Monday, November 12, 2012

Victoria's Secret Model Doesn't Want To Date Justin Bieber

Apparently Victoria's Secret model Barbara Palvin is willing to let herself get photographed with Justin Bieber and even maybe go see The Lion King with him, but that is where she draws the line. The 19 year old does not want anything else to do with Bieber and has been trying to make that clear to his followers. She said in a Tweet, "Please calm down. He is all yours." Now that she has made her feelings clear, Justin is willing to try and get Selena Gomez back and judged on her past record of taking him back after he cheats and makes her feel like crap, she probably will. It is not like Selena is 12, you would think at some point she would be tried of being second best in Justin's mind and move on.


  1. I think (I haven't rechecked) that she tweeted that a few days ago, when the claims were originally made so it was more of a 'nothing has hapoened' than a 'nothing is going to happen' thing

  2. Wow that's shocking...I wouldn't date a 12 year old either

  3. He is wearing more makeup than she is.

  4. Well to begin with it doesn't help when it looks like in that picture that he has more make-up on than she does.

  5. ^^^ JINX! LOL. Same comment at same time.

  6. anyone who dates him or even wants to date him must have beer goggles on 24/7.

  7. Hahahahahahahahahaha

  8. Is he wearing lifts? is she bending down? why is he taller?

  9. Even my 6 year old daughter is over him. She gave away her JB books, blanket, shirts, and wants to throw away a pillowcase but I won't let her cause my friend made it for her with her pic and JB together. It's going to be blackmail in her teen years.

  10. I took my niece (4yrs old) shopping yesterday for clothes. I handed her a Bieber shirt and she just laughed. She said she wanted Hello Kitty instead.

  11. The romances of the under 21 set do not excite me in any way, shape, or form.

  12. Ugh, why does he always have a jackass expression on his face? Can't he ever just take a normal picture?

  13. He is clearly standing on a box ala Ryan Seacrest.

    The two of them look like kids trying to play dress up.

  14. Amazing how fast he is fading into irrelevance. Once again, seduced by the lifestyle when he shld hv concentrating on his musical progression. Imagine his shock when the time he takes the stage and no one yells. Or books him. And he meets the same people on the way down as he met on the way up. ( couldnt resist).y advice wld be to take off the makeup, the smirk, the douchey behavior, depuff ridic hair, lose the earrings, and concentrate on making real music. Or u gonna ride it to the end, performing in front of 97 people in front of a taco bell. He has to choose.

  15. Can't stand the Bieber either, so nothing to add. I did want to say though, that I looked up this model after seeing this story (pure curiosity...never heard of her, Barbara isn't a name you hear often for young girls these days). Turns out she is Hungarian, and *beyond* stunningly gorgeous. I was honestly mesmerized by some of her photographs. I only wish I could look that gorgeous just one day of my life! LOL

  16. Wish me luck guys. I had to have a test done Friday and the hospital wouldn't let me leave until the test got read. Now my dr has called and wants to see me today. I love it when you only know enough to be worried all weekend now this.

  17. Oh, bobbi, good luck. Sending prayers of peace your way.

  18. Good luck bobbi!

  19. Hahahaha I mean the kid grew up with his mom telling him he was Jesus but its funny just how fast he's burning out.

  20. I don't have much to add, except that his expression is completely ridiculous in this photo. What a douche.

  21. Good luck Bobbi, try not to panic and remember, knowing is half the battle.
    We're all in your corner.

  22. Haha--if Selena refuses to take him back, then he's in a bind. Dissed by 2 ladies in a row would spell disaster. :)

    @bobbi, good luck!! Drs can be clueless like that with their stupid messages. Try not to worry!

  23. @bobbi - Good luck! Fingers crossed :)

  24. Well my 14yo daughter was watching his video w Nikki Minaj the other day and sighed, "he's so hot," and no amount of me telling her he looks like a lesbian woman swayed her. ;) She's not obsessed w him in any way (it's just not her thing get caught up in that) but she definitely appreciates the Biebs. *sigh*

  25. Good luck, bobbi!!

  26. Bobbi...hopefully he's just being proactive and taking precautions and it will all turn out fine. Take care!

  27. So she isn't into girls. What's the big deal?

    Will keep my fingers crossed @Bobbi !

  28. best wishes, bobbi!

  29. Where were y'all this weekend when we (I) got in trouble for daring to poke fun at the Beaver? I should have waited to make fun him when the readonzble people came back. :-)

    Good luck bobbi!

  30. He's not going to know what to do when he is not adored, why he was ever adored in the first place is beyon me?? I don't care how much money or fame you have, you are an unattractive guy(girl) and this is only going to last so long...

    Thinking about you Bobbi!!

  31. He looks 12, she looks 35.

    Good luck bobbie.

  32. Good Luck++++++! @Bobbi...!!

  33. Good Luck Bobbi

    Maybe he will go back to youtube where he came from.

  34. Best wishes Bobbi.

    Beiber and that asshole kid of Will Smith clearly have the same picture taking skills. Gross.

  35. Bieber is a tool and a little spoiled prick. I wouldn't want to date him. Selena looks too mature for him...and the Victoria Secrets Model can get a real man...she doesn't need the Biebs. The Biebs still looks 12.

  36. At least they're the same height. Seriously she is on the short side for a model at only 5'7".
    And yeah what is with the douchey look with the raised eyebrows? Go away little girl!

  37. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Good Luck Bobbi! They're just taking precautions and often times results are wrong. Don't worry yourself!
    I too find it incredible that this kid has fallen so damn far in one week. First he was the second coming, now in one week he's Danny Bonaduce.

  38. Bobbi sending you tons of hugs and prayers right now.

  39. Hugs to you Bobbi! Big Kiss :)

  40. Good wishes Bobbi, it sounds as if you're in very good hands!

  41. Bobbi, good luck , let me know where you are in FL.

  42. I'm late but good luck, Bobbi. I hope things went well.

    As for the Beibs and that pics- my first thought was 'sisters.'

  43. Good luck, Bobbi!

    I have nothing printable to say about Bieber.

  44. Good luck Bobbi, big hugs from down under.

  45. Just got here - good luck Bobbi!

  46. WHe'd make a better Victoria's Secret model than this girl or any of the current VS Angels or whatever the hell they're called. That pout! Good grief.

    My 11 and 9 yo daughters made barf noises whenever they saw his mug at the mall or at the recent school book fair. One Direction is MUCH hotter (lol), the 9 yo recently informed me. ;)

  47. p. s. Bobbi, hope all goes well.

  48. I'm thinking about you, Bobbi. Just try not to stress out to much, whatever happens, everything's going to be OK. It's all how you look at it. <3

  49. Thinking good thoughts Bobbi!

  50. Sending positive thoughts, Bobbi!

  51. Anonymous6:44 PM

    @bobbi, everyone here is pulling for you! Keeping good thoughts for you, my friend.

  52. Can anyone fill me in on what's up with Bobbi? I missed that last week. Want to send her more specific energy magic!

  53. @dia I'm not sure, but you could always send her some Reiki?

    Hello again, btw. :)

  54. Haters gonna hate play on BIEBS! lol
