Today's Blind Items - The Two Sisters
There are two sisters. Not of each other. In fact, they probably don't even know each other. What they have in common though are older sisters who are celebrities who got them hooked on drugs and changed the lives of the sisters forever. One of the sisters is related to a former almost A list actress. The almost A lister was always smoking pot and doing coke and would drag her sister along with her. Inevitably the girl, who was barely 12 when she started going out with her older sister would share some of the drugs and then ended up doing even more than her actress sister. A 12 year old at adult parties turns into a 13 and 14 year old strung out on heroin and two attempts at suicide. The girl is about to hit her 20's now and can barely function due to brain damage from a bad reaction to some drugs she once made herself because she was so desperate to get high. Her actress sister never mentions her and doesn't think she is to blame for the downfall of the sister.
Our other actress in this item also used to be A list and has always had problems with drugs and booze. She too would drag her sister to parties. Those parties also saw the younger sister at the ages of 13 and 14 at adult parties using drugs and when the older sister would be preoccupied, much older men would hit on the young girl. She lost her virginity at 13 to a guy in his 40's who would be back frequently, generally trading drugs for sex, only the drugs went to the older sister. The younger sister was passed around like this frequently and has been to a mental institution twice in the past year. The actress thinks it is all part of growing up and refuses to take any blame at all.