Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blind Item #4

This B list very exotic and my former crush all movie actress has told her friends that when the press tour ends for the movie she starred in with in her mind boyfriend that she will have him proposing to her. Forced to be by her side for a couple of weeks thinks will convince him. He is dreading it because he thinks she is unstable.


  1. Mendes and Gosling?

  2. the blind says, "in her mind boyfriend."

    eva mendes is the actual girlfriend of gosling. so, that doesn't work.

    that said, I have no idea.

  3. New movie coming out with a female star that wants her costar. What movies are currently having press tours?

  4. I think the Eva Mendes guess is good...she's the only one w/ a movie coming out that could be considered "exotic." Maybe their relationship is not what it appears.

  5. Eva isn't in a movie with Gosling that is coming out, though. I doubt this would be her. Plus, they have been dating for awhile, much longer than the length of a press tour.

    1. Actually, they did. Beyond the Pines.

  6. The only crush I recall Enty having is with some Princess, who probably doesn't do movies. Who else has he formerly liked?

    1. All I can think of now is that princess, like you said, and Malin Ackerman, who doesn't fit.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Also, it really irks me when one describes a person of a different ethnicity as "exotic". Last I knew, she was a beautiful Latina woman who was born and raised in America, not the jungles of South America.

    1. You really have so much time on your hands that. You find something that innocuous to be "irked" about? Get over it and grow up!

    2. You really have so much time on your hands that. You find something that innocuous to be "irked" about? Get over it and grow up!

    3. PuggleWug is right. Calling a person who is other than white 'exotic' is 'othering' at its finest. bugs the shit out of me.

    4. Labeling someone "exotic" can mean any number of things. I.e. eye shape, hair color, that "it" factor that is indescribable. It isn't meant as a negative remark. It can mean anything under the sun. Sheesh!

    5. I completely agree with PW. It's a word from a different era when "white" was the default "normal". Enty and certain commenters need to educate themselves ... Or GROW UP in their own words.


    7. Jmo- when i hear the word exotic, i think beautiful mysterious woman. I dont think non-white at all. I would love to be called exotic, but with red hair and blue eyes, it wont be happening, lol. However, now that i have read its offensive to my friends, i will be careful not to use to describe a non white person.

  8. Gosling and Mendes ARE coming out with "The place behind the Pines" in a few weeks. Pretty sure this is them.

  9. I think this is Eva and Ryan too. They are starring together in The Place Beyond The Pines due out in March. They started dating while filming it. I think the trailer was recently released.

  10. I'm American Pie, born on the Fourth of July and I get described as exotic. :)

  11. Marisa Tomei in Parental Guidance?

  12. It say he is "in her mind boyfriend". Howling and Mended actually have been dating. Mended has been introduced to his family, has gone to his mother's graduation. The relationship doesn't seem one sided at all. Also, I wouldn't call Mendes B list. Maybe C list, but I'm being nice here.

    1. Howling=Gosling.
      I hate autocorrect

  13. @PuggleWuggle you're clearly not understanding the definition of "exotic" -- striking, mysteriously different. And that's directly from Merriam Webster. It's not derogatory. Eva is unique looking, definitely exotic. She stands out from the crowds.

  14. Now that you mention the movie, The Place Beyond the Pines, I think this could be Ryan and Eva. I saw the trailer yesterday, the acting looks good even if the story looks depressing. A friend wanted to see Jack Reacher. It wasn't terrible. Cruise should just focus on movies that have no love interest. He seems completely asexual.

  15. And yes, Gosling + eva's movie is coming out in April.

  16. Ryan and Eva are actually a couple. Not just in her mind. Besides if we believe the blind from yesterday, Ryan and Eva broke up and he's all up in Emma Stone's business.

    1. I agree, Sugar. You wouldn't bring a woman, who in her mind is dating you, to hang out with your family.

  17. Emma Stone should stick with Andrew Garfield. The two of them look really sweet together. Ryan, as watchable as he is (and he definitely is) is probably on the Leo path. Hopefully Emma is smart enough to see that.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      @elizabeth i think that is what enty means by "in her mind". they might be together in public but he's creepin with other women

  18. Enty crushes on Marisa Tomei, so good one, @CJ

  19. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Eva and Ryan ftw. She sure looks unstable, she's got a bad case of the bitchface.

  20. @Elizabeth You think Ryan Gosling is becoming a modelizer?

  21. AB, it was simply my opinion, I don't expect everyone to agree with it. You found the time in your busy schedule to essentially insult me, so I am not sure you have much room to speak. If you disagree with my opinion, I am fine with that. It did not warrant such a reply though.

    1. I didn't understand the vitriol, either. Nice should matter! Merry whatever you celebrate. Don't let the meanies get you down.

    2. The thing is, you were right. I really don't understand people freaking out over it.

  22. I think Ryan will have many opportunities with women, he may not choose models, but if a man is as monogamous as his opportunities, Ryan Gosling is probably not a safe bet. I'm sure he is quite charmed by Emma, I just hope Emma would be smart enough not to lose the stable nice guy because she had some hot nights with Ryan. As for Eva, who knows but I would be very surprised if she was able to close Gosling.

