Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Plea Too Late

Ten days ago, Jennifer Johnson died. Back in October she made a video to try and get some help which could have saved her life. Although she managed to get the funds she needed, they came too late and Jennifer died. It is a shame that only after she has died has her video done what she wanted and gone viral. She left behind a husband and two kids. Jennifer was 30.


  1. Too sad, can't watch. Hormones. :(

  2. Agreed. Too deeply embedded in PMS to watch this.

  3. No PMS, but I sob at sad songs and Hallmark commercials so I can't watch this either.

  4. Agree with everyone above. To paraphrase Dickens, Why show us this if she is past all hope?

  5. I hate to be negative but the internet is full of scammers, you never know who is real or who's fake.

    Sad to admit, but I'm so jaded from years of Judge Judy and stuff like Catfish, if I saw this on YT, I would think this is just another person looking for a handout.

  6. After a little research I found she died 3 days after her surgery from complications.

    Patty1h - I hear you. People have been scammed too much to blindly contribute anymore. Near me a mother has been the recipient of many fund raisers for her daughter suffering from leukemia - except that she's not sick and the mother has been caught.

  7. I saw this article yesterday (well, just the pictures) and thought the same thing. The headline was something like "mom's last message to her children" and showed a still from the YT and a pic of her with her kids. Either it's a scam or a guilt trip. :/

  8. I just read about her yesterday. I am so sad for her babies and her other family.

    People should not have to beg for their lives. :(

  9. My dental insurance is a joke, take care of your teeth people. I work with a woman who has to shell out thousands to repair root canals and other issues not covered by our insurance. Knock on wood teeth my teef don't crap out on me. My dentist scared me straight off of soda and the damage it caused to my teef. Can't regrow enamel, who knew!

    I feel horrible she passed away but at least she was given the care she needed and raised money toward the dental surgery she needed. The good ones always go first.

  10. I am not watching due to the same reason disco had. She just needed dental surgery to save her life?

  11. Timebob, prior to being married, I was uninsured for years. I didn't make enough to buy any, and my job didn't have benefits. Our county healthplan doesn't cover dental. A month after getting married, I ended up needing a root canal. On top of my insurance paying, I had to pay a little over a thousand to get it done. Teefers need tlc too. I learned the hard way!

  12. She did raise the money just died of complications. I wasn't sure why she needed dental work for heart surgery either. If anyone knows I am curious.

    Ps Catfish isn't actually real right?

  13. Universal healthcare people - stop paying twice as much as the rest of the world for half the service. This isn't 1850 for fucks sake, people should not be dying in a 'civilised' country for reasons like this.

  14. @Onyx Loathes hydrangeas: Serious gum disease (periodontal disease) and the build up of fatty deposits on the lining of artery walls that can lead to blood clots, which cause therosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD). One notion is that the bacteria in periodontal disease stimulates the immune system
    and produces inflammation. This means that regions of the blood vessels that might already be developing plaque due to cholesterol are stimulated further, which can narrow the artery.

    A second notion is that periodontal disease bacteria get into the
    bloodstream (through the gaps around the teeth), become incorporated into the
    plaque build up in the arteries, and exacerbate inflammation.

  15. It's true. Gum disease exacerbates heart disease.

  16. Anonymous9:50 AM

    PMS'ing too, but was able to watch. This could have been any one of us ladies. Munch is right, we should all have universal health and dental care in a civilized country, young mothers shouldn't have to be begging for their lives. That's why I don't understand all the hate for Obama's healthcare bill, we need healthcare, and even if there are bugs or disagreements about it, let's just get it done. Thank God it held up in court. If you didn't get misty eyed seeing this video then there's something wrong with you.

  17. @munch, thank you for the explanation. So sad :/. But thank you for also convincing me to book a dentist apt ASAP, I hate the dentist and skipped my last apt.

