Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blind Item #4

This former A list television actor and now just a guy living off his millions was at an event the other night and was shocked because he was wearing really heavy makeup. The actor said that he had tried to pick up a woman who was about half his age and she had told him old he was and that he never used to hear that when he was on television so decided to try the makeup route. He went a little overboard on it. It also stained his shirt by the end of the night. The thing is, he is not that old. Maybe he is wearing it for other reasons?


  1. So this actor was shocked that he was wearing such heavy makeup on himself?

  2. OMG! I am wearing a shocking amount of makeup this evening!

  3. Does anyone think Enty cuts and pastes and that's what makes the grammer so messed up when he makes a mistake?

  4. He's not that old must mean someone in his 40s because anyone younger and this would be a different kind of blind item. Former A lister tv actors who we don't hear about who might be vain enough to try this....

    Richard Grieco FTW!!! Hahaha. No really I got nothin.

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I don't really understand this. Why would he be shocked that he himself was wearing makeup? Per the blind, wasn't that his idea to get younger chicks? Can someone please translate?

  6. katsm0711, before you rag on Enty's "grammer", you may want to check your spelling.

    1. @paris I only correct my grammEr if it's an iphone autocorrect that makes it confusing. I am very aware that my posts are usually embarrassingly long as it is and I think it's annoying to clog up the comments section with "oops I meant THE not th" bc people are smart enough to know that already. Sorry I didn't know grammar has an a in it so shoot me. You still understand what I said. Now go after all the people before me who have commented on Enty's odd wording.

    2. Well said, katsm0711. You shouldn't be attacked for pointing out the obvious: this blind is sloppily written to the point that it doesn't make a lot of sense.

      I have said it before and I will say it again; There is nothing wrong with providing constructive criticism to a professional about their work. Enty is not exempt from this just because you really like him.

    3. Well said, katsm0711. You shouldn't be attacked for pointing out the obvious: this blind is sloppily written to the point that it doesn't make a lot of sense.

      I have said it before and I will say it again; There is nothing wrong with providing constructive criticism to a professional about their work. Enty is not exempt from this just because you really like him.

  7. David Schwimmer was the first name that came to mind

  8. I thought of James Spader. Maybe because it always seemed like he would wear makeup.

  9. It's probably not the answer but I pictured Jerry Seinfeld saying, "What's up with all this makeup I have on? What's the deal with that?"

  10. At first, I thought Charlie Sheen. Then I remembered Anger Management.

  11. Maybe katsm0711 meant Kelsey Grammer ;)

  12. Actor has no game.

  13. Same here, O'Reilly. Plus, I don't think Charlie a) cares what he looks like; and b) will ever go without companionship because he prefers to pay for it and that's always available.

    Enty, do you cut and paste these blinds or what? Half the time they are incomprehensible.

  14. @Seachica, that's what I thought too. Schwimmer.

    The blind really doesn't make a lot of sense, though.

  15. Schwimmer has been directing, hasn't he?

    I say Hasselhoff.

  16. I thought Schwimmer got married? Not that that would mean he wouldn't be trying to pick people up - but I was thinking maybe Piven?

  17. Edit: Sorry; I meant "O'Really."

  18. one of the friends guys? Not sure if they are up to anything any more... in terms of millions in the bank, they are the ones I thought of.

  19. I think Enty meant "everyone" was shocked...

  20. "Maybe he is wearing it for other reasons?" <--- to cover, say, meth face?

    i picture someone keifer sutherland/charlie sheen-ish in age...mid-late 40s/early 50s...former/current drug user not quite at mid-life crisis stage who can't accept he no longer looks 30, but might be just wee enough delusional to think normal folk couldn't tell he's wearing m/u, etc. hmmm.

    thinking cap ON.

  21. Bwahaha, Cheryl! Awesome Seinfeld impersonation!

  22. Ruh roh. Someone's going to unleash the Angry Katsmonster.

  23. I like the pervy Piv guess.

  24. @Cheryl - for some odd reason, I thought of Jerry Seinfeld in makeup and it staining his white puffy shirt, LOL.

  25. I'd love to say Ron Perlman, but the makeup probably wasn't that heavy.

  26. The Hoff is actually 60. Not that 60 is ancient, for any sexogenarians out there, but I would not call 60 "not that old." This is probably an actor in the 40-50 range.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I think Enty would have stated if the actor is married. It would add more sleeze factor to it. If it's a single guy, that would rule out Schwimmer & Spader.

  29. I took it to mean that he put a lot on because he has no idea how to do it, make-up artists always did it for him.

    And has no one put make-up on and then went to different lighting and realized you had way too much blush or foundation on?????

  30. I just looked up the piv on imdb -- he is 47 years old?! I always thought he was in his late 30s. Ewww

  31. @katsm: that doesn't account for his then/than confusion or the use of "everyday" instead of "every day". That shit drives me insane!!

    I was thinking Charlie Sheen for the blind.

  32. Not Piven-he's been in London making the miniseries "Mr. Selfridge."

    I'm leaning more towards Schwimmer on this one.

  33. LOL! You guys are hysterical! :)

  34. Schwimmer's married

  35. @ Cheryl - You are on FIRE!

