Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blind Item #1

This A+ list all movie actor was getting hot and heavy with a model when she reminded our actor that she has a child. He told her that if she was serious about them as a couple that she would just give custody to the dad because he does not want kids in his life. She is thinking about it. Idiot.


  1. Leo and Miranda Kerr!

  2. really?! obviously the kid would be better off with the father (or anyone else) if she would even CONSIDER giving up her child for a man. UGH

  3. Well,'at least he's clear about his choices. However, he's an asshole, and she's just... Jesus. What words describe someone like that?

  4. OMG, that is just beyond. That literally makes me sick.

  5. And we all know how serious LdC is about staying with models long term. I hate any person who'd treat Legalos that way. Hey! Orlando Bloom, come lay your head right here and dry your tears on my ample and loyal breasts. I'm here for ya.

  6. Lmao Gypsy.
    I hope this is fake if it is she's a bitch

  7. I'm not sure that Leo and Miranda even know each other.

    I do think this is Leo but not sure who the model is.....could be any model.

  8. Leo and Miranda is my guess. Very sad :(

  9. Miranda is married, isn't she? to Orlando Bloom? why would she just remind him she has a baby .. and not a baby AND husband?

  10. about Leo and Miranda

  11. How can any woman do that ...?

  12. thanks for that link Nimro. *sigh*

  13. Any mother that would put a man before her child doesn't even deserve to BE a mother!

  14. Maybe the kid is better off with the dad.

  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    If Miranda would leave the baby with Orlando to go on a "work" safari, and have a "suspected" affair with the photographer during said safar, then I could see her being someone that would consider giving her baby to Orlando to be raised full time for Leo. How is she going to explain that to the little guy when she's dumped in two years and her child doesn't know her?

  16. I hope its not true. Flynn is the cutest little chubby bunny! Who would pick Leo over that adorable face?

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  18. What Pogue said.

  19. whoever they are, they are super gross. leo has a timer for his girls, just like clooney does. tic toc ladies, tic toc.


  21. I don't fault the guy. He's being honest and I would think most mothers would rather the guy just said it rather than pretend. There are not a lot of Matt Damon's in Hollywood. If she gives up her child for a boyfriend, the child may be better off with the dad. And the dad should get every signed and sealed because she will regret it.

  22. Leo has always said that he wants kids. I don't think it's him.

    1. If Leo wanted kids he would have them. He dumps every girl that tries to take things to the next level. It's a PR statement.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 'll be the first to tell you that stepparenting ain't easy.

    That said...I would NEVER tell my husband (he had custody) that the kid goes or I do.

    Imagine how this kid is going to feel when they grow up and find out that Mom chose some asshole over them.


  25. Remember Susan Smith? The lady who strapped her kids into a car and then pushed the car into the lake? That was supposedly because she had a new boyfriend who didn't want to date a woman with kids. So this lady is in good company.

    Wasn't the situation similar with Casey Anthony?

    Really, better that the kids are in the custody of a loving dad.

    1. Not sure about the Anthony case, and Susan Smith may have had a situation similar, but Diane Downs is a woman that tried to kill her 3 children because the guy she was seeing didn't want to continue the relationship citing his desire to not have kids. She shot them at point blank range one night while the radio blared "Hungry Like the Wolf". She did kill one of her daughters and paralyzed her son for life, and her third child has signifiant physical issues, but they were adopted by the DA who prosecuted Diane Downs.

      Interestingly, she also got pregnant in jailand the baby was given up for adoption (thank God). Her daughter did attempt contact at first and was horrified how Downs tried to manipulate her. Downs' former boyfriend that she tried to kill her kids for had no part in it. Awful case.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Leo and Miranda, but I don't think it's true. I doubt they're even hooking up. She's too old, considering where his tastes usually run (21-24 yr-olds), and she would be idiotic not to know that none of his relationships have a future. She would be giving up her kid for a fling.

    1. @Kathleen - sadly, too many ppl believe they're going to be the one to finally make the other settle down.

