Monday, November 05, 2012

Your Turn

If you could become as famous and wealthy as Kim Kardashian, would you make a sex tape and have the world view it?


  1. No. There are many ways to become wealthy and/or famous without losing your dignity.

  2. i would not make a sex tape, but i would go on a shopping spree of epic proportions.

  3. I actually have morals, ethics, dignity and self-respect and that can't be bought or sold for ANY price, so, no, I would never.

    1. Yes to every word, well said ^^^^^

      And my MOTHER would have beat my ass within an inch of my life, not sold the damn thing for me.

  4. Absolutely not.

  5. Hey, if the world is willing to pay to see my 47 year old body with stretch marks, surgical scars and psoriasis getting it on with a young rapper, then I suppose I should go for it!

  6. Absolutely not. However, if someone recorded me and I didn't know, then tried to release it and there was absolutely no way for me to stop it, I would make sure I was more than handsomely compensated.

  7. Not interested in fame. I wouldn't mind a little money but there has to be another way.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. No. Once you sell your dignity, you can't buy it back.

  10. Yes. I have no shame yo. ;)

  11. Nope, I have REAL God given talent lol

  12. Agree with Amber!

    I'd hide my head under a rock forever if a sex tape of me was released.

  13. karrots for the win.

  14. no. fame scares me and i'm not really big on material things. you can only wear one pair of pants at a time, so how many pairs do you need?

  15. Maybe if i desperately needed the money, for my kids, then i would need it all to put the little dudes through therapy. I guess not.

  16. My attitude is a little different....if I could make millions off of one sex tape, sure, why not. If, however, the sex tape just gave me the notoriety to become an annoying celeb who is always having to work to stay in the public eye and come up with crazy drama in order to make my millions, then my answer is no.

    1. Ps...this would have been my answer before kids, afterwards def no

  17. My sex tape would be a hell of a lot more exciting and therefor MUCH more embarrassing. Wouldn't do it on purpose.

    That said - sure, I'm with Amber and would cash in as much as possible.

  18. No, I don't believe any amount of money could then clear my conscience return my morals, or self respect.

  19. Sure, why not? 1. The retinas of all who viewed my sex tape would shrivel from the shock of my chubby naked butt 2. Me releasing a sex tape AND people buying is one of the signs of the apocalypse - so, really what would I have to lose?

  20. No! Would never inflict that on my parents, family, or baby girl! It is embarrassing enough getting hollers or beeps from men when Im walking my little one in the pram (I have no idea if this is an Australian men thing?!) let alone having to deal with people having seen all of me getting it on with my man, and taking the perviness to a whole new level!

  21. @nap assassin - do we have the same mother? My mom has been dead for a long time but I swear she'd find a way to rise from the dead just to smack my head for a couple of years.

  22. If it's something somebody chooses to do, there's nothing immoral or shameful about it. Me, I'm an unattractive, morbidly-obese, 51-year-old, 370-pound fat guy. Anybody wants to pony up a few million to watch me boning a starlet, hey, sign me up!

  23. Listen if someone wanted to pay to see my fat booty shaking in the air! What the fuck eva! I will take one for the team! People usually forget about shit anyway. LOL

  24. I wouldn't but what's the difference with that and posing for playboy?

    Why no backlash for the playboy centerfolds?

  25. If I did, I'd wonder if everyone I passed on the street had seen my naughty bits... so, no. I couldn't live with that.

    I'm still pissed that my BF snuck up and took a photo of me in the bathtub two weeks ago! He hasn't deleted the photo and it makes me feel funny.

  26. I also wouldn't strip like Channing Tatum did but no one seems to care about him.

    Hypocritcal much?

  27. I would atleast consider working 60 hrs a week like I do now.

  28. No, my privacy means the world to me

  29. Don't need the fame or notoriety, thanks.

  30. I wouldn't make a video of myself doing this with or without fame...I even hate getting my picture taken. I guess I'm just not that vain.

    Anyway I wouldn't want to end up being on some ex's boner tape (or laughingstock).

  31. I would never want to be famous. Rich, yes. But, not famous.

  32. No thanks. My self image is bad enough without seeing everything jiggle in HD.

    Besides, I don't think cameras are conducive to real passion...'oh yes, let's get it on, wait, the camera isn't positioned correctly, o yeah, oh dear the cap is still on the camera...' etc.

  33. No way. Wouldn't want the fame either. Maybe I'd take the money, but I love my anonymity.

  34. I've be videotaped before and trust me..It is not pretty and that's when I was young! Lordy, isn't there a better way to make a living?

  35. @sherry...I always think of that friends episode where Ross and Rachel watched their tape, haha

  36. I'm with false prophet! I would HaTE fame.. The riches I could handle though. When it comes to money everyone has a price. Would I release a sex tape for 20 million?
    Ha! I'm ready for my close up .

