Monday, December 17, 2012

Blind Item #3

This used to be B- list actress and now singer with a past history of drug problems said that on a recent trip she and some people in her band who use, ran out of needles and ended up sharing the same needle for a few days.


  1. Juliette Lewis

  2. ?ooooo, gasp, Juliette Lewis! I got one absolutley right!

  3. Juliette Lewis is a hardcore Scientologist. She still has that druggie stigma, but I don't think she has used in a long time.

  4. Juliette and Taylor are the only two contenders I can think of but I think this one is Momsen. I don't think Juliette Lewis is going on days long binges.

  5. Jared Leto in character? Maybe that's how (s)he lost all that weight for the role!!!

  6. This has to be Taylor Momsen. :(

  7. It says actress not actor. Jared doesn't even drink.

    1. I know Jared is an actor, but his latest role is a seriously thin transsexual/transvestite. Crazy thin. Like junkie thin. Could've been a trick question as many transsexuals identify as he or she even if physically they're not. Plus the blind doesn't mention alcohol use- only heroin.

  8. Eww. That's disgusting.

  9. I never knew about these tweeners until CDaN but I read this as Taylor the while time. I thought scientologists aren't "allowed" to use drugs? Or maybe that's why Juliette Lewis is kept out of the limelight unless I just haven't looked at the right pap pics?

  10. This could've been Juliette Lewis if the blind were posted in 1997. However it wasn't, and I think Taylor Momsen does fit best.

    Yes, Jared Leto is an actor, not actress, and does not drink.

  11. Ewww! Maybe (doubt it) they flushed it with bleach in between uses. I saw that on MTV yeeeears ago & it always stuck with me.

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Omg, eww..
    That is so dangerous.

  13. I've always hoped that some day Taylor would clean up her act, go into designing, and produce a line of Mom(sen) Jeans. But I fear she won't. She seems dedicated to mucking up her career in order to avoid actually going up for parts and having to deal with rejection.

    1. Lolllllll "Barton "mom" jeans!!! Great marketing idea!

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Taylor Momsen, and didn't she perform with Marilyn Manson this year on one of their tours? Manson has a rumored past with coke, not sure about H.

  15. Wouldn't Taylor have tweeted it with the caption "Look how street I am, Mommy!"

  16. Juliette was A list a decade or so ago, or pretty close. I don't think she was B-, but Taylor fits. Sadly.

  17. Forget the sharing of the needles, the decent into addiction is the most tragic part and risking HIV of course. Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!

  18. What about Taryn Manning?

  19. Juliette Lewis is still an actress. She was in Oklahoma filming a movie a few months ago.

  20. Taryn Manning and her band Boomkat. Hot messes.

  21. Taryn is exactly who I thought of too...

  22. Yeah, I feel like Juliette was higher than B- and is still working, so she doesn't fit.

    I could see Momsen for this, but isn't she like 19? I know Hollywood does terrible/weird things to people but she seems really young to have a "history" of drug problems. And B- seems generous for someone with a small acting resume.

    Manning, however, is 34, def a solid B- list actress, and has been around for awhile.

  23. Am I the only one who thinks Momsen's act is 100% false? I think she's a typical kid looking for attention and looking like a heroin whore stirs up controversy. I mean how do you redeem yourself when cute Dakota Fanning steals the movie role you were meant to play?

  24. Moms on is a poser. And this blind makes me so mad at whoever it is about...

  25. Juliette's looking good these days, I don't believe it's her.

  26. @ Christopher Cruz- unless Taylor leaked this 'blind' to seem badass.

  27. I thought Taylor's thing was that it was all an act,
    She doesn't actually use drugs. Plus I don't remember rumors about her previous problems...isn't she a little young for that?

  28. Fergie - used to be a heroin addict and was on kids incorporated...

  29. What country were they touring in, I wonder. There's only a handful of states in the US that require a prescription to buy hypodermic syringes, so they'd have had no trouble obtaining them in the US.

  30. Momsen doesn't look skinny enough to be a hardcore heroin addict. On the other hand, maybe she's not hardcore and just really stupid.

  31. Don't forget, it's possible to be addicted and not be super-skinny, or even skinny at all. A lot of people aren't to the point they're stealing to get drugs, and not buying food. Or they are, but they live with a relative or whatever, and there's food in the house. Or they're just not skinny naturally.

  32. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Actually the worst thing about sharing needles is Hepatitis C, not HIV. HIV can be controlled with medication, but there is no cure for Hep C.

  33. Juliette Lewis is a good guess. Was Taylor Momson ever a B list?

  34. people can share needles and still be safe. Cleaning with bleach and water, shooting first, knowing HIV status of people sharing with, etc etc... people that she's sharing with have to be HIV+ for her to contract it.



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