Monday, November 05, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Most Dysfunctional Show Ever

People often say that Moonlighting was the most dysfunctional show that ever aired. Not so. The show that was the most dysfunctional was this sitcom that featured actors that are now A listers. Each week was like a Fleetwood Mac reunion. Prior to the shooting of the first season, this now A list actor (#1) was having sex regularly with an actress (#2) who was an A list tweener and is now a struggling, yet very rich C list actress. When the filming started, the lead actress (#3) in the sitcom who has always been a solid B-/C+ list actress started sleeping with one of the male leads (#4). This continued until our A list actor broke it off with his tweener and started having sex with the lead actress. Our A lister then got back together with the tweener but still had sex with the lead actress until she found out about it and then went back to having sex with the guy she was with in the first place. This cycle repeated itself for several  months. When the show went on hiatus during the first season, our A lister went his own way and never even spoke to the lead actress. Then, on the first day back of filming he wanted to start right where they had left off. At that point though, another future A lister (#5) joined the show and our actress (#2) started a relationship with him that lasted almost all season. Well, this caused our first A lister all kinds of ego bruising and he and the second A lister would often come to blows trying to show who had the biggest peen. It was a mess. Meanwhile, another actress (#6) on the show was having sex with the actor from the first season (#4)  until A lister #1 decided that he wanted to have her. He wooed her for weeks until she broke it off with #4 only to try and get him back when #1 dumped her after having sex with her. Things only got more complicated when in the next seasons there was  recurring actress (#7) who was the object of affection between the two A listers but ended up going out with #4. She did sleep with #1 though which eventually caused a breakup between herself and #4. In the final season of the show, weeks would go by with no one speaking to each other and other weeks it seemed like everyone on the show was sleeping together and then the following week everyone would have switched.


MontanaMarriott said...

Jennie Garth/Amanda Bynes show, name escapes me

cc423 said...

I have no idea. But I bet all of this was far more interesting than the show.

msgirl said...

I've got a headache and am dizzy.

commandeered said...

No way it's What I like about you. There were no future Alisters on that show. Jennie and Amanda where the biggest stars

Cassiopeia said...

Um, what?
Too much going on in this one.

FSP said...

WTF was that? Time to break out the Little Orphan Annie decoder ring.

Krab said...

Isn't this a retread of the That 70s Show blind? It's all a bit tl; dr for me.

Erin B said...

Giving myself a run down:

#1 - now A list actor
#2 - then A list tweener & now a rich but struggling C list actress
#3 - lead actress that is always B-/C+ list
#4 - actor on the show
#5 - future A list actor
#6 - actress on the show
#7 - recurring actress on the show

KT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin B said...

Trying to think of what show had so many A list actors on it. I wish we knew how many seasons or what time period it aired.

LeGrange said...

Not in a million years.... No one is A list there....

jane3113 said...

If freaks and geeks were a sitcom I would guess that. Plus it only had one season...hmmm

Kelly said...

@Erin I needed that breakdown.Thanks

surfer said...

Me too, msgirl!

How about the original 90210 or Melrose Place?

VeryUnseemly said...

Freaks and Geeks?

James Franco

Seth Rogen

Jason Segel

Linda Cardellini
Busy Philipps

Writing credits to Judd Apatow....

crapbag said...

Cheers? Friends? Future a list who started on a sitcom?

Roman Holiday said...

This is so confusing my eyes are crossed just from reading it - what show had all those A-Listers?

Dynasty - but are they even A list?
M.A.S.H. ??

Friends - no not A list!

I have no clue and whoever gets this should get an award for figuring it out!!!!

Karen said...

The blind says, "in the next seasons. There had to be at least three seasons.

Unknown said...

ER? Party of five?

cdanluva said...


George Clooney, Juilana Marguiles, etc?

FSP said...

Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place

Karen said...

Actually, reading more closely, I think it had at least four seasons--depends on whether the first season hiatus was a short break or in between seasons 1 and 2.