  18. This is truly sad.

  19. Aww, we all flow together!

  20. Hahaha I can't believe all our cycles are synced.

  21. I also can't believe I just posted a laughing comment on this post.

  22. Is *that* it? PMSing here too. Weird to find out it's CDANer cycle time. I watched it anyways. Heart went out to her. Yeah, I know there are a lot of scammers out there, but something rang so true in her facial expressions. I wish there were something I could've done. Anyone know if here's a memorial fund for her kids?

    Even with dental insurance things can get pricey. I was blindsided by a $4k+ bill last year for emergency work. 3 crowns, 1 root canal and 2 extractions. (Still waiting on implant for one of them until after Jan 1st reset. Fortunately I went to get a second opinion and that dentist became my new dentist even though it was a little more expensive (he showed me where the other was going to perform root canal on wrong tooth!) even more astonishingly when I said "I'm sorry... There's just no way in the world I can come up with that right now." instead of trying to push Care Credit & their 22% interest card on me, or to turn me away, they set up an in-house payment plan. No interest. I started crying tears of relief I was so surprised.

    All dentists should be that amazing. I'm their patient for life now and I refer people constantly.

  23. It's official - we all spend too much virtual time together.

  24. This is creepy. PMS'ing here, too. Weird.

  25. Also PMSing. wtf mate!

  26. That's why medical costs have been rising so much and we get charged $1,000 but only pay $100 for the procedures. People without insurance pay the $1,000 or at least a large chunk of that in cash. But it's the insurance companies that are crooks, not the government, and not the people being insured.

  27. o_0 I refuse to watch. I read the comments first to see what the video was about, thankfully. I am currently dealing with several bad teeth and I am in need of four root canals and crowns, and all of that. Luckily, I was able to get in the dentist office for antibiotics on Monday. I am so thankful to have dental insurance again, as of recently.
    A girl in my very tiny home town died last year due to teeth infection. This scares the shit out of me. I feel so bad for the woman in the video and her family. :(

  28. This was damn near me, about two months ago. I haven't watched it; there's no way!

    My front tooth developed a huge cavity, to where the bottom half was completely hollow. One morning it started hurting, really bad -- like Three Mile Island sirens and flashing lights bad. I've no dental insurance, nor money to pay for anything, so I dragged myself to the ER.

    They gave me a prescription for antibiotics I couldn't afford, and one for pain meds. They also gave me a list of charity clinics.

    Except, no, out of the 10-15 listings, they all said "call the emergency dental clinic." It was just a regular dentist office, with regular prices, just with extended hours. The charity dentist doesn't exist.

    The only reason I'm still here and typing this is because my friends came together, collected the $1k+ I needed for the root canal.

    While waiting to raise the money, I broke my foot. Again, a trip to the ER. They x-rayed it and wrapped it up. I can't do any follow-up of any kind. I'm sure it's not healing right, but there's nothing I can do about it.

  29. My brother is a dentist. Do you have a dental school in your area? THe dental students (HIGHLY supervised) perform work for much less than those with a degree. And there are charity dental places somewhere. He would work out of a mobile unit to see kids for free. Sometimes the work the kids needed was too extensive and they referred them elsewhere, but there were dentists around willing to do payment plans etc. Good luck.

  30. Well, I'm a bloke so can't be "in sync" with our lady readers, but I'm PMSL at it, if that helps.

    Sorry for being off kilter on a sad thread, but the side tracking by our menstrual maidens was funny...

  31. Add me to the in sync. I hate PMS right after Xmas!

  32. The suckiest part about PMS after Xmas is knowing that Aunt Flo is gonna make her visit on NYE. Bitch.

  33. Swedishfish - Thanks for the info! There is a dental place at a college here... I tried there but I couldn't get seen. It really was crazy that the huge list they gave me was all a bust. It may be they ran out of money to help people; many charities nowadays have that problem.

    One thing they do have is a free clinic that comes every few months. They use a large space like in convention center. The problem is it's so popular, you have to stand in line, outside, overnight. The people I know who went previously said they were there for over 24 hours.
