Sunday, December 16, 2012

Blind Item #3

This A list singer has seen her popularity slip in the past six months. She is telling friends that the best way she can think of to make the world love her and change the direction in which she seems to be stuck is to have a baby. Not because she wants to be a mother, but because it will help her career.


  1. Gaga or Katy Perry. Rihanna doesn't seem to give a sh*t about her popularity or what anyone thinks.

  2. Rhianna isn't going to give up the blunt for 9 months.

    I'll say Kesha I don't know how well her new album has done. But her music is god awful.

  3. @BitterBlondin: i confirm on Rihanna's "i don't give a shit of your opinions"

  4. The popularity part doesn't fit at this time but I'll throw Taylor Swift out there b/c of dating Harry Styles. (Change the direction=One Direction)

  5. Katy Perry - I just hope the dad isn't John Mayer

  6. Gaga has spoken often enough about wanting children, and lots of them. She's always saying that she wants to be a mother. I would normally think it's her for everything else...

  7. Katy's and Taylor's popularity hasn't slipped at all. I'll go with Gaga.

  8. @timebob ditto, kesha's new music is nottt good.

    gonna guess either gaga or .... well, every other a-list singer who's popularity has slipped lately is already a mom.

  9. Aw I like Keshas new single, its fun to dance to.

  10. Leann rimes? Don't know if she is a list though.

  11. ^Me too. "It's pretty obvious that you've got a crush. That magic in your pants, it's making me blush." makes me giggle like a school girl.

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  14. I say Katy Perry. Anchor Baby with John Mayer! She'll be so proud of herself, pseudo-taming another manwhore.

  15. Leanne is permanently Country A-list.
    The real question is can she give up the Botox, or will she take the Kidman/Beyonce route ?

  16. I can't turn on the radio without hearing Dollar Sign's single, so it isn't her. Rihanna and Katy perry are still getting the airplay. I like the gaga guess; the little monsters would eat that up.

    For a crazy guess, what about Janet Jackson? Her fan base probably took a hit after the custody mess. How old is she -- mid 40s? Not too old to have a baby, especially if you're a delusional celebrity that tries to act younger

  17. first thought---gaga. haven't heard much about her lately. rihanna's problems with public perception started way longer ago than 6 months. and has katie's popularity slipped? i don't think leaving brand hurt her, and everyone now hates mayer---not her.

    best guess, IMO---gaga.

  18. One of the reasons Russell left Katy was because she WOULDN'T start a family because she said she wasn't ready. Not her.

  19. Could be Gaga. I hope this is not true of any of them, and we wonder why celebrity kids are so messed up!

  20. Xtina? Or is she no longer A list? Gaga has been relatively quiet lately.

  21. I think Lady Gaga would take the adoption route. Lots of Katy Perry press lately but not so much for singing as for dating Capt Chlamydia. Christina A?

    1. DBZee: Best. Description. EVAH!

  22. Lady Gaga 's touring with Rolling Stone

  23. My first thought also Gaga but seriously with her massive sales and hits she has to be >A (there is no plus sign on my phone dammit!). I'm thinking it's Perry or nasty Kesha.

  24. Capt Chlamydia.


  25. christina a is already a mom.

  26. Leanne Rimes? Girl is all about Pr, being the victim of everything and proving 'the true love' between her and Ediot. I could see her doing this, considering the fact she uses her husbands kids as PR tools already. Their mom complains, so perfect moment to get her own one, that way she doesn't have to fight a biological mother.
    Just not sure if she is A list. Maybe in the countryworld? Her popularity did slip the last couple of months, with her 'rehab', lawsuits and idiotic behaviour.

  27. rihanna... I read in the last week she apparently asked record company when she could get time off to have a kid... Maybe she thinks we'll all get lovey dovey about her amazing relationship if there is a kid, instead of focusing on the negative of him smacking her around!

  28. Both Gaga and Katy Perry have heavily anticipated new albums due in 2013, so I doubt they think they need a baby to boost their popularity. Kei$ha isn't A list. Neither is Xtina.

    I'm with Merlin, Leann Rhymes is country A list.

  29. I think it's Gaga, and that is not a good reason to have a baby.

  30. Oh, I hope Riri isn't thinking of spawning with Chris Brown... Her public profile/train of major hit singles has kind of declined this year...

    1. Right???? The spawn of those two would surely portend the end of days. I don't want to live in a world with it.

  31. My first thought was Nicki Minaj but she's considered a rapper not a singer.

    I don't think it's Gaga either. And I agree Rihanna is a honey badger.