  23. I think it's Eva and Rosling. There was once a pic posted of her in her bathing suit and Ent made a comment about how hot she is. I didn't know who she was at the time, so this sticks out because she got in my radar as a result.

  24. I agree with Unknown. Eva=bitchface.

  25. Wasn't Enty crushing hard on Halle in the past? But I can't imagine Olivier having the mindset to think her unstable: pot ----> meet kettle.

  26. Jamie Lynn Sigler, Meadow from the Sopranos, wasn't she the big crush?

  27. He also had a crush on the daughter from.the Sopranos.

  28. He has talked about crushing on Eva in the past. Remember it was around the time he told the story about her strutting around Starbucks I believe.

  29. He has talked about crushing on Eva in the past. Remember it was around the time he told the story about her strutting around Starbucks I believe.

  30. just to be different - Winona Ryder exotic looking with her big eyes, movie being Homefront mind boyfriend James Franco

  31. some people need to get their dictionary out...if they even own one...

  32. can anyone read anymore????? it says he's her BF "IN HER MIND."

    it's NOT someone who's together. it's an actress who WANTS to be with the actor she just co-starred with, and he thinks she's nuts.

  33. "In her mind boyfriend" could mean she is very serious about their relationship, whereas he considers he to be a brief fling. Or it could mean he is/has been cheating.

  34. Gosling and Mendes always are together and Emma Stone again is with Andrew Garfield

  35. Puggle - I like both of them but still thought "Howling and Mended" was the best typo here. :)

    I've been called "exotic" quite a bit, with very dark and medium skin. I've been mistaken for Greek, Italian, Indian, Latino, Spanish, etc. The term kind of makes me laugh because I always think "exotic" applies to gorgeous Brazilian women. (Damn, now that I think about it, never been mistaken for a Brazilian. Grr.)

    I get it about the "otherness," though - I'm just so used to it that it doesn't cross my radar. When my youngest was a blond-haired, blue-eyed baby, someone at the library asked if I was his nanny. I laughed so hard I think she thought I was a bit off my rocker. Offering to show her my c/s stitches probably didn't help. :b

  36. *very dark hair and medium skin

    My typos aren't nearly as good as Puggles'!

  37. Rooney Mara, Jude Law; Side Effects (forced to be by her side = side effects.)

  38. Enty def crushed on Eva, he was disappointed in her behavior that he revealed in a blind awhile ago, like Brittanie said.

    Also, she sposedly was in rehab after a miscarriage brought on by a coke bender so I can see where someone would be concerned about her stability.

    Mebbe she bearding? I don't get gaydar from Gosling, but then again I dont get much from him, period.

  39. Clearly it isn't her, but I'd love for this to be LiLo and Charlie Sheen.

  40. Who's the one seeing Brad Cooper? Tip of my tongue... Avatar girl...

  41. Like other posters have stated, I think some people here should open a dictionary to find out the meaning of a word before spouting off. Just because you use it incorrectly...

    Subscribe to Word of the Day from It's very helpful, imo.

  42. A lot of people use "exotic" to mean "beauty that's outside the typical looks of the average Anglo-Saxon person" -- that's how I believe Enty uses it here.

    DBZee - The best part of the "Howling and Mended" typos is the way it landed on my page, "Howling" was right beside Pugglewug's doggie avatar! Pretty awesome typos, by the way!

  43. Thought of Kate Bosworth--2 different colored eyes, Blue Crush, and in some movie coming out with some guy named Michael Polish, will be shown at Sundance next month.

  44. enty has named Jennifer Love Hewitt as a crush in a previous reveal... the all movie part doesn't fit, but the rest does.

  45. I know what exotic means. Like others have said, I see it as a form of "othering". I know it wasn't used as an insult, I was just stating my thoughts on it!

  46. @pug you're allowed to feel however you want even if not everyone agrees. I just hope that you dont take offense from people using the word who had no intention of offending you. Especially remembering that different areas may have different uses for a word. I see your point but I prefer to view "exotic" as a compliment meaning out of the ordinary (MY ordinary which may not be someone else's ordinary) and mysteriously beautiful. I feel like its usually something about the eyes.

  47. Am I allowed to say I get a twinge of jealousy every time I see someone described as exotic, because I have zero chances of being referred to as such?
    (Green eyes, strawberry blonde, irish skin...)

    Also, I've seen Olivia Wilde described as exotic because of her eyes...

  48. Kat, I don't take offense at all. I was just saying how I felt. I didn't realize the comment would get the reaction it did.

  49. @pug it seems trolls specifically targeted CDaN on Christmas bc it's new user names and it's just too many to pop up randomly all of a sudden.

  50. Tell you what, I'm lily white and if someone referred to me as exotic, I'd be psyched - its a huge compliment as far as I'm concerned...
