Thursday, November 01, 2012

Your Turn

What items do you still have from your childhood?


  1. My teddy bear and a few small dolls my dad bought me on his travels. They're in a box in my closet.

  2. In my basement I've got my old American Girl dolls, my entire Beanie Baby collection (you know, since they'll be SOOOOO valuable one day) and trolls (the ones made by Russ, not the originals).

  3. Also, I was obsessed with my rock collection in elementary school, so I still have that too... probably pogs as well!

  4. I have a few special edition books, Little Women, Black Beauty, and Anne of Green Gables.

  5. My kindergarten graduation diploma and school pictures. That's about it. My mom isn't terribly sentimental.

  6. We had a fire 16 YRS ago and I lost pretty much everything as it started in my bedroom but the one thing I have that did survive(as it was in the cement-insulated cold storage room in the cellar) was the stuffed dog toy I had when I was 4-5 YRS old which is now all battered, scarred and floppy as I'm now 45.

  7. I had my childhood teddy bear, but I sent him up to live with my he's now an heirloom bear.
    I'm hoping she'll pass him on to her kids.
    Aside from that, I have a bushel basket of emotional issues from childhood that still affect me today. Do they count?

  8. My teddy bear, Shirley temple doll and raggedy Ann doll. My first communion dress and some scraps of my "blanky"...when eBay first started I recreated most of my Barbie collection including the growing up skipper and her bedroom set, it made me unreasonably happy to have those things again.

  9. My teddy bear from my first Christmas who resides on the top shelf of the bookcase.

    A ton of Legos.

    Various CDs, cassettes, and LPs.

  10. I have my baby book--my mom filled it with all the milestones and little keepsakes. I have a little wicker clothes hamper that was in my room when I was a baby.

    I have a little tote bag of my favorite Barbie clothes. Barbie came out the year I turned 5 and I got one for my birthday--4 days before Christmas--but I didn't have enough birthday money to buy her any outfits --and on Christmas my mom gave me a big coat box full of hand-made Barbie clothes--beautiful little suits and coats, hand made out of some scraps she got from a friend who was a dressmaker.

    She even pieced together lace scraps and made me a Barbie wedding dress. I was so happy when I opened the box I started crying.

    LOL I played with Barbies til I was so big I was embarrassed to admit it.

  11. I have some of my Judy Blumes and my Little Women at my parents house, and funny Merlin!

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Still have my care bear (night time bear). I saved it so I could give to my daughter.

  13. My rag doll Lucy. Most of my report cards, some pictures, etc.

    Most of my toys and teddies went to my nieces and nephew, so they can be loved again :) how very Toy Story 3 of me!

  14. Car54, that sounds amazing, and luckily I had little sisters, cause it gave me an excuse to play barbies into middle school!

  15. I have a stuffed dog named Bowser (after the Sha-Na-Na guy...had a crush!) and a one-eared teddy bear named Sarge that belonged to my grandfather. Lots of my favorite kids books and a quilt.

    I wish I still had the action figures and My Little Ponies that I played with growing up because I could sell 'em for a mint on Ebay now. :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. The original Megatron (the one that turned into a pistol without the orange safety plug on the barrel) along with most of my Transformers I had. All of my video games from the Sears Pong system I had when I was 3 through the newest ones, my comic book collection (that numbers in the 10's of thousands now) and the complete Secret Wars and Super Powers super hero figure collections.

    Honestly, I have most of my figures I bought or were given from the age of 5/6 and up.

  18. Too many to list here, but my favorites include my Cabbage Patch dolls (since given to my little one), a ceramic Holly Hobbie tea set, and countless stuffed animals. My daughter is going to keep coming into "vintage" toys over the next several years.

  19. From my actual childhood I have my first pair of red cowgirl boots. I also have a few books that I learned to read from. My mom has my baby book and the outfit I wore home from the hospital. I have a few other things but those are the most important that we're mine.

    I also have a pair of cowgirl boots my grandmother bought right before she died when my dad was 15. Never been worn or anything. I got them and a nativity scene made of olive she bought in Jerusalem. My great grandmother gave me both of those items and told me not to tell my dad or aunt cause she wanted me to have them being her namesake.

