Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blind Item #2

This Real Housewife is being played for a fool. According to a woman who had sex with the husband of the Real Housewife, they sat in bed and watched an appearance of the Housewife on television while the Housewife said everything was great at home. The husband then said it is great as long as she is gone. Not New Jersey.


  1. Apollo and Phaedra

  2. I don't know of Phaedra ever saying things were good at home, did she? I'm trying to think of someone "saying everything was great at home" and coming up with nothing.

  3. Cynthia and Peter. She oftens says that they lives are great, things at home are great, the business is great, blah blah blah

  4. OMG yes Kyle!! I remember her on a few tv shows (Watch What Happens and Wendy Williams) saying everything is great at home!!

  5. Anonymous8:19 AM

    My first thought was phaedra

  6. Cynthia and Uncle Ben

  7. My first thought was Ramona and Mario.

  8. I really hope this is Kyle.

  9. Ken Todd a sex machine?!? Lol Lisa was just talking about her love for Ken last night, though so was Kyle...If the other woman was Brandi?!? Delish! Granted this is the only version I watch.

  10. my first thought was phaedra also but i'm not sure i recall her saying that. i think kyle might be a better guess. or cynthia and uncle ben (lmao @ warecat)

  11. i bet this blind applies to quite a few Housewives.

    1. Yeah @T.E. pretty much one couple from each franchise gets divorced per year...

      My first thought was Kyle but now Ramona makes sense, maybe a Miami wife? At this point I can't really remember Orange County but since Alexis Couture is off I have no OC guess

  12. I don't think it's Kyle bc when she was on the shows she said her hubby was in NYC with her at the time

  13. "as log as she is gone"
    Would that indicate Wifey has a real job that requires her to travel for business or does Bravo require them to travel enough as it is? Maybe it's a clue that she works?

  14. @kat let's see... they have books, make up lines, clothing, didn't ramona do skin care?, appearances (remember gretchen going everywhere, selling her make up?), and maybe.. she might also be a career woman a la adrienne (even though she's already divorced) or lisa (restaurants).

  15. what i'm saying is, it would be a vague clue... so lisa and kyle did appearances?

    i'd guess lisa since she jokes that she never ever likes to do the dirty dance.

    1. @T.E. yeah maybe it isn't a clue

  16. I think this even goes so far as to detail the housewife on an appearance of WWHL on Bravo. Damn, that is cold.
    Married Housewives that work


    Did I forget anyone?

  17. When Kyle was in NY promoting the new BH season she was on all the NY based daytime shows and Mauricio was right there with her in the audience every time. I don't think it's her.

    I think maybe Peter--he's a very odd guy--tho I don't know any body who would be cheating with him--I think NeNe might like him a little but most of the other housewives don't. Maybe Phaedra--I have had a sense Apollo is not too happy right now. Too bad, I love Phaedra and their baby is one of the cutest housewife kids ever.

    There have been rumors about Mario being a roamer but he seems very devoted to Ramona the past season. Hard to tell with those two.

  18. I think Ramona and Mario is a good guess. He acts like he's happily married and devoted but I get the cheating vibe from him big time. And she's so crazy I actually almost feel sorry for him sometimes. Almost.

    Kyle would cut a bitch if she found her with Mauricio.

  19. I was leaning to Cynthia & Peter but seeing other comments re: Ramona & Mario is making me pause.

    I didnt watch last season but the year before when they when on a trip to Morocca, a medium did tell Ramona that her husband was cheating on her.

  20. So hope it's Kyle!

  21. RAMONA

    Her man is cute, wealthy, New Yorker on television and I never understood how he is so into an insane drunk woman who is 55 but thinks shes 35. She seems blindly secure and is everywhere promoting her wine.

    Mario for sure.

  22. First thought was Kyle but I don't think so. I like the Cynthia and Peter (loving the Uncle Ben) guesses, but also the Ramona and Mario guess.

    And @ NapAssassin - there are 2 Heathers now. One in OC (she's married to the plastic surgeon) and the one in NYC who has the shapewear company.

  23. True. But is OC Heather working compared to NYC Heather? That's how I read the blind, as a goes to an office everyday worker, so NYC Heather. But I think it's Ramona. She is a short glass of crazy.

  24. I hope its Kyle...I seriously can't find sympathy for a person who gives her 16 yr old a Mercedes

  25. Bethenny! Weren't there divorce rumors awhile back? She always tweets about bryn but rarely mentions Jason. They renovated that nyc condo and then she had to go to LA for her talk show ...

  26. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Cynthia .. and there was a blind abt a housewife last week and I think it was her too . I bet all my butter crunch cookies they'll separate

  27. I could really see this as Ramona and Mario. He seems at least a flirt and Ramona could get tiring.
    I'd love this to be Kyle; she seems so smug.

  28. While I could easily see this being any number of self absorbed and clueless housewives, I shall go with the crème de la crazy and pick Ramoner.

  29. Cynthia was just on WWHL the other night saying her and Peter are in a GREAT place and better than they have ever been.

  30. I vote Ramon & Mario. She has been travelling (alone) a lot lately to promote her new wine.
