Thursday, December 20, 2012

AP.9 Is Selling Naked Photos Of Coco In Bed

I don't think Ice-T was fully convinced by Coco that the previous photos released with her nuzzling? canoodling? about to get busy with? AP.9 were as innocent as she claimed considering she was wearing different clothes in many of them. Despite this, Ice-T allowed himself to be photographed in public with Coco on a red carpet but didn't go to her Peepshow premiere. Now though, according to Radar, it appears that AP.9 has lots of naked photos of Coco, some of them in bed and that he is out there trying to sell them. So, Coco must mean a lot to him if he is out there trying to sell them. I wonder how Coco will try and explain these photos.


  1. This gives me the sads.

  2. Nope, not buying this one. If it is true though, Coco is one silly girl!

  3. Not me, Cathy- this is hysterical!!!

  4. Oh, Coco, why why why? I thought you and Ice were the real deal. This is sad. Also, that dude you cheated with is not attractive at all.

  5. By the way fellow readers, it's 1am in Sydney Australia on the 21st of Dec and I'm still here so I guess the world isn't ending. Woohoo!

    1. Damn!! Now i do hv to finish christmas shopping! Lol. Thanks for heads up!!

    2. It only matters if your in the US. Just kidding!

    3. Thanks for the good news @misspeg!

  6. If Ice T and Coco can't make it, there's no hope for any of us! If you're married, don't let someone take naked photos of you! Duh

  7. Hey Misspeg86 -- spoiler alert!!! I wanted to be surprised! ;)

  8. If you're married don't be naked in a bed with someone not your husband. Duh.

  9. Erm, am I missing something? Do people actually LIKE Ice T? Am I the only person who remembers him the way he was in the 80's and early 90's?

  10. This guy is lower than low. How low is he? Ill leave it to you guys, lol. Wait! Giot one! So low, he leaves a trail of slime everywhere he goes.!

    1. Just to clarify- ap9 is despicable for not only playing into this so called affair, but milking it and scurrying around like a cockroach trying to make money from situation. Where are his morals? His principles? His code of conduct? Disgusting, he is disgusting.

  11. I don't think anyone is really safe from "the end of the world" until it's December 22nd.

  12. lol@Christopher. I must be getting old or something...I do not understand this famewhoring business at all. And, dude! Good way to get killed, ya dumbass!

  13. Also, I don't think it was too smart to cheat on the OG.

  14. They're crazy kids but I like them together.

  15. What an asshole.

  16. Agree w/ Aunt Liddy that AP.9 is a total LOSER and a big jerk-face for trying to sell neked pics of our beloved Coco.

    Dumb of her to let him take them though, I too have the sads.

    1. She was prob asleep or passed out!

  17. Didn't Ice-T and Coco get together on one of his videos while he was still married? It's not like she is pure class anyway. But I did like their over the top shit anyway.

    Ice-T might have been the OG, however, he now plays a cop on TV. My damn mom knows who Ice-T is and if she knew he was the same dude that sang the terrible music I was listening to as a young lass, she'd probably faint.

    H-U-S-T-L-E-R hustler :P

  18. Those pics can't be any worse than the Peepshow pics. I don't think Coco will last long in that show.

  19. I wonder if they have an open relationship. Ice-T seems more embarrassed than hurt or pissed.

    Whatever it is, I hope they can get past it...

    AP.9 is no gentleman.

  20. @misspeg - well it must not be the right time, yet! I'm sure that's the reason...

  21. Hm. I have a feeling she did this on purpose. It seems like she's trying to get back at him for something.

  22. "Hey, Ice, do you have any naked pictures of Coco?"


    "Ya wanna buy some?"


  23. omg. this guy. what a loser scumbag douche fame whore. such a shameful way to act.

  24. Damn @MissPeg!! I was really hoping I would never have to worry about graduating college! I'm wondering though, would you Australians be the first to go? Or would you have to wait and go out with the rest of us?

    1. @JSierra - I was wondering about that too. I think we need to do a roll call out to readers in each country to be sure this impending doom is over!

  25. @Christopher Cruz - I remember. Can't stand Ice T and couldn't care less about Coco.

  26. Lmaooooo @Zeeky!!!!!

  27. Yeah.. the guys sang "Cop Killer" and now he plays one on television. I don't doubt that Ice still has some deep connections. I wouldn't even THINK about crossing that guy. He may not do it, but he probably knows someone that would be willing to pop a cap in AP.9's ass.

    That being said, I loathe the whole pimp culture he's into. Human trafficking is not cool.

  28. You guys are my link to sanity on this day before the world ends...

    I think I mentioned yesterday that my boyfriend's Mom is a major Tin-Foil-Hatter. She's been stockpiling for months now...water, tp, Spam. She's called 3 times this morning...the ringer is now off! Her last phone call was to tell me she wanted to come down and bring us back up to her place in VA.. we've a car here, not sure why she has to come get us? I don't ask questions.

    Is it evil of me to gleefully hope that the power goes out at 12:01 a.m.?????

    Thank you for listening...I can't very well post this on Farcebook. =)

    1. Do you watch Raising Hope? Your boyfriend's Mom sounds like Virginia, stock piling food stuffs for the apocalypse. Hilarious episode last week.

