Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ben Affleck Not Running For Senator

For the past two weeks, rumors have been flying that Ben Affleck was going to run for Senator from the state of Massachusetts. Becaise John Kerry was being appointed Secretary of State, there was an opening, and Ben is from there and he obviously is very politically aware and he was not saying that he was not going to do it. Then someone realized they could never overcome the skeleton in the closet that is Gigli and that a US Senator makes in a year what Ben makes in about a minute. So, yesterday Ben said he would not be running for Senate. "I love Massachusetts and our political process, but I am not running for office."


  1. He could've been the next Ronald Reagan ;(

  2. With his past, there's no way he could overcome what the press would reveal. And he doesn't want all his affairs coming out. Plus yeah, he could forget about making movies for awhile. I can see him if he got elected, working at it for a year, realizing how hard it is and resigning, making MA have to have another costly election.

  3. But it would be so cool if Jennifer Garner was that close to finally getting the truth about Rambaldi!

  4. Is it me or is he bobble-headed? Yep, that's my meaningful contribution.

  5. Hmmm. Check your facts Enty bc that pic of him makes me think he's running for Nicholas Brody's seat which will be empty if he wins the vice presidency

  6. Am I just tired, or was this post nearly impossible to read?

  7. I think he meant more along the line of: i'd rather do good things from the outside than have to battle the archaic system from within. His past wld prob be chalked up to, oh well he was an actor, so i dont think that would be an issue.

  8. If Argo hadn't been a hit, I think he would have run. But now he has a reborn film career, and being a senator does not get you closer to winning an Oscar. Which should make us safe from any Lindsay Lohan campaign for office.

  9. My big question is when are politicians past history going to become obsolete with all the social media its so much harder to hide your past these days. No ones perfect.

    Don't care or want Ben in politics, but just wondering when all these "scandals" will be less scandalous because no ones perfect.

  10. Not sure a movie actor is ever the best for political office. Just cuz you're astute and care about it doesn't mean you can effect change. Stick with your day job.

  11. It worked for Reagan but there was no TMZ then and he built his political career at a slower pace.
    It also worked to some extent with Schwarzenegger so Affleck has maybe just put on the backburner for a while. After a few more years of being papped with his kids, who knows?

  12. He's not scared of the people of Massachusetts finding out his secrets - he's scared of his wife finding them out.

  13. Hate to be a nudge, but Kerry has only been nominated for Secretary of State, pending Senate confirmation.

    That Affleck had no shot at winning is an entirely other story.

  14. the media in massachusetts loves ben affleck and matt damon. love love love.

    but ted kennedy's son is seriously considering running, and there ain't no way that anyone could win against a kennedy in mass. doesn't matter which one. the kennedy family dog could practically win a political race in mass.

    and, why would ba run for senate now that his career is white hot again? he can always do that later.

  15. Teddy's son announced he isn't running, probably because he realized that outside the People's Republic of BrookBridge, the Kennedy name is done. Scott Brown was very well-liked, had the misfortune of running against a candidate that attracted dollars and support from out of state, and at this point is considered the shoo-in should he choose to throw his hat in. (His father died last week, which is why there's been little said from that side of the aisle.)

  16. Ben is one of the smartest people in Hollywood. I'd love to see him run for Senate someday, but this is not the time. This Masshole will definitely be voting for him when the time comes.

  17. If you have read any of his articles, he is very eloquent, and, one supposes, smart. I do think he would worry about his "past" though it is probably all out there already. And yes, get at those Rambaldi artifacts once and for all!

  18. I think Ben would be a smart, thoughtful senator but I think the process of running would be soul-destroying. Why would he do it when he can possibly be more effective making movies that carry a strong message to a broader audience? It's been said a thousand times but he's on the road to being another Sydney Pollack. There's no reason for him not to continue doing that.

    As an aside, I wish Sydney Pollack had lived long enough to have seen Argo and given Ben notes. I really liked Argo but I would have loved to have heard Pollack's commentary on it.

  19. I'm with Sherry on this one! And I loved Argo, so more of that please, Ben.

  20. I got a phone call asking if I'd vote for Scott Brown or Ben Affleck, I said Ben. Then asked if I'd vote for Scott Brown or Joe Kennedy I said Joe. then asked if I'd vote for Scott Brown or Ed Markey I said Ed. I've had enough of Scott Brown and his immature pompous ass! (I'm a Boston resident).

  21. Anonymous1:17 PM

    He definitely wouldn't be able to handle the public scrutiny of his rampant infidelity. He is such an asshat, of the Scott Di(s)ck, Mario Lopez, Sean Penn, and Reese Witherspoon's ex husband's order. ASSHAT! What a great word, Plus I also like saying it.