    There are a couple of words missing in the post and it's oddly worded. Maybe Enty wrote it too quickly?

  36. I know David Schwimmer. He wouldn't do that.

  37. I think enty often types too fast and doesn't proofread. I still enjoy making fun of him though ;)

  38. "And she had told him old he was."

    Was this woman Yoda?

    1. @Jason, HAHA. Old fart, you are. Never have sex with you, I would.

  39. I know the clues do not fit, but Lainey has pictures of Leo D at his movie premier and it looks like he has pancake all over his face.

  40. @Jason...Yoda's younger sister maybe.

  41. LoL @ Jason

    Very bizarre wording throughout.

    I like the Hoff guess, he seems to lack the self awareness to know his age and whether or not he was wearing too much makeup until he was out of the house

  42. Translation: ex-TV actor with no current show and lots of money shows up to party wearing gobs of makeup. Everyone is shocked because it's so obvious. He explains to someone(s) that it was an attempt to look younger, because some twenty-something girl he failed to pick up had told him how old he looked in person. Which didn't happen when he was on TV (must be recently enough that it surprised him when he couldn't pick her up as he did others her age when he was still on TV.)
    However, Entward casts doubt on the rationale the actor gave. Implying that there is another reason he was wearing makeup. This could be due to a couple different things - to hide something physical such as scarring, bruising, or surgery lines - or because the actor likes makeup and is either inclined toward cross-dressing or something else.
    Either way, it was apparently an embarrassing episode for the actor since the makeup was so blatantly obvious and rubbing off on clothing.

    As for the actor? Look for 40-50 y.o. Not currently on a show, doesn't look that old... Might be wearing makeup for different reason.

  43. Why am I hearing the song Tragedy by the Bee Gees while reading this post?

  44. Dafuq did I just read? Proofreading is your friend, dude.

  45. I agree no one can have such bad grammEEEEEr as this blind shows.. i think it's a copy paste jumble.. or really really really good single malt :P

  46. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Thanks, @Call me! It makes so much more sense now!

  47. You guys are making me laugh. This thread is very jolly!

    I thought maybe Schwimmer but it seems he's being ruled out.

  48. I was thinking Matt Leblanc

  49. Leonardo DiCaprio exhibit everything:

  50. Piven is 47?? Douchebaggism is a fountain of youth then...

  51. @Jason..I literally spit out my wine. @ Paris: don't pick on Katsm (or YOU either!) I love you both and I will fight to the verbal death. Enty has always had grammAR issues..We all know that. Piven for the win!

  52. I agree with Orsolya, it looks like Leo. He would be surprised he gets turned down. But he doesn't just live off his millions, he still makes movies, and some damn good ones. Le sigh, Leo, I once loved you!

  53. I decoded this to mean he wears very heavy makeup so he was shocked when some girl either guessed his age or called him Father Time or maybe she just disregarded him because to her he looked like the Crypt Keeper with heavy rouge.
    Or maybe seeing a man in makeup is just repulsive. One of my ex's was deathly pale but sadly he wasnt dying but I digress. He wore a lighter shade of ivory base than I did. He should have worried less about his pallor and more about his fetid soul and the fact he still had baby teeth. All of them, big gaps too. OMG what the fuck was I thinking.?

  54. I can't handle all this yoda shit, it is too funny.

    Not only has Enty's grammar deteriorated lately but the blinds have as well. Does anyone else think they have gotten really really vague?

  55. I think it's been pointed out that most pf Enty's blinds are now just rewordings of Daily Mail articles. And his reveals are all so old (like 5 and so uninteresting to begin with that no one gives a rat's ass.

    1. @figgy To be fair, those years old blinds are only on weekends. We still get the good reveals on the 2 official Reveal Days.

  56. We need to find a former A list TV actor who doesn't work anymore. Ian Zeiring? (sp?) Does he work anymore? I remember hearing he got divorced (is he remarried?). Who else used to do TV, but doesn't work anymore. I would guess if they are A list TV actor, they were in something like Friends, Seinfeld, ER, etc.

  57. Please please please let this be Piven. I cannot stand that guy. His character in Old School is pretty much an older academia version of him.

  58. This site is turning into Gawker with the grammar police. LOL

  59. I get the complaining about the atrocious writing of the blind, but no one is seriously incapable of deciphering it, are they? Sure it's missing a couple of words, but it's hardly written in code!

  60. Jim Carrey-on the Daily Mail today and was on In Living Color. Hasn't done much lately.

  61. Fairmaiden - So long as the comment section's functionality doesn't turn into Gawker, I'll be OK. Seriously... the clicking and bouncing, and the two columns of comments -- what a mess!

    The way to solve this is have a look at photos of different, recent red carpet events. Anybody looks weird -- he's our guy!

  62. I like the Piv guess and would love to guess Charlie Sheen; he looks super rough but alas he's working. I also knew Denise would end up with the twins yet again. Does she get Brooke's child support when they're with her?

  63. The actor might have heavy make-up to cover bruises or something like that.

  64. I was thinking the same thing with the Yoda reference LOL
    Enty's writing is hilarious, I don't know why you all get so hung up on the spelling and grammar so much, it's the CONTENT that is interesting.
