Monday, November 12, 2012

Will David Petraeus Pass Tiger Woods

Former CIA Director and apparently really crap husband, David Petraeus is now up to mistress number two who apparently was harassed by mistress number one. What I am really hoping for in this situation is some kind of confirmation that there is a circle of life and that one of the women that Petraeus slept with or that we discovered he slept with also had sex with Tiger Woods. I don't think it would be quite as interesting if one of them slept with Jesse James but, sure, I am not going to complain about it. What I want though is for that Tiger Woods connection. I want that waitress from Perkins to have slept with the General too. The Florida thing might help, but so far, the General has been attracted to women with dark hair and dark features and Tiger went primarily for the bottled blonde look. I am still hoping though that Rachel Uchitel comes through with a yes.


  1. I can't stop reading this scandal. I think there are MORE women then two.

  2. No one will pass Tiger Woods. EVER.

  3. 2=/= 35 or whatever Tiger's # was/is. I think he's scum, but trying to force these stories together is dumb.

  4. I'm just amazed that the head of the CIA couldn't be secretive enough to hide one mistress from another.

  5. Entwood, the FBI will be very interested in learning that you have confirmed in your first sentence that the person who received the alleged harrassing EM's, is in fact, another mistress. Congrats !

  6. @ButterKwup
    But it's fun!

    I've been reading about this scandal all weekend and it gets weirder and weirder.

    I want to know why it's so easy to get close to the CIA Director. It seems these women "casually" met him and started get friendly. Broadwell basically followed him around, the second chick was a "liaison" for the military, whatever that means. I think this is giving a lot of enemies amo. Just get some hot chick into the CIA, it's easy/breazy/peezy.

  7. The OTHER other woman, Jill Kelley, did *not* have an affair with Petraeus, according to officials. Or as the news put it, Petraeus admitted the affair with Broadwell but denied any inappropriate relationship with Kelley, and the FBI found no evidence to contradict that assertion. Also, it stands to reason - if Jill Kelley, who is also married, was fooling around with Petraeus, why would she go straight to the FBI with Paula's harrassing emails?
    It's possible there were more women, but please let's leave this (probably) innocent woman out of it! Even if she does look like a long-lost Kardashian sister...

    1. i agree! enty reporting false info about this when i'm sure he's read that there wasn't another mistress is just annoying!

  8. @L'auteur, agreed!! Maybe it was best that he stepped down, what with directing national security and all. That biographer chick seems like a nutter--can't wait for more dirt. But i do feel really bad for the wife. After 38 years, do you divorce? Forgive?

  9. Jill Kelley and her family are long time friends with the Petraeus family. She thinks of him as a "grandfather". I don't think she had an affair with the general (at least I HOPE not).

  10. These Emails were investigated in May. FBI determined no security breach.

  11. Agree with Agent It - FBI discovered no security breach, and this other other woman is not proved to be a mistress. What gets me is the mistress was OK with him being married but not with another possible woman?

  12. There still a lot of questions about this second woman. First, if she is "good friends" with Petraus, why not ask him instead of going to the FBI. I don't know, but if I have "good friend" sending me harassing emails, I would ask him first.

    Second, Petraus was, by all reports, very disdainful of adultery yet look at him now. Wonder if this is a pattern for him.

    Finally, this is too easy to get access to the CIA Director. Broadwell had unlimited access and Kelley just dropped in. I want a hearing about why there was so much easy access to the head of the CIA.

  13. This is very disappointing. I really admired him. I thought he was one of the rare honest people in DC.

  14. @Susan - Join me on Team Jaded. It's much easier to be pleasantly surprised by a politician than repeatedly disappointed!

    1. SusanB and Amber, agree. But remember ,Petreus was not a politican. He was an appointee. With Israel, Syria and Turkey all shooting at each other this weekend, his military expertise will be a big loss to the administration. I can't help but wonder, he would rather cop to infidelity that the FBI determined was not a security breach than appear before Congress re what happened 9/11/12? Team Jaded, do I have to pay dues to join?

    2. i don't understand how him resigning means he doesn't have to testify now :/ that's just rudiculous he should still have to!

  15. I really don't care if he had a mistress as long as there was no security breach which there wasn't. I think this is probably a political game. I'm waiting to see if this will be spun as a connection to Bengazi, but that happened way after the EMs were sent to Kelley. Obviously the autobiographer is unhinged. But not yet as bad as Diaper Astronaut.

  16. Well said, @Rosemary.

    But I would just like to remind everyone that the title of the biography is ALL IN.


  17. @Agent**It
    Petraus is still going to have to testify! These is not getting him out of that. Actually, there is another probe going on about this and the FBI's involvement.

    1. Henriette , I know it's wrong, but I cannot stop singing "My Guy" every time I see his name now... I should be ashamed:)

  18. @Agent - It's totally free! Leave your optimism at the door. I don't understand why he's off the hook now that he's out? He was on the job at that time. Why wouldn't they be able to call him?
    (I just used "politician" as a catch-all, because I was too lazy to do more than that. lol)

  19. Isn't it interesting that this is coming out right now? Wouldn't Petraeus have been testifying soon about Libya? Just sayin...