  20. photos, school work (art, awards, etc.), my baby blanket, Madame Alexander dolls and a big stuffed Monkey (named George) my mom made for me to dance with in my dance recital when I was 9. My daughters always loved George and I have pictures of my older daughter wearing her Bride Halloween costume pretend marrying George in the back yard (when she was 6).

  21. My 2yo plays with my sesame street playhouse and we use a lamp from my bedroom for his nursery. I still have my stuffy from when I was a baby and all my books, as well as a couple more toys.

    My dad, on the other hand, has all my starwars figures in boxes, those mcDonald's martians and spaceship and the my little ponies in mint condition. Because they're worth something? who knows.

  22. A leather jacket I wore when showing horses and a small maple table with 2 kid size chairs.

  23. My Strawberry Shortcake doll(the original, not the one they have now),a few other random dolls (wish I still had my Barbies, don't know if my mother still has them, haven't talked to her in a few years), a few pictures, high school yearbooks, not much really.

  24. I have my stuff Monkey. I got it at Children's Hospital the day I was born. I had to be medi-flighted there and my twin wasn't. Its probably the only thing I have from when I was a baby that she doesn't have one of too. Its been through a lot with me.

  25. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I was given a teddy bear by a woman in the Hospice home where I spent a great deal of my childhood. (Not as a patient, she was the patient). She was amazing, and was in a wheelchair, had a gold tooth, and she never stopped laughing.
    When she gave it to me, it was a huge deal because my childhood was bullshit and it's one of the few gifts I ever received. I never played with it, and I still keep it with me.

    tl;dr, it's a bear.

  26. A Raggedy Anne doll I got for Xmas when I was 5. I also have a jeans purse I made when I was about 9. Embroidered with flowers on it. It looks like a 9 year old made it.

  27. Goosebumps, the amazing RL Stine books. Other than that, nothing. My mom saved some of my brothers things (TMNT action figures mostly) but she tossed most of mine.

  28. My first t-ball trophy.

  29. My rainbow brite sheets. I don't know why that was something my mom decided to keep, as I don't have a twin size bed anymore, but I figure I could figure something to do with them if I ever have kids

  30. All my Osmond albums including when they sang on an Andy Williams album long before they put out their own LP.

  31. Car54 we are the same age. Except my Mom threw out my treasure of Barbie AND ORIGINAL Superman and Batman comics. Feh.

    The only thing I still have is my 45 collection from the early 60s.

  32. My brother lost a battle with cancer when he was 6 and I was 5. Fifty years ago and I still miss him. I kept his cowboy blanket all these years.

  33. as i am a bit of a hoarder, i've saved tons of stuff. baby clothes, report cards, love letters, etc. i even saved items from several of my brothers' childhoods. my prized possession though is a stuffed animal given to me by my second grade teacher after i suffered a concussion at school. that little guy accompanied me to college and grad school. he's been with me through thick & thin & sits on my bedside table to this day. i'm almost 40 & my husband doesn't mind if i sneak him in under the covers on cold nights. :)

    first time poster & long time reader. i gotta say that i dig you guys & this site.

  34. Pinky, my pink stuffed dog since birth.
    my Michael Jackson Doll
    My Donny Osmond doll
    Cabbage Patch kids ( they just turned 28 on Sept 3!)
    most of my barbies and ALL my 105 smurfs.

  35. Anonymous11:07 AM

    My American Girl dolls, their clothes/beds, my books, a couple of stuffed animals maybe. Stuff that I don't have anywhere else to put so it's all in my Mom's basement.

  36. Anonymous11:08 AM

    My condolences Turkish Taffy, that must have been so painful.

  37. Baby blanket, some clothing, jewelry my grandmother gave me, a clock my grandpa gave me before he passed.

    Trukish Taffy, that made me cry.

  38. I still sleep with a stuffed animal that I stole from my brothers crib when I was 3.
    I am now 23 and still sleeping with that stuffed animal.

  39. I have the scrapbook my mom made and a clay owl I made in school. I also have a ceramic ram that I made when my mom had a ceramic shop, and it's always in my living room.

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  40. I don't think I have anything. I've moved way too many times.