  37. At this point in my life (young, early early 20s) with my body being what it is, and not having any kids? With my always broke, no kid having, 2 job working, struggling trying to do full time work and full time school ass? If I knew I'd look good, then yeah. BUT I wouldn't be like Kim and try to be all in your face everywhere you turn and stuff. I'd take the wealth and go buy a house on a big piece of land in the country. Find work in something that I love to do. Maybe adopt a whole bunch of strays.
    Im comfortable and secure with myself. Not that it'd EVER happen to me.
    Sorry I'm not sorry.

  38. I guess if I were raised by a sociopath fame whore and only wanted her approval.

  39. If I was as boring as Kimmie I would.

    Lets be honest here, no one actually watched the entire tape we all just skipped through it to find the juicy bits. Then we all sadly clicked on the "x" to close the tab as we quickly discovered it was nothing more than Kim preening and Ray J peeing on her.

  40. No, I'm way too private. Plus, I could never look any of my family members in the eye again.

  41. I am with Amber, I wouldn't put it out there, but if I were secretly taped and had no way of stopping the circulation I am going to get some $$$ off it one way or another.

  42. I don't care about fame, but if I could become a multi-millionaire for it? Yep, definitely. But only if I got paid before making it. I really don't see what the big deal is.

  43. Would I have to shave my legs? Then no, I'm sucked dry of any energy these days & a sex tape would look like hubby performing necrophilia.

  44. Ooh I like this question. How truthful do you think everyone really is about it? Me, I don't really care. Sex is natural and fun. If someone wants to pay millions for a tape of my husband and I, whatever. I will retire and never address it again. The reason I can't stand Kim K has nothing to do with her being in a sex tape. She's shown herself to be a horrible person in many many ways that have nothing to do with that tape.

  45. Hum .. perhaps with a few caveats?

    1. I must be in love with the man in question and he decidedly with me; 2. I must be as young, lovely and tone as I was about 25 years ago and; 3. have enough intestinal fortitude to deal with the inevitable shaming.

    If all those things were included with the fantasy money .. I suppose. It would allow me to live a wonderful life with the man I love and who loves me, have his babies and live without fear and worry of being in the position I am in today.

  46. I gotta say there's NO amount of money that would get me to do that. Ew.

  47. no, she's a HO and an exhibitionist. and a liar.

  48. Yes. Squirrel it away AND STOP before dating Kanye. Retire to an undisclosed tropical location.

  49. No. Why would anyone want to be compared to Kim Kuntrashian?

  50. Sure, who gives a crap. Unlike the Kardashians, after I make a big enough pile of nuts to last the rest of my life, I'd disappear to a nice small house on a big plot of land out in the countryside and spend my days sitting under the shade tree strumming my ukulele and going fishing..

  51. I wouldn't want her kind of so-called fame, in fact I'd hate any fame at all, but for KK level of wealthy? Um, yeah, I'd do a sex tape. For that kind of money, I would. But only if it was with my husband! ;-)

  52. I'm fat, pasty and middle-aged. I'd pay good money to watch someone watching me in a sex tape! LOL But in all seriousness, no. Kim K. is an example to us all of how NOT to behave.

  53. No, because the amount of awesome that people would view would make their heads explode. I'm just thinking about the greater good.

  54. Replies
    1. And she is wealthy, but famous for being a cheap slutty idiot. No thanks.

  55. Oh, HELL NO!!! My family would never get over the shame, and neither would I, for that matter.

  56. Hell no. Some things aren't for sale.

  57. just the thought of this made me giggle.....

    oh hell why not.

  58. Good lord...A slightly over weight older woman what idiot would want to watch me have sex? Someone with one serious kink...yucky...

  59. come on Enty- this is some low brow shit. You couldn't think up a better topic? Yuk on you.

  60. umm no, and I most def would not if I would be a dead fish in it, screaming "ohhh babyeeee"

  61. Hell yeah. I would gladly piss on Kim Kardasian for money.

  62. I wouldn't care about people seeing me have sex, so yes I would.

    But it's all the other stuff she has done to make money and maintain her fame that I would NEVER do. (let cameras in to watch every moment of my life, fake my relationships, even my marriage, fake my friendships, basically fake everything about myself...)

  63. Nope. I would go on an epic shopping spree though. :-)

  64. I'd probably release a sex tape. I agree with char though that KimK has gone too far with her famewhoring.

  65. Maybe, back in the day. At one time this old frump had it going on. If you could flash me back to 20 and then protect me from my Mother I would of done it. And not like a dead fish either. My Freak Flag Flew over 40 yrs. ago. Now, no way, I'm way to picky.

  66. No. It would be devastating for my family and I truly believe that some things are sacred and private.

  67. I think a lot of people underestimate what they would do for, say £10 million. if someone had a briefcase full of all that cash, then said to you, all you need to do is have sex while being filmed and its all yours? i think almost 99% of people would take it, me included (but do the guys ever get the money? prob not...) it's what you do after it that will define you. if you take the money and just live a normal life is fine,people forget and family members forgive (and if not? who cares you've got £10 million! haha.)but if you act like kim and seek the fame because you need it and will do anything for it, then that is more embarrassing than the actual sex tape.

  68. No way. I'm too private. I wouldn't even want to go on a reality show.