  20. I am obsessed with this story.

    1. A picture speaks a thousand words. When you google Jill Kelley, you will find a photo of the General, his wife, Kelley, her husband, and a third woman. Both Kelley and the third woman are draped over the General with their boobs hanging out, while the general's wife stands there looking oblivious.
    2. Paula Shagwell took 6 trips to Afghanistan with the general, with no official government job. But she used military transport, food and lodging. Did she reimburse the government for her expenses?
    3. Jill Kelley got an offensive e-mail and managed to have the FBI mount an intensive, months-long hunt for the perpetrator, Cool. Do they have an 800 number, because I got a lot of people calling me names on the internet, and I need the FBI to go after them. At taxpayer expense.

  21. @Turkish - heheheh you said "Shagwell"

  22. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) “I would not rule out General Petraeus being called to testify. That still could happen at some point in time.”The joint House and Senate Intelligence Committee hearing is scheduled for Thursday. Petraeus was set to testify, but is now not scheduled to appear.( NY Post). Hillary Clinton declined to testify on Benghazi due to schedule conflict.

    1. hillary declind to testify? ummm her ass should be forced to testify!

  23. I used to work for the Army. I couldn't take the subway to Fort Hamilton without travel orders and a budgeted project to charge my time and expenses against. I want to know who issued Paula Shagwell's travel orders to Afghanistan and to what budget her expenses were charged.

  24. I just saw an clip of an interview with her and Charlie Rose. What struck me was how huge her pupils were even though she was in a TV studio. From watching one too many episodes of Lie to Me I remembered that is a sign of arousal. Interesting.

  25. @Amber. Credit goes to my son. As soon as he heard Paula Broadwell and CIA, he said "Oh, like the girl in Austin Powers!"

  26. Wait. How can you "decline to testify"? Especially on something like this? It's not like they're being called in on some dumb case about shitty aluminum siding.

  27. @kelly LOL...that was one of my first thoughts when I saw how indiscreet Broadwell has been in interviews about how intimate she was w the General. I'm positive she came up with that title as a double-entendre. She's definitely been "all in" his bidness. ;) As to this Jill Kelley person, nobody's gonna believe she didn't have an affair w him after all this. She looks the part...sorry. ;) Perhaps she is just more discreet and saw the folly of sexting via email.

  28. Interesting Agent very interesting. Cetainly makes the timing of this all very suspicious. Not that many out there are literate enough in current events to really care. Bread and circuses for everyone right?

  29. Jill Kelley and Paula Broadwell couldn't be more opposite in type if they tried. That probably fueled Paula's jealousy. In addition, the affair has supposedly been over for four months, so why doesnt it seem that Paula had accepted that? This has all the makings of a fascinating movie script...can't wait. ;)

  30. @Turkish Taffy
    That's what I've been saying! How do these women get so much from the government and so much clearance? Why are all these women getting fee rides? THAT should be investigated.

  31. In the end, it's the CIA so we will not know what happened....if they are doing their jobs right:)

  32. Jill Kelley definitely looks the part, but there's only one huge slut in this story: David Petraeus.

    (And I'm going on record now to bet that he'll absolutely beat Tiger's number!)

  33. I knew a woman (X) once who was the mistress of some guy and while his wife didn't seem to faze her, her predecessor mistress did. X pretty much acted like "she" was the guy's wife and was very jealous of anyone she saw was a threat, so I can easily believe that Paula acted like this towards the other woman.

    Besides, she knew the wife wasn't a threat - as Patraeus was cheating on her. The other woman was more like Paula, younger and attractive and she felt the other woman was a threat.

    Sounds like that second woman was just a family friend. If she was having an affair, no way would she have gone to the FBI and risked it coming out

  34. They can still subpoena him to appear before Congress. I stopped working in healthcare 6 years ago, but I can still be subpoenaed for something on my watch that happened 7 years ago. I don't understand why people think he'll never testify now. But it could be they have to re-subpoena him as an individual and not as a representative of the CIA. Probably a minor legal issue to be ironed out.

  35. Now everyone's comments have me totally intrigued. My Monday just got a lot more interesting!

  36. Coupla things: when confronted by fbi, petraus almost immed resigned, so that mskes me think there is a whole whole lot more to this. 2- HE was sending racy emails yo brisdstreet about sex under the desk AFTER they had broken up. Or as broadstreet sees it, the book is done. 3-I dont think the timing or bengazi has absolutely anythibg to do with anything they keep saying, when did they know? Why dudnt u tell us? It isnt precrime! They found out and confronted general. 4- i dont think he shld hv to resign because hes a whorechaser, but to higher ups, this shows lack of judgement and most importantly, vulnerability. To being blackmailed. I dont hv anyone on a pedestal so not surprised when people act human. Ot, as in his case, think with the small head.