Sparkwee said...

Saved By The Bell?

Mrs. S. said...

Melrose Place?

MontanaMarriott said...

Yeah I rescind my guess.

What makes this even more difficult is the fact that Enty doesn't say if they are now A-list actors in MOVIES or TV which would have helped somewhat.

Graham said...

I don't think ER had any A-list Tweener on it.

EmEyeKay said...

I'm considering making a flowchart. Hats off to those who can figure it out without taking notes!

PlatinumBlonde said...

@FSP I was also thinking of Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place. Ryan Reynolds, Nathan Fillion, Jennifer Westfeldt, Tiffani Amber Theissen all in that show at times but most dysfunctional ever? Not sure....

As for Moonlighting being really dysfunctional, I heard Bruce Willis, Cybill Shepherd and the creator on the DVD commentary. They all got along fine and seemed to look back at the chaos with fondness. I'm sure there's been much worse. Roseanne's show was meant to be crazy behind the scenes

Karen said...

Could this be Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Former A list tweener being Michelle Trachtenberg? (I never watched Buffy so it might be hard for me to put this together).

Graham said...

Not ER, Dynasty, MASH, or Party of Five.. Blind says that it was a sitcom.

Rhody said...

I was going to guess Arrested Development. Lots of A-listers but that cast is doing a movie and seems to get along.

Laura said...

Hard one, I think the key is the tweener.

Graham said...

Two Guys , A Girl and a Pizza Place wouldn't be a bad guess, but other than Ryan Reynolds, what other A-Lister came out of that show?

Trey said...

A sitcom that had an A list tweener who is now a C list but rich actress? Hillary Duff and Miley Cyrus come to mind. But if it's earlier than the 90's...who are the A list tweeners of the 80's who are now very rich? Can't think of any other than the Olson's.

commandeered said...

I think we need to start by figuring out who the tweener is. Who else other than Amanda Bynes is a former A list tweener who is now a very rich C list actress.

Hillary Duff?
Miley Cyrus?
Who else?

Erin B said...

@Ellen - I had that thought too, but I refuse to believe it due to my love of the show. I'm looking for another answer now. Much more important than working.

Frufra said...

The whole way through, all I could think was The Love Boat. I'm officially no use at all on this one, but I'm dying to see what y'all figure out.

Tru Leigh said...

I'm completely confused, but I'll throw out a couple of guesses: That 70's Show, 90210?

Jessi said...

Maybe if we can figure out who the a list tweener is that is a struggling actress yet very rich, we may be able to crack this. Or I guess instead of we, I should you guys could crack this. I don't even know where to begin with a guess.

tara17 said...

I know it was a drama, but I'm going with Party of Five. It's also top search result when googling the words: fleetwood mac reunion sitcom.

StewMcG said...

The only problem with it being Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place was that Tiffani Thiessen (the presumed former Tweener) didn't join the show until season 2 or 3 and she only lasted one season.

This one is really hard. :\

caralw said...

I don't have a guess yet, but I don't think the tweener was necessarily on the show. It said prior to shooting...

Graham said...

This has to be Growing Pains:

1) Kirk Cameron
2) Tracy Gold
3) Joanna Kerns
4) Alan Thicke
5) Leo DiCaprio
6) Julie McCullough
7) Chelsea Noble

This was obviously a joke.

Jennifer H. said...

Sounds like this show was revamped, adding an actor after the hiatus. Maybe that can help narrow down the choices to sitcoms that added an actor in the first season.

jane3113 said...

Undeclared was one season but spread over a few years so they probably had a hiatus. Grasping at straws.

Erin B said...

Combing this over now...

Caroline said...

This one is so confusing, but it has to be Ally McBeal. It's not a sitcom, but it was a comedy-drama.

Calista Flockhart, Portia de Rossi, Lucy Liu. James Marsden and Robert Downey Jr. were both on the show later, as was Hayden Panettiere.

