Wendy Williams Says Heidi Klum & The Bodyguard Have Been Together A Long Time
I love Wendy Williams and how she tells it like it is and will ask anyone anything. On her show yesterday, Wendy started talking about Heidi Klum and Seal and Heidi's bodyguard. As Wendy said yesterday and I have said before and everyone else too. No one believes Heidi's story that they were totally platonic and the second Seal left, the couple just clicked and it magically became romantic. That is such a bunch of crap and no one believes her at all. Seal did some very bad things in their relationship and was not a very nice guy, but despite all that, he is the one who is coming across sympathetic and a victim and it should not really be that way. he had other people in his life, but we don't talk about those because Heidi has been so front and center almost from day one about being with the bodyguard. Heidi is a sneaky one and has a lot of her own secrets. I love that Wendy called her out and she should keep calling her out. Of course it won't do any good because no one will talk. Seal tried and he got shot down and had to recant almost the next day.