  37. Anonymous10:06 AM

    All I know is that it's pretty fishy for a top government official to resign over an affair. Don't most of them have affairs? Isn't that the main motivation for a man in getting, money/fame/power/prestige? To get lots of strange thrown his way? What's the big deal? He must have a long list of em like Enty says. He's always reliable, and there's no way he lives in his Mom's basement and is 300 lbs, no way.

  38. This affair happened BEFORE Bengazi! Geez, I do think that the FBI might have discovered some sort of pattern with this guy though. From what I've been reading, he really liked hanging out with the media and certain reporters. I think the tree has just been shaked.

  39. @Turkish Taffy
    The other woman in the picture with Jill, her husband, Petraeus and his wife is Jill's sister. She may be her twin I think. She is an attorney in Florida.

  40. Amazing to me that discovering all about this man's private life is more important than discovering the details of the clusterf*ck that was Benghazi.

    We see that the media will always carry the water for their messiah.

  41. They're saying that this Broadwell woman released classified information in a speech. Why was she given access to classified information in the first place, especially since her book was finished? There are pretty strict laws about that. If you or I released classified information we were privy to, we'd be sitting in jail right now. She also went to West Point, you'd expect her (and him) to have better judgement than that. And why shouldn't he testify? He was director of the CIA during the Benghazi screw-up. He SHOULD testify.

    And that other woman (in Florida) they really look like they are part of the K-Klan, don't they? Physically, I mean, hopefully not with the same attitudes.

  42. @Susan B
    They are Lebonese Americans.

    His mistress(s) had WAY too much access.

  43. Turkish Taffy, I rephrased your questions but I still cannot locate any answers.

    What was the process for Broadwell as his biographer to be approved to be embedded with Petraeus's military staff?

    Who signs off on that and who pays for transportation and housing?

  44. Have you read about the COO of Lockheed Martin who was about to be CEO in January?
    Chris Kubasick

  45. Amber - I think it's possible to decline testifying because this is a congressional committee, as opposed to an actual court of law. It doesn't have the same legal power. If you're subpeoned to testify in court and you don't show up, they can issue a warrant for your arrest. A congressional committee does not have those powers.

    SusanB - I read a number of articles saying that it's been verified that there was no classified information involved. What I did read this morning (either on Politico or Huffington Post) was this: a while back Angelina Jolie visited Petraeus at the CIA and their picture was taken in his office by an official CIA photographer (who knew?). A few hours after that picture was taken, the general gave a copy to Broadwell, which she then put up on her Facebook page, which was a big no-no, because it showed the general's office. Apparently the general's office, and most likely any part of the CIA, is off limits to the general public.

    I'm with Agent**It and others - I do not think this woman Jill was involved at all with the general. People are running with this because she is attractive and was on the receiving end of those e-mails. For what it's worth, she had no idea who was sending the e-mails (clearly Broadwell hid her identity), and because she didn't know, and they were threatening, she went to the FBI.

  46. Broadwell had access because she was ranked military and had security clearance. This isn't some random woman. When she was embedded with Petraeus she was also serving her Reserves duty or something like that - i.e. it was an official posting.

    1. Thank you b, unable to locate that info . Do you have the source?

  47. MATA v2.0... what happened with Kubasik? no details that I could find anywhere. Also, his page is a 404 on lockheed's site. They should have better web staff

    1. Betty K, His page is gone because he was fired.

  48. I've been entertained by this scandal and its been getting better every day! Way better than any other celebrity gossip/scandal!

  49. It is a juicy story. The CEO of Lockhead Martin resigned on Friday too.

  50. What goes around, comes around?

    After Jill Kelley received some 'cat' fight emails -- Not 'back away from my man' type e/m, she turned to a friend in the FBI and asked that they track down the source of the emails. The FBI dithered some because the emails didn't contain real threats; thus they weren't sure if they had the authority to check them out.

    Kelley's friendship w/the FBI agent probably tipped the balance in her favor, and she got the investigation she wanted.

    Unfortunately, Kelley and Gen. John Allen, Petraeus' successor as commander of the U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, generated between 20,000 - 30,000 pages of email documenting their affair. The FBI found that material while they were investigating the Petraeus/Broadwell situation.

    Have read that Broadwell gave a speech in which she recounted some information about the Benghazi debacle that had not been released to the public.

  51. @b:
    If so, who was her CO? And how was she allowed to travel home 6 times in a year, when only an LTC? There are reserve officers who are forced to do 2 or 3 rotations, and hardly ever see their families. But they are doctors and engineers, not "biographers".

    This morning's NYT is priceless. The FBI agent who submitted Jill Kelley's complaint had been pursuing her, and had sent her shirtless photos of himself. She also has 20,000 pages of hot e-mails with another general. Still think this "unpaid social liaison" is just a friend?