Jason said...

Clearly this is Charles in Charge.

No but really, I have no idea.

Graham said...

If Amanda Bynes had more TV work, the A-List Tweener could be her with a nod to her being "very rich."

Frufra said...

FWIW, I think we should be looking at something a lot older - like 1970's - with a big ensemble cast that went on to bigger careers. Where's Space Cowboy? He's good at this type of BI.

Taxi? Bonanza? Just spitballing about the oldies - Welcome Back Kotter? One Day at a Time? In that vein.

JSierra said...
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Frufra said...

Rich former tweener Valerie Bertinelli? See, it's coming together :-).

Graham said...

Is it common to describe someone as a "Tween" who was famous before the word "Tween" was being used? Serious question. Might help narrow it down.

Frufra said...

Happy Days?

Pogue Mahone said...

This was just too confusing it made my head hurt and I couldn't keep track of it all.

sparklynan said...

L.A. Law??? didn't that have a chick from the Partridge Family on it?

Squeezebox said...

Oh, I dunno, but it sounds like The Brady Bunch to me!

Frufra said...

Love the LA Law guess, but Ent did say sitcom - but he's a tricky one, that Enty.

RQB said...

Family Ties

JSierra said...


spacecowboy78 said...

@frufra, I'm here, have a break between patients, I'm thinking...

Anonymous said...

Family Ties? Married with Children? Step by Step?

Princess ButterKwup said...

Could the actress be one of the Olsen twins?

mybrothehero said...

They do. One of the writers is a friend of mine. Watch Bronx Warrants!

rhinovodka said...

I am so confused, what a mess.

Graham said...

I don't think the Olsen Twins have ever been on a show where any of their co-stars could be considered A-List.

Graham said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hotchacha said...

I'm going to need an infographic, a cup of tea, and a few cleansing breaths. But I'm game. Give me a few minutes.

Mango said...

Thanks for the run down, Erin. My head actually hurt after reading the BI.

I want every BI to be about That 70's Show because I hate it.

Princess ButterKwup said...

Graham- what about John Stamos? The tweener has to be the key and there's very few who have a lot of money.

spacecowboy78 said...

I think # 2 is Amanda Bynes based on the description. It also never says that #2 was on the show, just she was banging the future A lister before the show started. I'll keep thinking...

Rigby said...

I don't think the tweener was in the show. It just says that the A list actor had sex regularly with AN actress (the tweener) and then he broke it off and then resumed. So I think we are looking at A listers who have dated former tweeners, not TV shows starring tweeners.

Or maybe I'm wrong...

Rigby said...

@spacecowboy78 we are on the same page.

It opens it up too. It could be a grown up Olsen twin.

canadachick said...

what about old school like Soap?

Maddie said...

Head. Hurts. Bad. No idea, but I don't think that the tweener was actually on the show. Just that the A-lister was sleeping with her.

All I can get out of this is that the show was a sitcom, lasted at least 3 seasons, and had 2 future A-list actors (one of which didn't join until the 2nd season). Problem is that Enty doesn't say whether they are TV or movie A-list.

Jules_345 said...

Thanks @erin for the breakdown! I like the Ally McBeal guess but the tween doesn't seem to fit.

Princess ButterKwup said...

I take back my Olsen guess. None of the rest of it fits. Maybe we are looking for someone who used to be an actress and is now better known as a singer and that's why she doesn't worry about money.

Unknown said...

there is also a chance to be a hiatus due to the writer strike that put some shows on hold. this would be a sure time frame.

although it sounds older than 2007-2008

Rigby said...

The only show I can think of where an A list actor was the lead and the role was taken over by another "A" list actor is Spin City with Michael J. Fox and Charlie Sheen.

Redd said...

Im on board with the Ally McBeal guest- Hayden as the tweener.

Graham said...

@ButterKwup I don't think Stamos has ever been considered A list, but even so, that would mean there was another A-lister to come out of Full House and I just don't think there was.

