Thursday, December 06, 2012

Amanda Bynes Is At It Again

Lots of people would not go out alone if their friends canceled on them. They would just stay in and wait until the next day. Amanda Bynes has no such inhibitions and has been spotted at NYC clubs all week by herself. Just a sad and lonely figure in barely there clothing hoping to be noticed until you do and then she bails. She has also no problems with smoking pot anywhere she goes in NYC and was in a pharmacy and was smoking a joint while she smeared lipstick all over her face until she looked like a clown. Presumably she is ready for her closeup Mr. DeMille. How is that fashion line going Amanda?


  1. Mental illness is a bitch; untreated mental illness that much more so.

  2. I worry that she has some serious mental issues. She just strikes me as someone who needs a friend. All that success she had and now she's a lonely girl in the back of the club? Something doesn't add up.

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The lady behind Amanda is giving great WTF face.

    It seems like Amanda has serious mental issues. Bipolar, I'm thinking. It's sad. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  4. I think it's weird how al these stars just have melt downs and all of a sudden they have bipolar disorder. What are they doing to these ppl!?

  5. I feel for her. She was such a promising young girl and now she seems so out of it. Doesnt seem to be enough support for people like her, it does seem like she suffers from mania and is haviing a bad episode. As someone who also has it, i hope she can pick herself back up and get on the right track.
    Bless her, mental illness is a bitch

  6. Okay, I smoke pot, but seriously she was smoking a j in a pharmacy and no one called the police (or took a pic)?

  7. isn't there anyone out there for this girl? she needs HELP and with her bizarre behavior, surely she could be made to get it.

  8. I guess her programming wore off ;)

  9. Damn, that's some good weed! Was she actually smearing the lipstick on her face or just didn't know how to apply. Smoking a spliff in a pharmacy? " But it's my MEDICINE!!!"

  10. I feel sorry for her. I hope someone can convince her that she has a problem and needs help before she spirals too far out of control. But admitting you even have a problem is really hard when you've had the world on a platter.

  11. Hmm. @nosey brings up an interesting point re: meltdowns -> bi-polar. Sometimes I've wondered if showbiz attracts certain types of people. For some (a la Britney, Lindsay, Amanda, etc), maybe their need for the attention/spotlight has to do with something in their mental makeup and is some sort of manifestation of the BPD (or some other d/o)? Obviously those aren't the only types of people in H'wood, others are just pure narcissists. ;)

    @Maja - Have you gotten sucked down the Project Monarch rabbit hole, too?! haha

    1. Most people in the bipolar spectrum are naturally extroverts and need be the center of all attention and loved.

    2. And also tend to be creative types.

  12. What a waste of talent and potential. She's turned into another Hollywood substance abuser. I remember watching her when she had her own little tweener show and being just amazed at her sense of comedy. I hope she can pull herself out of it.

  13. Paging Jamie Spears. Cleanup in the makeup Aisle.

    This is just sad. Whether it's drugs; obviously more than just pot; mental illness; or both, someone needs to step in. At least she's less likely to drive in NYC (even though it didn't stop LiLo).

  14. Hahaha @ Maja!!!

    I thought they off you if you are no longer making money for the man (illuminati) @ Amber, rabbit hole for sure:)

    My sister suffers from some disorder and she will not take her meds because they make her fat - so instead she walks around all day yelling at the people in her head! But she is skinny - life's a bitch!!!!!

  15. WHERE IS HER FAMILY?!?! I realize she's legally an adult, but WTF?!?! This is NO ok behavior. She obviously has a problem and needs help. In a way, it reminds me of the 70's stories...Looking for Mr. Goodbar being one of them...not quite the same, but almost....

  16. She looks super skinny in this picture. She really needs help. She's a very sick girl.

  17. I smoked pot mostly every where I went in NYC. Not inside buildings, mind you but I did smoke on the streets and central park (at the Lennon memorial, he would have expected it).

  18. I smoked outside all over in Chicago, even at Navy Pier. :)
    But inside walgreens? No, I am not that far gone. If I wouldn't light up a cigarette I wouldn't light up a joint.

  19. this is just sad. She used to be so appealing before she got the crazies. I'm a little bummed. Hell, I still can't believe she was so wacked out on her show with Jenny Garth, I liked that show. Mindless comedy for me!!

  20. Can someone not pull a 5150 on her ass? I am really worried for her

  21. Unfortunately, a psych eval for a 5150 is usually done if she was brought into an ER or under police custody. She has to be a proven danger to self, others, or gravely disabled. Substance abuse complicates things.

  22. My husband is bi-polar and although he used to have temper tantrums (before we got him on some meds)he NEVER acted like this as out the box as this.

    She's be bi-polar alright, like Larke Voorhies and Britney Spears might be. Meaning something ELSE is wrong with these women.

    Curiously enough Amanda is 26 which was around the same age that Britney started wigging out.

    Sounds very much like her programming is breaking. They say it happens around 30.

  23. What's up with the 'programming wore off' comments?!


    Nah, I believe it, but would really like to see a shot of her with Joker lipstick action.

