Monday, December 17, 2012

Amy Winehouse Inquest To Be Reopened

In October 2011, a coroner ruled that Amy Winehouse died of accidental alcohol poisoning. Apparently though the coroner who oversaw the inquest did not have the proper qualifications so the whole thing needs to be reopened and heard again. I think the same result will be found. I was a little surprised there were no drugs found in her system, but if she had been clean for awhile, then drinking the amount she used to regularly ingest could have killed her.


  1. This is stupid, but i guess they have to dot their i's and cross their t's.

  2. Her death still upsets me. I was and am such a big fan. Amy's loss was sad and tragic. addiction is such a terrible disease.

  3. She wrote a song about not going to rehab..
    I get that she had an amazing voice and was extremely talented BUT! She knew what she was doing to herself and she didn't care.
    Addiction isn't a "disease" in my opinion, it's a lifestyle of not caring about anyone or anything, just you're poison.

    1. I don't usually like to correct people's opinions but your opinion if you choose to call it that is wrong. Addiction is an actual disease, accepted in the medical community. By having the opinion it's not is like saying in your opinion penicillin isn't an antibiotic. It is.

    2. I don't usually like to correct people's opinions but your opinion if you choose to call it that is wrong. Addiction is an actual disease, accepted in the medical community. By having the opinion it's not is like saying in your opinion penicillin isn't an antibiotic. It is.

    3. @Rose.. I'm in the medical community lol

  4. How does that work? Does the body have to be exhumed or does someone just review the initial findings and test results?
    Very sad and disturbing for the family to have to go though this again.

  5. Addiction is a disease. Your ignorance is unbelievable. Wow.

  6. Agree - addiction is absolutely a disease. It's usually not curable, but it can be controlled if the person is willing.

  7. My favorite artist of all time. Was so upset about her death, great songs and awesome voice.

  8. I loved Amy sooo much. What they NEED to do is sue the schmucks behind the Lioness album. Off cuts, demos and outtakes that did nothing but tarnish her musical legacy. And by musical legacy, I mean the Back To Black album.

  9. I had given up on liking new music until I heard Amy back in 2007...was excited to hear someone new and different. Hoped for years she would get cleaned up, put out more music, and have a US tour.

    Sad it never happened.

  10. I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying I don't think it's a disease.. Just saying, from my personal experience with family members and patients I've worked with, you either allow the drug to take hold of you or you don't.. If anything in my opinion, it's a personality disorder.
    Sex addicts, drug addicts, alcoholics all have addictive personalities but when you steal from loved ones, OD and continue to use, or lose your loved ones or even house.. That's not a disease, that's a drug taking effect and altering moods.

  11. You don't get it, Caitlin. You don't "allow" the drug to take just does. Of course, you do "allow" yourself to use whatever to dull the pain in the first place. But after a certain point, you just don't have a choice anymore.

  12. @Caitlin...judge much?

    Wow. Just wow at that comment.

  13. Wow, addiction not a disease...

    Live in someone's world who is an addict for a day and see how you feel then.

  14. Wow, addiction not a disease...

    Live in someone's world who is an addict for a day and see how you feel then.

  15. I don't even have the energy to comment on the absurdity in this thread. Unbelievable.

  16. Oh Amy....her death hit me hard. I remember the first time I heard her music. Im sober in part because of her.

  17. Oh Amy....her death hit me hard. I remember the first time I heard her music. Im sober in part because of her.

  18. @Aliciabutterfly26...clean and sober here, too! =)

  19. While the addiction itself may not be a choice, the denial of a problem and refusal to get treatment absolutely is.

    I think that's what Catlin was trying to say.

  20. I am an addict....just not an ACTIVE addict. Some days are a breeze, other days I have to fight with every ounce of my being not to use.

  21. I would also add that people who love/live/deal with addicts might tend to have a jaundiced view of where disease stops and choice begins. Right or wrong in that view, those people suffer too and we shouldn't forget that, or judge how it changes their POV.