  41. The Princess and the Goblin by George McDonald, a rock kind of like lava but smoother and rounded, a two headed troll but my dog chewed the lower body off, a stamp collection.

  42. I still have my baby blanket, which has since been passed on to my son, as well as a sweater that my Nan knitted for me :)

  43. Every Cher album from the first Sonny & Cher album to her album in the nineties. Including a lot of magazines and newspaper articles that I clipped. Oh, and the book that J. Randy Taraborelli wrote about her.

  44. A box of seed beads, several camping items from Girl Scout camp, a doll I sewed when I was 7, some jewelry, and a little ceramic cable car I bought on a trip to San Francisco when I was 11. That being said, when my dad died in 2005, my mom started cleaning out the house and sent me lots of things she had saved: cards, report cards, letters from camp, etc.

    The ceramic cable car has been prominently displayed everywhere I've lived since I was 11 years old and currently has a spot in my kitchen. Everything else is packed up and put away in the basement.

  45. My teddy bear, and two Opus dolls (opi?). I also have a blanket my sister knitted for me. That blanket has followed me through my entire life - 2 cities internationally and 8 US cities

  46. Some books, two or three teddy bears, a couple of dolls, a chest of drawers I now use as a bed table, a tea set. I might be just a bit of a hoarder.

  47. A rug made from the first bear I slew with my bare hands.

  48. A voodoo doll and I'm using it now.

  49. A family friend accidentally slammed the piano key cover on my fingers when I was about 4. They bought me a bunny wearing a polka dot outfit, which I still have. I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of it.

  50. My father chased a Cessna down the runway in Santa Monica when he heard they were flying back east. He gave them an Indian blanket to give me for my 13th birthday...I still take naps under it.

  51. My Cabbage Patch Dolls ( 1984 and 85). My little ponies, Barbie and Jem dolls. My mother got rid of all my HeMan and SheRa dolls. Grrrr

  52. I still have my baby blanket and it's still on my bed. Several years ago when I was in the hospital (I was 28 at the time) a friend asked me if I had any stuffed animals she could bring me from home to have while hospitalized. I asked for my baby blanket instead. :-)

  53. I still have my baby blanket and it's still on my bed. Several years ago when I was in the hospital (I was 28 at the time) a friend asked me if I had any stuffed animals she could bring me from home to have while hospitalized. I asked for my baby blanket instead. :-)

  54. Awesome dollhouse that my dad built me. It got mangled in a move, but I started fixing it this summer for my daughter. My dad just passed away, but I am so grateful that he was alive long enough to share it with him.

  55. A tiny diamond ring I wore as a baby.
    A few pieces of fine jewelry left to me by my maternal grandmother.
    Some photographs.

  56. OMG, this caused a 'clutch the pearls' moment because it's so indicative of my past. My porringer, milk cup and various juice cups [all smaller than the milk cup and each one was only used for a specific juice; my mother had my initials put on the bottoms since .925 silver is easily monogrammed so she could distinguish my sister's and my stuff. I use them to hold things on my desk now.

    No dolls, clothes, books, or blankies just some nice old cold [relatively soft] silver. And like MDB, a number of unresolved childhood issues. ;-)

  57. Tons of books, these birthday/age dolls my gma gave me, little knick knacks/souvenirs that I have on a shelf in my office. I am pretty sure I still have Hooter, the elephant from Michael Jackson's Captain EO. I had a huge bear named Humphrey an ex gave me, that was with me until a few years ago when I finally passed him on to Goodwill.

  58. Absolutly nothing. I must have known I wouldn't want any reminders.

  59. I do have a tickle trunk for my daughter, full of 'firsts' & momentos. We drag it out every now & then & it's so heartwarming to remember all the little things that flavor your life. I'm proud she has no intententions of throwing out her shit :)

  60. All my Star Wars action figures, my Atari 2600 and tons of games, Pong, Speak and Spell, plush Ewoks, my lab microscope... :)

  61. I have a pretty good bit of stuff, Barbies and clothes my grandmother made for them, stuffed animals, two of those 3' tall little girl dolls that each wear one of my old dresses. I'm not a hoarder, but have always held onto things. Thank goodness my parents didn't toss my stuff as I got older!
