Thursday, December 06, 2012

Ariel Winter's Mom Has Naked Photos She Wants To Release - Quietly

I think it is pretty creepy when a mom has naked photos of her kids. It is just disturbing when the mother wants to secretly release the naked photos to make her daughter look bad. The thing is, this is not the first time a mom has done this or tried to do it. I can tel you right now that a B list actress who was on a very hit almost network show has a mom who was out selling photos of her daughter to make money. I think the mom had taken them secretly with a hidden camera. Anyway, Ariel's mom tried to have a publicist distribute photos of Shanelle Gray, who is the guardian for Ariel. I guess the mom thought it would make Shanelle look bad and then Ariel's mom could have Ariel back under her wings and when she is 18 mom would take some naked photos of her too.


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