  22. Honestly, I'm never posting my opinion on here ever again. I like many of you, come on CDAN to escape reality for a bit, and comment on crazy things, and see what LILO is up to on that particular day..
    I honestly do not deserve to be ripped a new one from a bunch of people who do not know me or my personal experiences because I stated my opinion on something non political, religious.. Like w t f.
    Instead of commenting about how "ignorant" I am, ask yourselves why you can't respect or understand someone having a different view of something than your own opinion.

    1. Aw, Catlin, please don't go. There will be a new LiLo post soon...there always is. ;)

    2. Lol I couldn't give this site up if I tried! This is MY drug hahah
      I'm just never posting my opinion anymore. Btw who is the best role model EVER for drugs?! Lilo!

    3. Caitlin - Who are we NOT to judge. We all state opinions here. Sometimes people agree, sometimes they don't. It all makes everyone think which is what makes this site interesting. That and bacon.

    4. It's 2am here and that just made me so hungry haha

  23. Ic...exactly that. So many of us have to learn or re-learn coping skills and it is sometimes a helluva struggle. I started when I was quite young...drinking and smoking pot when I was 12/13. I was mostly a binge drinker and I stopped by age 27; spent most of my 30s clean and sober. One thing after another happened...I come from a background of abuse and to have someone come on here and just casually throw it out that addicts CHOOSE to become addicts is so insulting. I'll stop...I'm pissed and babbling here. Hugs and love to my sister/fellow addicts. Keep strong!

  24. One way to look at it, is a disease is typically something that interrupts or interferes with the body's normal functions. When a person becomes addicted to a drug, the drug creates a physical change in the body, to where it can't function properly without the drug. While it is introduced differently to the body than other diseases, drug addiction yields the same basic effect: interruption of normal function.

  25. Addict in recovery here too.

    I bet you will post again, but maybe you'll think twice about what you're posting.

  26. @Caitlin - I'm sorry you're upset, but when you say incendiary things other people will also get upset. "I stated my opinion on something non political, religious.. Like w t f." - your opinion is your choice of belief, but it is not supported by established facts.

    There is a proven genetic link to addiction and a for people in this thread who may themselves be dealing with an addiction for all we know, for someone to tell them it's all their own choice is not helping. Sorry again that you're upset.

  27. I know all about the genetics in addiction and according to science I should be an addict but I'm not.
    It was all my opinion, said that a bunch, and would never claim anything as fact if it wasn't.
    Also, I know how awful addiction is first hand and I'm proud of everyone that has risen above that! Keep up the good work guys and just understand that there were no digs at anyone.

  28. Opinions are like know the rest.

  29. Poor Amy. I think it's real easy to drink too much once a person is in black out state. Especially vodka. Isn't that why drinking alone isn't a good idea? I think they won't find anything new.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Caitlin, feel free to continue to post your opinions. You shouldn't feel shut out by a few people. Personally, I'm interested in hearing about other perspectives. All commentary shouldn't be lock-step. Shutting people down fosters groupthink. You can't realize the possibilities of other ideas and grow when this occurs.

  32. Your opinion is fine Caitlin. A lot of people that are recovering addicts take it personally and feel judged and will attack you because of that. That's CDAN for ya!
    Toughen up that skin and keep on posting. It's refreshing to hear someone speak their mind & I happen to agree with you.

  33. @flirty thanks for being interested. I feel that way too. I like hearing what others think and the reasons and upbringing behind why they believe that.
    @geebz yeah haha I didn't know there were so many on here, jeeze! Haha I'll try to toughen up! Thanks!! And also, great minds =]

  34. @Caitlin...if I came off sounding as if I would ever tell you 'you can't say that'...that's not what I meant. You absolutely have the right to your own opinion and I absolutely have the right to tell you your opinion sucks. lol You're obviously coming from your own experiences with addicts and I can appreciate that. But not all of us are 'poison'!
    Enjoy your 2am snack! =)

    1. Of course not! Haha I've seen your post before, you seem like a nice person. I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings!



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