Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blind Item #3

Never having a job and using her money was one thing, but when he used almost $500K of her (foreign born former A list celebrity who will probably be a B forever) money and spent it on the woman he was cheating with, it was too much. See ya.


  1. My first thought was Celine, but don't know if she would be considered A now?

  2. JLo finally woke up to her boytoy's philandering, eh?

    I know that JLo is not foreign born, but would Enty realize that being Puerto Rican is not foreign?

  3. If Casper were cheating on J.lo, it would not be with a woman!

    I was thinking Kylie Minogue but her boyfriend is an actor or something.

  4. I was thinking Kimora Lee for a moment, but she was born here. Djimon had a pretty messy affair with the African born Kola Boof, who went on a hilarious Twitter rant as Kimora and Djimon split.

  5. @Seachica J.Lo may have puerto rican heritage, but I think most people know she was born in NY... appreciate the guess, but it's probably someone that is foreign for sure.

  6. What about Shakira? Didn't she dump a long-term boyfriend?

  7. @Sarah - Kola Boof has been cracking me up for months. She is cray-cray. Love following her on Twitter.

    1. She puts her business in the streets! And everyone else's!

  8. How did he have access to that kind of money ?

  9. Even if JLo was born in PR it's an american territory and she would be a citizen.

  10. I was on the Shakira/Celine train, until I saw 'celebrity' - they're both singers...back to the drawing board.

  11. Enty uses celebrity for singers too, right?

  12. Shakira or similar. Her former BF, the son of the former Argentinian president, was her manager, he could have put his hands on this kind of money.
    For Casper, that s a lot of change to beg for every day under the pretext to buy himself a new pair of trainers or sunglasses.

    1. IDK the ex is suing her for breach of contract because she fired him. It may work.

  13. And I don t think that Rene has the energy anymore to escape Celine. Unless the other woman is a blackjack table (he s a gambler, isn t he?)

  14. Seachica said...

    "I know that JLo is not foreign born, but would Enty realize that being Puerto Rican is not foreign?"

    How stupid do you think Enty is? seriously? seriously? seriously?

  15. Maybe Shania Twain and Mutt Lange? I quickly looked up his discography, and there is virtually nothing from 2002 or so - maybe one job. But then he may have so much coming in from royalties that he doesn't need to work.

  16. @ annabella - You would be surprised at how many people don't realize that.

    Incidentally, why are you always so damned rude? Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?

  17. Shakira's been dating Gerard Pique, Spain and Barca footballer, for a couple of years now. No way he needs her money.

  18. Look I don't care about Casper, and I hate JLo so I'm just going to say, whatever money he bilks from her, he deserves. You couldn't pay me enough to kiss her fat ass 24/7. The boy is earning his keep.

    1. I'm not a big fan but really? Fat ass?

  19. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Its insane, I'm assuming that they weren't married, that he'd have access to 500k. WTF? apparently money grows on trees in Hollywood .......

  20. Madonna and Guy Ritche? But I think he tossed her over, and she's still in shock about being the dumped one rather than the dumper, so probably not.

  21. This could be Kylie.....the dumped boyfriend could have been Olivier Martinez.

  22. I though this was British z'leb Katie price/Jordan and whichever model she was shagging... She has had a heap of TV reality programmes over the years.
