Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blind Item #3

This C+ list all movie actress has failed at almost everything she has done since she left her calling, but still has plenty of money because she just got a raise from her A list celebrity boyfriend. She is going to regret this a few years from now when she wants kids or a relationship with a straight guy.


  1. Julianne Hough?

  2. Julianne Hough. Keibler isn't "all movie".

    Also, Hough is still very young. She has plenty of time for kids and a straight guy.

  3. You're all right...I always forget about Ryan

  4. How is Julianne Hough all movie? Does anyone remember Dancing with the Stars?

    1. Ms snarky - she didn't act on DWTS, she danced. The only acting she has done is in films, so she's definitely all movies as an actress. Dancing was her "calling." Her country music career failed, and her movies have flopped. I have no idea why they're trying to make her a star. She has as much charisma as dry toast

  5. Julianne - her calling being DWTS. I can see her being happy with her current arrangement for quite a few more years. Who knows - Ryan might want kids....

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Julianne Hough based on a recent blind re: a beard that hadn't gotten the career bump they'd been looking for from the relationship, and had wanted either a raise or a ring. She got the raise it looks like.

  7. Hough
    Since leaving her calling...dancing...she has failed as both a singer and actress.

  8. Can Enty or someone make a celebrity rankings scale that we can follow, please? It's Hough and she will be fine. She is probably banking all that money so she can have kids with a straight guy.

  9. I can go with JHo (hee!) for this, but she's pretty young, she can wait for kids and a husband. Think how choosy she can afford to be with a nice bye-bye gift from Seacrest, once he's out.

    I am killing myself with these bad puns. : )

  10. yeah, enty, i dont get the regret comment??

  11. @snarky OMG J-Ho! Hahahaha I just died!
    I can't stand that girl UGH!

    You know she broke up Apollo Ono's engagement when she was dancing with him on DWTS.

    I'm glad the karma she deserves is coming her way. Fake Mormon.

    1. Julianne broke up Apollo's marriage? I never knew that!
      And as much as I don't want to admit it, if I was a beautiful youngster that had a chance to beard for a rich guy and get paid like a mutha I might not turn it down. It's like an investment. And if I could sneak a piece on the side....

  12. Hmmmm. Not every woman regrets the decision not to have kids! A woman doesn't have to have kids to be a complete person.

  13. I think if she chooses this life she must not want any kids! I hope that is the case. Some ppl prefer money and living "comfortably" over everything.

  14. Okay, so we're imagining a world in which JHo would choose to not have kids and miss the chance for adorable pap shots? Not likely.

  15. I don't understand the long-term beard arrangement. Are these people friends? Doesn't it get old, or are they just too shallow and materialistic to care? All for a paycheck? I hope they all get what they're after in the long run. I guess it's a business deal and they just put up with it. Seems strange, here in the real world.

  16. She's 24 years old. she has a good decade to collect those impressive Seacrust paychecks and still have plenty of time to find a straight man and have children.

    If being independently wealthy is something to regret, Julia will be filled to the brim with regrets.

  17. People cannot dance for many years either. Let's not forget they are atheletes and hurt their legs, their shoulders, hips, etc and it's over. Very few make it into the 30's for professional dancing of this magnitude..

  18. She can still have kids with Ryan. Why not? If they get along with each other and are friends a child could work for them. In fact, if she was smart, she might want to try working on him about that.

  19. @Basil, that assumes Ryan wants or will want kids. And maybe Ryan has enough morals to know that bearding is one thing, but bringing a child into a fake relationship is beyond the pale.

  20. Julianna Hough came to mind immediately. She's fits everything in the blind.

  21. I always wondered why Seacrest bothered with a beard? It's not like he's an actor who needs to seem straight for fans of straight film roles, so why not just be an openly gay host and producer?

  22. hough is the only answer. fits to a tee.

  23. Yeah...JHough is who I think this is, but she isn't all movies.

  24. @sugar exactly. i'm sure the male would have his own friend, too. seems like it's just another performance - i'd probably do it too.

  25. Yep! She broke up quite a few big relationships from what I remember.

    Do you guys remember when Simon Cowell had that big elaborate party and Ryan and Julianne weren't invited because Julianne is a Hough.

  26. JHough just filmed a movie with Josh Duhamel.. we dont know if its a flop yet, so i'm not sure this could be her.

    i'm going with the Keibs

  27. Seacrest won't come out because then the stories about Merv Griffin will come to light and Seacrest doesn't want us all to know how he he won over Hollywood on his knees for a fat, closeted,uber producer in the 90's.

  28. I never heard gossip that Julianne f'd around with her partners. I watched that show religiously too and Enty always told us who was doing who.

  29. ranking is easy - if you say a name and you know exactly who it is - a list.

    if you say a name and it takes you a second b list.

    if you say a name and the person has to be coaxed by saying "you know he was in...he played that one guy..."

    C list

    if you say a name, google them and still can't figure out who it is - D list

    and Hough was a professional dancer before she left for a career in country music that failed and a movie career..that failed.

  30. Does any female actually think Ryan Seacrest is hot?! Seriously?!

  31. @Silly Girl ~ Hot no. Cute yes. He's kind of like a puppy. You wouldn't mind cuddling him but he doesn't make you wanna rip his clothes off & do dirty, dirty things to him.

  32. I don't think JH has "failed" at everything she has done. She won the Academy of Country Music Award for her first album twice, starred opposite Alec Baldwin and Tom Cruise in Rock of Ages...This sounds more like Kiebs who has had ZERO accomplishments.

  33. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Where the hell is the beard signup registration I want in

  34. What about Rosie HW and Jason Stathem? They were in pics today. Haven't there been rumors about him being gay? and modeling would be her other calling.

  35. Not Stacy Kiebler-- the bf is A list Celebrity. Clooney is A list all movie who got his start on tv.

    This is 100% Julianne, and it fits the other 2 blinds perfectly re: seacrest & hough.

    1. Plus Kiebler is not an actress like this BI mentions.

  36. Rock of Ages was considered a big flop.

  37. Hough. I totally forgot about her country music career! And she has had good roles, but nothing is clicking. Like Jessica biel, just boring movies. She is boring. I don't even miss her on DWTS bc Chelsie Hightower is the cute blond now.

  38. If this does not fit Hough, then its becaue it is not her...

    I'll go with Stacy "don't care about kids or marriage" Kiebler for this one.

    she has failed at every lil thing she tired to "make it" and her clock is ticking and she is with a fish that does not want kids nor a wife.


  39. Julianne. Ryan is banging her brother
