Thursday, December 06, 2012

Blind Item #2

This A list all movie actress has always prided herself on her control when it comes to drugs so no one was shocked that back in the day she could hoover up more coke than anyone and not let it affect her while it sent some of her celebrity girlfriends straight to rehab and derailed their acting careers forever.


  1. Angelina Jolie. This is a no brainer.

  2. Hoover up is a British phrase, so Emma Thompson or Kate winslet

  3. Angelina doesn't have friends.

    1. Yeah, whats that about?

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      i laughed, then i kinda felt bad :T

  4. The chick from Harry Potter?!

  5. I agree with goes in circles, who are the celebrity girlfriends?

  6. Angelina doesn't have friends and she likes her heroin. Sounds like someone a little older and who we wouldn't suspect using drugs.

    1. Oops, I posted before I was finished the first time. :)

  7. This has to be Kidman. She's always very controlled, but wasn't she sort of a party girl before the Cruise man?

  8. Maybe an actress of the same era as Sean Young and Debra Winger who is still working. Streep? <----wild guess

  9. A List All Movie, older, with contemporaries that went to rehab,proud of her control now. Nicole Kidman fits the best as far as I can see.

  10. I'm thinking Cameron Diaz

  11. I kinda like the Meryl Streep guess! That's funny :)

  12. Sounds Goopy to me, too, carebear. She makes her life so adorable with her kids' $150 socks - plus she was on DM yesterday complaining about being separated from hubby on their anniversary.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oh, Gwynnie, you're so precious!

    I actually like her as an actress (Iron Man, Emma), just not the gag-inducing public pretentiousness.

  15. This sounds like Angelina, with maybe one of the girlfriends being Winona.

  16. I agree this sounds English...Keira Knightly was in "Pride and Predjudice"

  17. I know she is not strictly all movies, as she has made some guest appearances, but I think it could be Susan Sarandon. She was around in the 70's and 80's when coke was the drug du Jour. I have no doubt she tried some stuff back in the day.
    Goop was on Glee so that probably rules her out.

  18. Michelle Pfeiffer.

  19. Agree with the Goop guess, though good for Winona for trying to make a comeback!

  20. I say Paltrow. 'Prided herself' Gwyneth is the most annoying brat on the planet, yet she thinks she is the queen. She loves telling ppl about healthy living..
    Winona was her friend and is a train wreck now.

  21. Agree with the Gwenyth guess

  22. Not Gwynnie, she's appeared several times on "Glee," so can hardly be called "all movies."

  23. Does a guest starring role really mean they are not otherwise all movies?

  24. Think the main point to focus on is actresses who went to rehab and had famous friends; one of them would be the actress this blind is about.
    When I think of derailed career I think of Winona, and first person that comes to mind is Gwyneth. they were besties until Gwynnie the witch stole Winona's script for Shakespeare in love- got the part and got an award (hey that rhymes).

    And to be completely into conspiracy; Paltrow starred in 'Emma', an adaption of Pride and Prejudice ; the blind says 'prided herself on'. Or I am thinking wayyyyy to much into this xD

    Also; Paltrow dated bad boys, for example Brad Pitt, he is a known stoner and Jolie/Aniston did the same. There are several pics of Aniston and Brad smoking a joint in Amsterdam and we all know Jolie is (past?) drugfiend. I doubt GP was clean and sober during that relationship xD

    1. Except Emma wasn't an adaptation of P & P, it was an adaptation of Austen's book Emma.

  25. Is it nitpicky to mention that Emma is not an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice? It is its own Jane Austen story. In fact, the movie Clueless is based on Emma.

  26. Was just about to say the same thing Ms. Cool.
    Completely different books.

  27. @Ms Cool - thank you! That kind of thing drives me crazy, even though I know that wrong literary references and bad grammar shouldn't upset me that much. But they still do.

  28. Blue Lagoon actress. Her mother just died. Anyway, she's been on here before. She had drug habit that was hidden.

  29. Brooke Shields has/had a drug habit? Agassi didn't mention it at all in his book. Odd...

  30. Brooke isn't all movie either. Suddenly Susan was her most recent success, and La Z Boy commercials, toothpaste commercials, eyelash commercials...

  31. @Ms Snarky - heaven knows that I have typos and grammar errors galore but I love Jane Austen and had to mention the difference. It was compulsive!

  32. Anonymous1:57 PM

    celebrity girlfriends? cameron diaz?.. but derailed their careers forever leads me to gwyneth and winona for girlfriend..wino was never the same after goop stole that movie from her right

  33. Dammit, if Helen Mirren hadn't been on the original "Prime Suspect", I'd say here.

    Anyone else around this era who is all movies?

  34. @Ms Cool: Ah crap, you are right. *feels dumb* got too excited about my conspiracy theory hahahaa

  35. Angelina doesn't have friends. I think the clue is on the word "Derailed". There is this movie "Derailded" and Jennifer Aniston is the main character.

  36. I like the Meryl Strep guess. She would have been the partying age in the 70s & 80s when it was big the first time around. But I have no idea.

  37. @Sh*t You Can't Buy - Don't feel dumb. It was a good conspiracy theory. I don't know much but I know my dang Jane Austen books!

  38. Paltrow stole the script for "Shakespeare in Love" from Winona?! Really. What a bitch!

    I was thinking this might be an older actress but I've got nothing.

  39. Winona would have sucked in Shakespeare in Love. It was a bitchy move to steal the script, but the movie was better off that way.

  40. GOOP x1000. Matt/Ben partied with some people very close to me during those days and after a "few" drinks would become very chatty with anecdotes they probably shouldn't have been openly sharing.

    1. @Curious Kat please do tell! I love me some Matt

      Please dont tell me he is a secret douche...

      Spill... If you can? :)

  41. Jeepers
    Better hits please

  42. @curious cat, please spill it! do not hold back on us!!! pretty please?

  43. Is hoovering up really a brit term? Cuz I hear it used all the time here in the US, and I always hear they saying like 'hoovering up' the coke cuz their nose is like a hoover vacuum...

  44. Ha, I would go into great detail if I could (believe me I've been bursting at the seams for just over a decade now) but don't want to get my cous-I mean, my friend, in trouble. While I'm sure Matt is a loyal, loving family man now (honestly, I do believe that), and Ben, well, he tries to be one (sorta), everyone has their youthful indiscretions. :) And sometimes those youthful indiscretions are first introduced as normal by a snotty ex-girlfriend who's been in the game much longer than them...

  45. @curious kat - THANK YOU!

    can still love mr matt! :)