    2. Jeneral, that show WAS hilarious!

  29. This is sad bc I really liked them and their show!

  30. Oh reeses, I would love if there was a globally organized joke to turn off all non essential electricity for 10 minutes after it hits Dec 21 in the time zone of the Mayans. That shit would be HILARIOUS.

  31. Hmmmm...ponders going up...just to turn off the power at midnight. lololol!!

  32. Isn't she always tweeting photos that are barely not porn? Naked pics with only her appearing in them don't mean much. Anyone could have taken them, whether it was Ice, this guy, or some poor assistant. If she had them on her phone, someone could have hacked it.

    Or maybe she was getting it on with this jerk and he's the type to blast them out into the world.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I was curious - did a little research (very little) the world is supposed to end 12/21/12 at 6:11 am EST. So adjust your clocks accordingly.

  35. What is the point of stockpiling supplies if the world is going to end anyway?

  36. Back to Ice T, he hit on my friend (tried to get her back to his room and offered her the world) when he was married to the last woman he was with, even though he was constantly talking in the press about how perfect the wife was. I would be shocked if he didn't cheat on Coco.

  37. Why is he the scum here? Whereas I don't think KStew deserves the whore comments she gets, Coco does in this case. The cheater is the scum in all these cases. Is he a prince? No. But she's the guilty one here.

    And I think Ice and Coco are tacky, classless morons. Are we being glib when we say they had a great marriage? Because If you guys really believe that, THAT is what would give me the sads.

  38. @Reeses, people are really going that far? I'm laughing but I feel for you at the same time (and her).

  39. @EmEyeKay...she's the only one I know of who's gone this far. I'm joking about it but I find it kinda sad. I've told her to stop reading the conspiracy websites and stop listening to the weird radio shows. She doesn't appear to have mental illness, but she's super gung-ho about all the conspiracy things....Illuminati, the contrails...oh god, it goes on and on... She went batshit during Y2K, so I guess it's not a surprise.

    @Tish...stockpiling in case she survives. One can never be too prepared.

  40. Whether this guy is lying or telling the truth - Ice-T has a right to be angry.

    She either cheated or gave this guy a major opening for publicity off their names.

  41. If Ap9 had more pix, naked pix, etc., we'd be seeing them. This is a publicity show to make money and hurt Ice. Ap9 is a begger who better watch his back. Coco is sweet but not the smartest; still, she's not so stupid as to take naked pictures with a dumbass wannabe thug.

  42. Re: Ice-T. I never heard his music. i only know him from SVU, of which I am a big fan. So with that limited knowledge, I find him quite attractive.

  43. Fuck u stupid 9 . Trying ruin my ice and coco

  44. Maybe it's just a PR stunt so people will go see her show. If the pics were real, wouldn't they have been 'leaked' already, and then the movie sold? (assuming there is a movie...).
    As for the world ending, CLASSIC to whoever said we should turn the power out wherever the Mayans live. I'd love to do that here, that would be hysterical. Seriously, it'd be funny for the first few seconds, after that, I'd not want to be responsible for the outcome!

  45. I remember how Ice-T was back in the olden times but Odafin "Fin" Tutuola is one of my fave characters on one of my fave shows. He was hilarious on MTV's Cribs with the vending machines and he, Coco and those ridiculous dogs seem so nice together.

  46. End of the world is due at 5am (ish) in Mexico so we have til 10pm in Australia. We will keep you updated!

    1. @Jessie - Oh good! Thanks for the heads up. I will be close to drunk/already drunk by 10pm so I won't know what's going on ;)

  47. Yes us Aussies get a bonus day. Awesome.

  48. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I told you so! Yes the pics will come out. He's shopping them around aparently to get the highest price, doesn't mean they don't exist because we haven't seen them yet. Give it a day or so. She is dumb enough to take naked pics, she did cheat. Do you think she'd just take naked pictures and then he went home to have cookies and milk with grandma? Please.

  49. They may have an ironclad prenup that states if she cheats she gets nothing. If Ice T set this up, that's a good reason the AP 9 guy isn't afraid: Ice T wants out, and got the evidence he needed to do it with little cost to him.

  50. Anonymous1:53 PM

    i remember weeks a go a blind about a reality wife thats taking this business venture as a break from her controlling husband a "trial separation"... Mayb they got back together but all of this A9 stuff was while they were figuring things out..and she lied and said nothing happened while she was out there..and now BAM

  51. I thought they seemed like such a strong couple. She seems really nice, not like a lot of the back-biting bitches on some of the reality shows.

    I can't stand people that kiss and tell. God, whatever happened to chivalry.

  52. Girl's got balls to mess with Ice. She was probably waiting for the moment she was across the country and expected to be somewhere on a regular basis. Not that I don't like Ice, but, you know...

  53. They may not actually be married, as in no paperwork. I seem to remember Ice saying that they just started saying they were married and everyone followed along . That was also the situation with Darlene Ortiz. I don't watch the show (no cable ) so I'm wondering if Ice and Coco officially married at some point?

  54. seems like maybe her show is not getting the biz they want so lets drum up some drama and fill seats.


  55. She looks drugged to me, I haven't seen that look on her before...

  56. @ReesesPeace, the world didn't end so I guess she's safe now. And as far as I know, she'll be ok because this was the last "possibility" for the end of the world. It's 12:19 am, 12/13 here in Brazil, so we're done! :D