    There was that Gothamist article that said Taylor Swift is either the Whore of Babylon or taking checks to the bank bearding.


  32. This is DEFINITELY GaGa or Perry, but I'm leaning towards GaGa. She still sells records and has great shows, but Born This Way did not elevate her to Forever A List Grand Diva on High status like everyone thought it would and I wanted to like it so badly, but it was so over-hyped and just did NOT deliver anything but generic formulated anticipated hits and THEN The single "Born This Way" was the only #1 from the entire album and I believe she won not a single Grammy from that album either. It was 99 cents the first week, right? And she sold a million+. That gave her the propaganda push...but other than that, she hasn't really been on people's minds much as far as I can tell. Obviously besides her fan base...who also do not seem to be as rabid as they once were. She's still A list, but not like before when she was A++++++++.

    I think she is talented, but she may have peaked too soon or maybe doesn't know where to go next music/image wise without being called a phony Madonna. She may deliver a phenomenal album this time around, but as of right now in the "fan" world the top two are:

    1.Taylor Swift/Rihanna: I personally know about 100 people who individually have more talent than those two combined, but that's how it goes. The fact is that the public is obsessed with their personal lives and they can do no wrong. Taylor sells a million plus albums first week EVERY time with full price albums. She dates around but her fanbase is LOYAL! Everyone just loves them some Taylor I guess. Specially round these parts. She's HUGE and doesn't need a baby to help her out just yet. Now to the other..Every single pop song Rihanna releases goes instantly to #1 or #2 and every year she manages to sell more albums than she did in the one before, and for some reason people pay to see her because she had A LOT of sell-outs on her last tour and adding dates left and right on the one that starts at the top of the year. This Chris Brown thing has not hurt her one bit. She just got her first #1 album in the US and that was in the midst of all their reconciliation drama. Worldwide she has been breaking records left and right. She is racking up achievements that are putting her in the same articles as Madonna & Janet & Mariah. Records that Beyonce hasn't even come CLOSE to touching. And she seems to have a GREAT relationship with the Conde Nast ppl because she was on the cover of Vogue US twice already (gaga too) she's done a British Vogue Cover and ITALIAN VOGUE, TOO! And is on the cover of GQ or Esquire or SOME mag or another every other month. She is CLEARLY on drugs and I DO NOT consider weed to be a drug. For some reason these two are dominating right now. Talent be damned, but the last thing Rihanna needs right now is any more exposure or success or a baby. She needs someone to help her manage her financial affairs and relationships. She is a sweet girl though. Will take pictures with anyone who asks and very personable. Also tons of loyal fans. I met her...kinda recently, actually.

  33. Why would having a baby help sales. If your music is shitty having a baby isn't going to make it sound any better. Why do people always think having a kid will fix things. That usually makes it worse. I know lots of people who have been together for years and then they have a kid and next thing you know they are getting divorced, Usually before the kid turns 2

  34. Captain Chlamydia! lmaoooooooooo!!!

  35. Having a baby is a well known, tried and trusted pr ploy. Its not much different than getting a dog for them. They just hire people to take care of it for them and bring it out for photo ops.

  36. Carrie Underwood, maybe?

  37. carrie is recently married, so a baby would be a natural next step, not "change the direction in which she seems to be stuck in."

    whoever writes these blinds needs a proof reader >.<

    1. Agreed. I seem to agree with 90% of your comments/posts!

  38. Katy Perry's popularity has slipped? I don't think so. Gaga, I don't think so either. Rihanna's popularity has slipped because of Chris Brown, but she doesn't really care.

  39. Gaga.

    Everything Gaga does is for publicity; her strangeness was created, invented to sell records. And it worked... except where do you go from there? We get it, you wear meat, climb into giant eggs, you can't shock anybody with your outfits anymore. Having a baby, that's new!

    The whole thing sucks, though... under all the gimmick is a talented singer. Unfortunately, the gimmick was bigger; the songs aren't different from the rest of the stuff on the radio. I hope she doesn't go make a baby just to get in the papers.

  40. Ke$ha --for sure

    she not original at all

    gaga just sang with the stones for their last show and is finishing her south american tour- not her-gaga always works


  41. Slow Down J.L.M. --lol

    we hear you........

  42. I'm with mell61. Wasn't there a story just a few days ago about Rihanna asking her record company when she could take some time off to have a baby? That was before Brown flew Karrueche (sp?) out to see him though. Management pretty much told her no for now though, she's booked solid until 2014 or 2015.

    By the way, Ke$ha has an IQ over 140 and got an almost perfect score on her SATs. Not saying that instantly cancels her out for this blind but it's interesting.
