymore and my career never really got off the ground so times are tough. I mean, yeah, I got some of mom's money, but Dad and I have a fragile peace right now, you know? So, I basically have to sell dirt on my sis to get by and, if I don't have anything legit to peddle, I'll just make up something that's plausible. She's acknowledged her past drug use and everyone saw us kiss, so I'll ride the incest rumor to the bank for a quick buck. It's not like it really happened, and obviously, I look like a bigger perv b/c she was on drugs but what was MY excuse, you know? Soooo... I gotta run to the bank.

  24. OT: the Westboro Church is going to protest at the Sandy Hook funerals. Fuckers.

    1. Sign the petition on that is trying to strip them of their tax exempt status and show those fuckers what's up.

  25. Brandy was moesha.

    Sleazy angelina. I thought her brother was a born again christian and married to a woman. That miggt inspire the confessing. Besides he might have been bisexual like angelina herself.

  26. My real guess is Angie and James. She's done tv ("Gia"), but is considered an "all movie" actress these days.

  27. again an old rumor on Angelina Jolie and James Haven?

  28. Oh my god- I'm repulsed and intrigued at the same time!!!

  29. Most people know that his name is James Haven and that he's Angie's brother and Jon Voit's son. Since when is name recognition alone not enough to be in some sort of class of celebrity -- especially when you come from a Hollywood dynasty?

  30. Right @Amy. Who isn't a 'celebrity' these days?

  31. I like NomNom's answer.

  32. Julia did have a drug phase in the early 90s and she is estranged from Eric.

  33. I was thinking Jake and Maggie Gyllenhal as well.

  34. To be even sicker, what about the Ribisis? They're frickin twins.

  35. Still don't buy the Angie/Brother thing, they just seemed drunk and affectionate, not in love/sexing it up.

    No idea who it is though, I only whine about other ppl's guesses xD

  36. Believe it or not, James Haven has acting and producing credits so he counts as a celebrity. I'm not buying it being them unless he is really desperate to get his name out there. Just to be weird, how about Alexis and Patricia Arquette?

  37. @Mango: You can sign a petition to have their tax status exempt and reclassified as a hate group:

    its not much, but they are disgusting and use their "church" as their family's tax shelter.

  38. Did Maggie have a drug phase? If so it's her and Jake.

    If not then the usual suspects.

  39. when was maggie on drugs?

  40. This is not angie. Based on previous blinds on this siteis Joaquin Phoenix and his sister Rain. They were raised in a cult which does not frown on this behavior. And they both went through drug issues.

  41. Brooklyngirl I'm with you it is Joaquin Phoenix and Sister Rain...

  42. Jakie G is gay. That doesn't mean he likes to screw his sister.

  43. @Erin, THANK YOU!! The comments on nearly every blind have some variation on the "all movie" nitpick, sometimes I want to scream your exact words at my screen. I think Enty should have some sort of sticky post, or add the same all movie/all TV qualifier to his blinds.

    I hate to veer so far off-topic, but if any of the commenters live in or around Newtown, I think someone should put the call out for volunteers to form a human wall around those funerals. Westboro Baptist is a pathetic excuse for a "church" that perpetuates hatred, bigotry, and violence, and it's pure evil to subject grieving parents to their garbage, even more so when their children have died in such a horrific way.
    If I were anywhere near Connecticut (sadly, I'm in Ohio), I would be at each and every funeral, attempting to shield those poor families.

  44. @Mango and Elissa
    OT: Westboro
    I just posted this on my FB today: Anonymous has gone after the Westboro Baptist Pieces of SHIT. I wish I could be part of a human wall against those monsters

  45. @Sunny, I wish I could be there, too! If ever there were a time to stand up and be counted, THIS is it.

    Thanks for the link! Here are a couple that I've been finding comfort in:

  46. Elissa - thank you for the links! Great reminders that we have to keep going and doing good in this world

    OT: Westboro
    Thanks for the tip! I just signed the petition. This link may take folks directly to the petition to revoke Westboro's tax exempt status and to re-classify them as a hate group. You have to create an account, but it's super easy

  47. Just for the record, Angelina's brother is a model and does have some hollywood credits (I know for sure he was on CSI in an episode about vampires) so technically, he is a celebrity

  48. Giovanni and Marisa Ribisi


    Joaquin and Rain Phoenix

  49. I doubt it's the Ribisi siblings; I think Enty would describe him as an "actor", and his sister has a surprising number of TV credits, according to IMDB.

    Joaquin Phoenix WOULD be considered a "celebrity", since he's known for more than his acting, and Rain only has 3 TV credits--according to IMDB--the last of which was a movie in 2001. Plus, Joaquin seems a little mentally unstable, so a revelation like this wouldn't be so surprising coming from him. So, yeah, I'm going with the Phoenixes.

  50. Thank you, Erin. I needed that.

  51. @katiedean
    Sorry - didn't see I duped your comment. Thanks for posting :)

  52. Ashley and Merle Olsen

  53. I'm going to guess Joaquin and Rain Phoenix. I feel like I've read something about them in the past, living together like husband and wife at one point.



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