  28. Miranda has a reputation of trading up. Orlando was a bigger star than Miranda when they married, she has traded very well on the publicity of their union.
    He's not getting any buzz anymore, and she is everywhere and photographed with everyone but him. She could see Leo as a great career move, look at Bar. No one knew her name before they dated.

  29. he has made his situation clear, doesnt mean she has to follow it! don't really see why he is the asshole.also, it seem slike the kid is better off with the dad. it also doesnt mean she will never see the kid again.

  30. At least he's being honest. What I find MORE interesting is how much his ultimatum shows how fame and fortune pervert people's priorities and give them such a sense of entitlement.

    If she gives up her baby, she is an immature, selfish, stupid girl. I feel for Orlando.

  31. Are Miranda and Orlando dunzo?

    Whoever this model is, she's an idiot for even considering it.

  32. Let's not condemn whoever this is since they haven't abandoned their child. But we can build an ice castle for her when she does.

  33. I don't believe this is Miranda Kerr.I saw a documentary on her after she had the baby she had a natural birth and refused pain relief in case it harmed him.She also didnt have a nanny.Cant say I'm her biggest fan prob because of the Daily Mails daily sugar coated articles about her!

  34. Unfortunately, there are WAY too many women who put the man in their life ahead of their child(ren), and it happens every single day. A lot of women seem to feel that they're nothing without a man, and will do or put up with anything just to keep one around, no matter how appalling he is. Think of all the stories of kids being abused or killed by stepfathers or boyfriends, and Mom either helps the bastard out, or passively lets him go ahead with whatever he's doing. It's disgusting, but it's not as if it doesn't happen every day... *sigh*

    1. @ Robin, you're right and thanks for the perspective

  35. sounds like a good idea. if mom even has to think about whether the child is her number #, its not. parenting isn't a part time gig.

  36. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Lets not give the Guy a pass for his honesty. If u r a man (person) who doesn't want kids in yourlife wouldn't u just NOT DATE someone who's a parent? To do so is just selfish and a bunch of other nasty descriptions. SMH......

  37. What a callous bitch. I hope the kid never figures out he was dumped for some fling.

  38. I'm pretty sure Miranda was the top guess for the celebrity mom who laughed and laughed when asked if she would ever have another baby. So, although she talks a good game about the natural childbirth and being super mom, I think if she had a better offer, she'd stick the kid with Orlando and forget she ever met either of them.

  39. Miranda's a think Leo doesn't know that? No way is it them.

  40. This is made sound like Miranda, but I do not think she is that stupid, maybe flirty but would not leave Flynn with Orlando and leave.

    I just think she is playing outside marriage, but just playing

  41. I don't fault him for telling her he doesn't want kids, but telling her to give up custody is horrible. How could a person ask such a terrible thing? And she's considering it!? WTF?

    It just boggles my mind that someone could have kids, then put a boyfriend in higher priority. Especially now, with all the birth control choices... there's really no reason to make a baby if you don't want to be a mom. Your boyfriend may want you, but your kids NEED you.

    Nutty and Reeses - Susan Smith was my first thought while reading this, too. Absolute monster.

  42. I can hardly talk about this, it is so disgusting.

    The child must come first. The child must come first. He may be good in bed. He may be wealthy. Too bad. The child comes first.

    If someone has told you they don't want kids in their life and you have one or more, that is disrespecting and disregarding a part of YOU. Get the hell out of there as fast as you can. He has the option to change his mind and come after you.

    There are other men who will welcome you and your child(ren). Lots of men love kids and have plans to have them, and lots of men don't mind readymade families.

    You have to make it clear that you are a package. If a man goes along with your giving up your child, what does that say about him? There are so many good men out there, just wait for one.

    Whoever this model is I totally agree with Audrey, she is selfish and shallow and had her child on a whim. If she is going to be with men who do not welcome children then the child is better off spending most of the time with its father. Maybe that is better in this case anyhow.

  43. why do i believe this...she seems like a woman who never wanted children, poor Orlando

  44. Am I the only one who thought Leo was gay?
