Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Blind Item #2

This B+/B- list comedic actor who is slipping lately but got his start on that sitcom with a cult following was caught off hand when he was spotted by an amateur pap at Toronto's Gay Pride Parade? Money exchanged hands and the pictures seemingly disappeared... but later surfaced on a now-defunct website. This was the year before the actor appeared in the two films which he is best known for.


  1. Merry Christmas everyone!

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    1. Which comments? And merry christmas everyone!

  4. Michael Cera. I saw this story on another site. Merry Chirstmas CDANers! I lurk everyday, but don't post very often. :-)

    1. Me too @shay I was just about to say I just read this somewhere else! I feel like a broken record over the past few days on here. It's definitely Michael Cera.

  5. Would the movies be Superbad and Juno?

  6. Big whoop. Lots of straight people (myself included) attend Toronto Pride. Attendance at Pride is huge - they get over 1,000,000 people each year.

  7. I thought Michael Cera and his girlfriend wrote some movie together. Of course then they broke up. What about the guy married to the Parks and Rec lady. He was on AD and also Canadian right? Will Arnett

  8. Surfer is so right, tons of straight people attend this parade even families for goodness sake so no big deal at all. How insecure are actors.

    1. @tina but maybe he's not straight....

      And because I know ALL of you CDan readers are avid Real housewife fans, you will know that many of them attent gay pride events yet are definitely straight themselves ;) it's like supporting any organization and who doesn't love a giant parade/street fair whatever it is?

  9. Toronto Pride is a week-long party. Anyone who is visiting town and doesn't go is weird.

  10. I'll vouch for Pride Week. I live in and around Toronto, it's bigger than Caribana up here.

  11. Everyone, regardless of sexuality, goes to Pride - especially the last weekend w/ the parade. There are three separate concert stages, vendors, and beer tents. And it seems like there's a million people in village at any one time it is so crowded. It's a totally awesome street party.

  12. Representing the 416 too....and a straight man who has attended many pride parades....I find it insulting that even on this day and age people think one.begats the other.
    Happy holidays everyone.

  13. Representing the 416 too....and a straight man who has attended many pride parades....I find it insulting that even on this day and age people think one.begats the other.
    Happy holidays everyone.

  14. Should amend my comment. Everyone - except Rob Ford - goes to Pride. (sorry, couldn't resist)

  15. I went to Pride in Vancouver and I'm straight. Who cares? He should have just not worried about it and said he was there to have fun and support gay pride. No need to comment on whether you're supporting as a gay person or as a straight ally.

  16. The fact that the pap was paid off indicates that this is probably something more than someone merely attending a Gay Pride parade.

    It offends me to a degree when celebrities insist on staying in the closet; it's almost as if they're saying that we, the viewing public, are a bunch of bigoted neanderthals who could never be evolved enough to accept them as they are, thereby FORCING them to hide their true selves.
    Yeah, look at Neil Patrick Harris and Matt Bomer, whose careers were absolutely crushed by their sexual preferences. We, the un-enlightened, would never understand or accept. [/sarcasm]

  17. Another straight woman who loves Pride season here, although I haven't been to the Boston parade for a couple of years, damn it. A few years back, my very charming and very gay dentist used to take out ads in the local gay papers during Pride season that featured a photo of him in his leathers, arms folder and a slight smirk on his face, with the caption "Wouldn't you rather have me in your mouth?" I asked him once if the ads pulled in much new business, and he said they did, but that the only downside was that some guys were very disappointed that he wore scrubs and not leathers to work on their teeth! ;-) (I have the ad clipped and posted on my fridge door, FWIW.)

  18. I love anything pride related, and I'm not gay. He should have just went with it. It's when you deny too much that people start talking. Should've went the Matt Damon route, he was classy about the situation.

  19. The fact he paid the pap off, means he isn't straight.

    If he had nothing to hide, a.k.a a straight guy at gay pride, he wouldn't give a shit about being photographed

  20. With the judgements and speculation being cast his way on this thread, no wonder he paid off the pap. His career was very much up in the air when he wrapped Arrested Development. Why give producers and casting agents any doubt has to how Middle America would receive him? We are progressing, but unfortunately, we have a long way to go.

  21. @supapimp, it was Angela in one of the earlier blinds yesterday.

    @Elissa, unfortunately, a lot of people still are. Witness the "million moms" conducting a protest campaign against JC Penney for having Ellen as a spokeswoman, and gay people in their advertising (like two dads having fun with their kid). They don't represent the majority of people, but they're loud enough that a lot of people think they do. :/

  22. Yep, it was me. I have personally no clue about Cera being gay or straight. He did a movie with comedian Charlyne Yi, but it was one of those fake documentaries and she was supposed to be his girlfriend in the movie, not necessarily in real life.

  23. I just happened to be in town for the weekend and accidentally caught the Pride Parade in Palm Springs. It loved it. Beats the hell out of that boring thing with flowers on New Year's Day.

  24. I don't think it's Cera. The blind says the actor get his "start" on the cult tv show but Cera had been in numerous roles before "AD". I think "AD" definitely got him name recognition but would not call it his "start".

  25. Hey, im throwing out mike myers. Could very well be him!

  26. Good guess, Aunt Liddy. Mike is from Toronto.

  27. Yeah, more than likely the actor was doing something more than just standing there, and didn't want it leaked. Probably like holding hands or kissing somebody.

    It's too bad that if this guy is gay, he feels he needs to hide it. It's not much different than having brown hair or green eyes -- you can use dye and contacts, but you can't make your eyes stop being green any more than you can stop being gay, straight, or other.

  28. How could it be Carrey or Myers? They both broke two decades ago, at a time digital photography and the Internet were still uncommon. And neither of them would be just B-list now.

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  30. I believe Michael Cera based on "caught off hand" - that was a huge part of Arrested Development...Buster losing his hand...

  31. Michael Cera. Not a fan!!!