@Spacecowboy78 good catch that the Tweener wasn't necessarily on the show.

Mark said...

The Flintstones
1 - Fred
2 - Pebbles
3 - Wilma
4 - Barney
5 - The Great Gazoo
6 - Betty
7 - No idea

Graham said...

I don't think Ally McBeal is considered a sitcom.

StewMcG said...

Redd, Hayden was 12/13 when she was on Ally McBeal. Unless the male leads were total scum, I don't think this is her.

chopchop said...

I keep thinking Hilary Duff for the "very rich but struggling" tween as she married into quite a bit of money and she doesn't really work anymore.

canadachick said...

i think space cowboy's right when you reread it doesn't say the tweener was on the show. So who was A list and on sitcom that dated Bynes??

Frufra said...

No pressure, spacecowboy, but I'm pinning all my hopes ion your skillz - have your secretary clear your afternoon - can you say "the doctor was called off by an emergency, so we'll need to reschedule"?

Graham said...

In a search to find out who Amanda Bynes has dated.. I'm disturbed. First, she dated Seth MacFarlane? And then also David Cross?

This is the list of who she's dated:
Channing Tatum
Drake Bell
Taran Killam
Frankie Munoz
Nick Zano
David Cross
Seth McFarlane
Doug Reinhardt
Liam Hemsworth
Kid Cudi

Unknown said...

Adding to Erin's breakout above ...

#1 - now A list actor
#2 - then A list tweener & now a rich but struggling C list actress – PROBABLY NOT ON SHOW
#3 - lead actress that is always B-/C+ list
#4 – male lead on the show in first season - PROBABLY REPLACED
#5 - future A list actor who joined in second season
#6 - actress on the show (sex with #4)
#7 - recurring actress on the show after first two seasons (slept with #1, broke up with #4)

Flora Goforth said...

Has anyone guessed Happy Days?

Princess ButterKwup said...

Dandelion- .......ew.

Unknown said...

In livin color:

Wayans brothers
Jim Carrey
Jamie Fox
Jennifer Lopez

jane3113 said...

I think the biggest thing is the show had two a list males but one came in the second season. That seems like it should be so easy!

spacecowboy78 said...

Not Spin City, Sheen and MJF were never on at the same time.

jane3113 said...

Scrubs. Zach braff dated mandy moore but was sleeping with sarah chalke. Scott foley joined in season two. There were a million guest actresses they could have fought over. Just a guess.

CrazyCatLady said...

Buffy was campy but still considered a drama

canadachick said...


1. Tony Danza
2. ?
3. Danny devito
4. Jeff conaway
7. Rhea Perlman

The Real Dragon said...

i dont know lol

Wil said...

Holy crap!! There is a REASON these are supposed to come on Friday, EL!! Monday morning and we are supposed to figure this mess out!?! There isn't enough coffee in the world!

carolinec said...

hmmmm... come out and assist us on this one!

CrazyCatLady said...

Kotter would be an interesting theory, especially for Travolta since there weren't any major females on the show! LOL

canadachick said...

oops......mynumbers don't add up. Marilu Henner had flings with Tony Danza and Judd Hirch. Jeff Conway could be considered a rival by Tony Danza.......?

Unknown said...

A list tweener now rich
Tori Spelling,

she inherited a lot, but is not that successfull as actress.

Unknown said...

ummmm....I think I need another cup of coffee and a pen and paperl...this reads like one of those logic problems I liked when I was younger...

CrazyCatLady said...

There was a writers and SAG strike in the mid-90s

annabella said...

I have solid inside information that the show is Teletubbies.

scrubs and sin city seem like good guesses.

Alice Tate said...

I like that, though I don't really think ZB is A list. There were a lot of recurring guest stars. Brendan Fraser, Ryan Reynolds, Tara Reid, Heather Graham...

Mark said...

I'm getting physically ill considering Roseanne, and mentally ill considering ALF.

spacecowboy78 said...