  25. @Reeses - look up "project monarch"


    A link to a story I found. So sad - so lost. I'm all for making fun of lilo- because I believe her antics come from a different place. I don't see this story ending well for Amanda. I hope I'm wrong...

  27. Yes, that's the age the mental illness can really come to light, but i also fear that so many of these young startlets abuse uppers to lose weight (adderall, coke, meth), that it triggers manic behavior.

  28. Wow! Read upon monarch and mkultra. Not sure if i believe the monach stuff but mkultra is pretty damn scary! Crazy stuff

  29. Yes, that's the age it really started rearing it's ugly head in my ex husband. Early thirties.

  30. It seems to make sense that actors/actresses/musicians have a high propensity for mental disorders. A lot of creative people are - that's why they are so creative. I feel pretty sane and so I feel silly even trying to do different voices when trying to read a children's book. And a lot of addicts also have mental disorders. They know something is off in them so they self-medicate. I used to numb the pain from childhood trauma.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I hope she didn't wind wind up looking like Diane Ladd in Wild At Heart.

  33. Anonymous11:20 AM

    i know that monarch/mkultra stuff seems farfetched but that doesn't mean there aren't sickos out there who believe and practice trying to "split" someone's personality :/ plus, she was Dan's golden girl for a while. yuck!

    i loved her as an actress, even all those crappy movies. her role in "easy a" was hilarious! i hope she gets the help she needs soon

  34. I'm in Duane Reade all the time and I never get to see anything fun.

  35. I have tremendous empathy for her...she desperately needs help. It sounds as though she's bi-polar and off her meds.

    My ex of many years ago was bi-polar, and went off her meds 5 years into our relationship. She became a different person - someone who angered easily, was hyper contrary and erratic, very wreckless with her body (excessive drinking and prescription drug
    use), as well as spending insane amounts of money in one fell swoop. She refused help, because she "didn't have a problem", distanced herself from friends and family, pushed me away, and ultimately, 6 years later, is being cared for by family...

  36. @Amber - I've been down that rabbit hole for a LOOOONG time...*L*.

    It does strike me as more than a coincidence that so many of these young girls who become famous then start to exhibit the same kind of traits. Sure, you could say that the entertainment industry is a stressful and cruel one, especially for a young girl and it's enough to drive anyone insane, but there are just too many patterns in some of these young women and the rise and fall of their careers to be purely coincidental. I do think many of these young celebrities are controlled in one way or another, and I think many of them have suffered terrible abuse at the hands of their "bosses". Do I think it's the "Illuminati"? No. I think it's Money and Power.

    I think if you googled "celebrities and trauma based mind control", you'd find some interesting articles. It's just too bad so many conspiracy theory websites are so messy *L*.

  37. P.S. I totally think it's the Illuminati.

  38. The idea behind trauma based mind control is to be able to control the alter personality. You can program that personality to whatever including holding top secrets. The victim has NO idea this is being done to them from what I understand. I also understand it that when their programming breaks its because they begin to remember some of the things that have happened to them or what they have done.

    It's all pretty sick and no doubt very real! And yes I do believe its the illuminati or ptb.

  39. Anonymous2:03 PM

    i dont think she crazy

  40. Enough with the "Project Monarch" bullshit! It's a complete fucking hoax. MKULTRA was an actual clandestine CIA program to test hallucinogens on US citizens in the 50's. Gottlieb was one sick fuck, and it was a very dark time for freedom in the US. But the bounds of the MKULTRA testing are actually known. The documentation about it was destroyed, but the full history of the program was determined via later research. There were no secret pedophile rings.

    Jesus, grow up, people. Be intelligent and informed in your paranoia. Be afraid of ECHELON, not MKULTRA.

  41. Monarch programming and MK Ultra?! I knew the CDAN readers were amazing. I love conspiratainment.

  42. Running off to read about Echelon now............

  43. "Running off to read about Echelon now..."

    Start with Bamford's "Puzzle Palace".

  44. There's no reason for her to be alone...seems like she and Lindsay could buddy up.

  45. Seriously that's not even funny to joke about. I'm w/ B. People with borderline personalities or mental issues read that kind of crap, convince themselves they were experimented on and that's why they're different, then when no one believes them, they convince themselves no one will believe them because they're incapable of such out of the box thinking. Then only look at those forums because theyre the only people that understand. I'm all for conspiracy theories, but come on w the illuminati crap. Not saying they're isn't one, but sorry guys, jay z certainly does run it. My ex roommate is now beyond help for her mental issues because she believes she's been part of cia experiments. She wasn't and that kind of endless rabbit hole swallowed her up.

  46. Let me stop and think about why some child stars are hollowed out wrecks in their 20's.

    Zero or minimal parental guidance, often sexualised and/or abused, using drugs to cope or to fit in, to lose weight etc, never being told no or given boundaries whilst expected to be the family breadwinner, allowed into clubs and adult parties, then after a few years daily, heavy, unchecked drug addiction, they stop getting work and realise they have no money or career prospects.

    Who wouldn't develop mental issues....

  47. Didnt read any comments, but I definitely think she has a serious mental disorder. Maybe even a personality disorder? Like DID or BPD?
