Sunday, December 16, 2012

Blind Item #1

The third time this almost A list all movie actress who I love found her boyfriend staring at her when she woke up from sleeping was enough to convince her to dump her boyfriend and she even changed the locks on her door. It took three times?


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult

  2. Mena's still with her boyfriend

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Creepala!! ' member Joey's roommate in friends?

  5. This sounds like the plot of Paranormal Activity.

  6. Or could he just be an insomniac, who ends up looking at her when she wakes up!

  7. Maybe he just wakes up before her and likes watching her sleep. It doesn't have to be creepy, it could be sweet.

  8. Ah, whats wrong with that!

  9. unless there is more to the story, this is an odd reason to break up with someone. sounds like Seinfeld making up any excuse to ditch a girlfriend.

  10. Yeah this could be very sweet, I'm sure there's more to this than just that.

  11. I think the ex would come into her home while she slept, and would watch her. Which I find pretty creepy.

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I agree, that's not really all that creepy. Watching her sleep? Now if he had snuck into her house WHILE she was sleeping and watched her that'd be a little weird. Although, I remember a Christian Slater/Marisa Tomei movie titled: " Untamed Heart" where he used to watch her sleep because he had such a big crush on her, and wanted to make sure nothing happened to her. It was sweet. Then again, I think alot of girls wouldn't have complained if Christian Slater was watching them sleep at that time, he used to be pretty hot before he got all that wacky plastic surgery that makes him look permanently REALLY surprised. "What's that you say?!!! We need millk!!!!!?????"

    1. That was funny!! Thanks for the laugh

  13. Harvey, I think he was coming into her home to watch her sleep, which is why she changed the locks.

  14. All right, I need an intervention...I have been here enough to see a correlation to an old BI from earlier this year. Related maybe?

  15. My guess is Amanda Seyfried and the Desmond guy from Dexter. Isn't Enty always talking about how creepy his seems?


  17. Whenever I catch Mr Z doing this, I am positive I was snoring or drooling or forming eye boogers while I was sleeping. He says he just likes to look at me. Not creepy at all, I find it charming.

    (He also says if I'm snoring, he'll nudge me, but won't intervene on the drooling. Yeah, we've been married a while!)

  18. Nothing wrong with that!

  19. Charlize Theron? I can see Eric Stonestreet doing this *L*

  20. I like the Jennifer Lawrence guess, just because this sounds like yet another weird thing that would happen to her, LOL.

  21. Jennifer started out in TV so not her.

  22. Jennifer started out in TV so not her.

  23. Remember human embodiment of gossip, in Enty's world "all movie" doesn't mean they couldn't have started in TV. I think Clooney has been described as "all movie" which, c'mon, but yeah.

  24. It's creepy. I had an ex who effin photographed me sleeping. Dump the person.

  25. Toward the end of their photo op relationship, Amanda Seyfried looked entirely uncomfortable with Josh Hartnet.

  26. Rain I wonder also. That was a freaky blind.

  27. My daughter used to stand at the foot of the bed and stare at me until I woke up. She did it to aggravate me. It was after I watched The Ring, and she's got long dark hair like that girl too. Creepy little devil child. I can't get rid of her, but I'd dump that boyfriend.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This reminds me of Twilight...Edward telling what's her name that he watched her sleep. I found that to be totally creepy and it cemented my dislike for the book even more. I guess that may be because I am a grown up and don't find anything romantic or appealing about having someone watch me drool all over my pillow every night. Teenaged girls however seem to find this sort of stuff acceptable.
    Jennifer Lawrence is my guess too.

  30. Audrey - I was gonna say the same thing about Twilight. Creepy and gross!

  31. Maybe he thought he was Pacey and she was Joey.

  32. Maybe he just finished watching Twilight and figured this is how to make a girl love you.

  33. Audrey - exactly what I was thinking. There's this part in the unfinished Edward book where he oils the window hinges so they won't squeak when he sneaks in. ( I am ashamed I know that, if anyone was curious). Exactly what we should be teaching young girls, to embrace psychopathic behavior instead of dumping the creep and getting a restraining order...but I digress.

    I like Amanda for this one too. The guy from dexter freaks me out in general. I'd like him to go away and eat a sandwich, in that order.

  34. My ex used to wake up an hour early for work so she could cuddle with me while I slept. I asked her why she won't touch me when I'm awake? She said "If I cuddle with you when you are awake, you're just gonna want to have sex." #ReasonsWhyShesGone
