Friday, December 07, 2012

Blind Item #1

This A list celebrity couple wanted to ensure the mom got exactly what she wanted so they gender selected their most recent baby. The mom always likes everything to be exactly perfect and match what she thinks is the ideal.


  1. Giselle and Tom?

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Posh and Becks?

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Goopster is preggo?

  4. Definitely Giselle and Tom. No question, even for a blind item challenged person like me.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Duh, just scrolled down to see the post about their baby.... nevermind my guess ;)

  6. Posh and Becks is another good guess.

    I don't really think that this is a big deal. A lot of couples who have had just girls might want to have a boy or vice versa, but might not want to have 10 kids in the course of trying. If you've got the money to gender select, it's your own choice if you want to do that.

  7. Posh and Becks. Last line references her fashion line and how she always looks immaculately put together. I don't think the 3:1 ratio rules them out. She wanted a girl.

  8. I just don't think Tom and Giselle are an A list couple - B+ maybe.

  9. I think is probably Posh & Becks as well.

  10. If it's Posh & Becks I'm glad they did because I want to eat Harper's chubby little limbs and face right up. I love that baby.

  11. Beyonce. This reads to me like the couple is ordering a baby from another mama.

  12. I was thinking Beyonce too

  13. What does it mean to gender select? You can do that thru in vitro or something?

  14. @NK - that's exactly what it is. They are able to select embryos based on gender and then implant them. I believe it costs upwards of 20k to do so.

  15. Giselle would be the timely guess. I like the Bey guess. This does sound like they are "ordering" a baby to me too.

  16. Also, this blind implies that they have multiple kids, so I think that rules out Beyonce.

  17. Giselle and Tom; most recent baby born Dec 5th.

  18. When you spin the sperm boys go to top & girls to bottom or vice versa, I think that's how it works.

    I definitely think this is Posh. And good for her! Of course she wanted a girl.

  19. Sounds like beyonce but also like the beckhams. Ok, going with beyonce.

  20. If this didn't sound like a recent blind I'd say the Goopsster. Plus she would blog in Goop about it so that you, too, privileged underling could do it as well LOL

  21. meh I don't see anything wrong with this. If i had the money I would do it. Right now I'm trying to get pregant using the shettles method to increase the chances of a boy.

  22. I can't believe people think this is okay. Leave that shit up to nature people. This is the fastest route to an even more sexist world. Plus can you imagine a world where suddenly there's 80% of one sex and not the other? Might as well just bomb us now.

  23. It's happening in China already. As boys are preferred and they're only allowed one child each, all the young men now coming into adulthood have no young women to date, marry and make more babies with. It wasn't very well thought out 20 years ago, but now it's just stupid because we're seeing the consequences! Finlay's right, leave it to nature.

    1. i always think about that and how stupid they are to abort the girls and want families to only have boys. you're right it wasn't planned out very well...i think the rest of the world could tell that it was a stupid thing to do but nope not China they couldn't see that years from now there would be no girls for the boys to marry and have kids with.

  24. I'm going with Posh as well, my reasoning being that she's admitted she has PCOS, a condition that leaves most women unable to get pregnant without some degree of help from a Reproductive Endocrinologist (aka fertility doctor).

    Let's say she's already having to go through an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or IVF to even get pregnant, a quick spin of the sperm for $3000 to get that girl she always wanted wouldn't be too hard to imagine. The only surprise for me is that she didn't do it sooner.

  25. it's not like a whole lot of people are doing this, for pete sake. IF someone does the most reliable method, it's essentially IVF and i'm sure, very expensive.

    gender selection has its place----for people who don't want a genetic defect passed on. if you had a child with a lethal or debilitating genetic defect, this could prevent you from having another one. i see nothing wrong with that.

  26. @Cee Kay - and it's not like in China they are gender selecting basis sperms and embryo - they abandon or, even worse, kill the female newborn..
    So maybe doing something in the lab is a tad more humane?

    beside [and now I am joking] it's probably best if China slows down their growth rate! so Hurray for all those Chinese bachelors!

  27. oh, and my guess is Posh - good on her - her daughter looks so cute!!

  28. I don't approve of the method, but I also don't fully disapprove. I might consider it if I already had three boys, too.

  29. @Jennifer Hansen - well, maybe the world can tell how stupid it is.. however people who are aware of how Chinese culture and society works, can easily understand [even though not condone] why this happens.

    China allows families to register only one child. This means they can have more children, if they want, but their birth cannot be registered, i.e. no health care, schools etc will be provided.

    Families in the country side are allowed two children because they need help working the land.

    Now society comes into play. In China, when a woman gets married, she join your husband's family in all aspects and you work and support his family. She is expected to take care of her in laws until their death, with much lesser support to her real parents.

    So, in a country where there is no real pension and you need to look ahead and ensure someone will take care of you when you are old and rickety, can you really be so quick to judge why so many families take these terrible decisions?
    I really do not condone it, but it would be nice if we all could try and understand what lies behind such terrible choices

  30. in my hometown they won't tell you the sex of the baby because so many South East Asians (so they say) will abort a girl. I really don't think the new generation are like this anymore and refusing ALL women that option is bullshit.

  31. China is actually looking to lift the one child ban.

  32. It wouldn't surprise me if it was Giselle and Tom. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Posh and Becks. Whoever it is it's a personal matter.

    The poor folks version is to keep trying and they end up with these huge families.

  33. Giselle & Brady just had a girl this morning.

  34. Well if it's the Beckhams they could not have had a cuter baby. I haven't seen a Harper pic for a few days and I'm having withdrawal.

  35. There's a place in Mexico called Microsort that I've been looking into. It has a 97% of getting you a girl and with three boys already I like those odds. The only problem is there's only a 5% chance of getting pregnant.

  36. The Beckhams. I though it was no secret. At least it's not here, in Europe.

  37. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Posh no secret how badly she wanted a lil girl

  38. Dont take our harper away!!!!!!!!!!

  39. China has actually lifted the ban in most metropolitan areas, among the middle/upper class. But in most rural areas, it still stands.

    And it's no surprise that boys outnumber the girls, except in orphanages, of course.

    I think it's Posh.

  40. Posh n' Beckham for sure and also I don't get the big deal over Harper. She looks average to me.

  41. Posh! Back when she was pregnant it was rumored that she would have this option in the US because it's not legal in the UK for most pregnancies. I didn't think it was a secret either. I used to read the DM (I got bored with it) but I couldn't believe the amount of fuss over the Beckhams.

  42. Posh & Becks. I don't think the UK allows gender selection, and I think they got pregnant in the US with their little girl.

  43. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Oh hey Reese what's up? lol

    Reese is very very type A.Wouldn't surprise me if this was her and Jim.

  44. If a couple do this to have the family they want then what is so wrong with that?
    As long as the child is wanted and loved then good for them.
    This is most likely Posh and Becks. Good for them.

  45. Gisele was interviewed for the follow up documentary More of the Business of Being Born. Her approach was to have a natural birth, so I doubt she would have an unnatural conception.

  46. Anonymous6:38 PM

    The Beckham's....

    Don't agree with gender selection.

  47. another vote for Giselle here