@frufra, unfortunately not many emergencies in my field...

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Joseph Gordon Levitt was on 3rd Rock From The Sun. He's now an A list actor.

All I got.

Yndy said...

@jane3113 beat me to it. Scrubs was my guess. Zachary Braff, Sarah Chalke (who was a tweeter actress for Roseann, but not a-list), Amanda Bynes...

But part of me really wants to lean toward Heather Locklear or Christina Applegate for #2...

jane3113 said...

Mandy moore was the former tweener. Chalke is the c list lead.

spacecowboy78 said...

This isn't Scrubs. Even if we stretch to call Zach Braff A list, who is the second A lister? The blinds states these were actors around for multiple seasons of filming, not guest stars like Ryan Reynolds.

canadachick said...

In 1994, Henner hosted her own TV talk show, a career move that coincided with the publication of her autobiography By All Means Keep on Moving. Chatty and very candid, the book revealed that Henner had slept with virtually every male member of the Taxi cast (only Danny DeVito was bypassed because, unlike his hot-to-trot Louie DePalma character, he never asked)

Karen said...

@canadachick, pretty gross if the only reason why Henner didn't sleep with DeVito was because he didn't ask.

MnGddess said...

The Mary Tyler Moore Show!!!!

Betty White's a ho. Fo' sho'.

Mango said...

@ Unknown - I thought Tori Spelling was cut out of the will??

Where's Hmmmm when you need him. *looks around*

I said, Where's Hmmmm when you need him!!

canadachick said...

if it was back in the day tweener could've been Kristy mcnichol she was pretty big then ?- to me it sounds more old school then new?

Frufra said...

It really does seem that the tweener is Bynes, based on the "very wealthy" clue coupled with today's earlier post.

And, I'll bite, space - what IS your field? Saying you don't have many emergencies makes me think you're doing autopsies (your patients can wait :-) or radiology. Or research?

jane3113 said...

Could also fit ted danson, woody harrelson, frasier, kirstey alley, and all of those people.

spacecowboy78 said...

Frufra - Dermatology

Frufra said...

I was going to guess dermatology, space, but I'm still cautious because of that Seinfeld - Pimple Popper, M.D.!

spacecowboy78 said...

@frufra - Well, while there's a ring of truth to that, they are the first internships to go in school.

Redd said...

Apparently Ms. Bynes is one busy chick!

Countervail said...

I think we have a winner with Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place

#1 - now A list actor RYAN REYNOLDS
#2 - then A list tweener & now a rich but struggling C list actress – PROBABLY NOT ON SHOW RACHEL LEIGH COOK
#3 - lead actress that is always B-/C+ list TRAYLOR HOWARD
#4 – male lead on the show in first season - RICHARD RUCCOLO
#5 - future A list actor who joined in second season NATHAN FILLION
#6 - actress on the show (sex with #4) JILLIAN BACH? JENNIFER WESTFELDT?
#7 - recurring actress on the show after first two seasons (slept with #1, broke up with #4)TIFFANI THEISSEN (later married Richard Ruccolo)

Audrey said...

I like both the Cheers and Taxi guesses (you can plug in Carol Kane as the recurring actress...), but where on either show was there a tweener?

misskania said...

I am pretty sure this is Married With Children
#1. The now A-list: Ed O'Neill, he's on Modern Family and am pretty sure all adult cast in that serie are currently A-list TV star
#2. Tweener: Christina Applegate, she was 16 when the show first started and she has been in several TV shows and movies, which made her rich
#3. Always B/C actress: Katey Sagal, she was in handful of TV series after MWC: 8 simple rules and Sons of Anarchy
#5. Future A-lister: Matt LeBlanc, all Friends actors can be considered A list, like forever, just look how good the reruns are going on current TV
4,6,7 --> have no clue

Karen said...

Countervail, I think you got it!!!

Misskania, from what I've heard, the cast of Married with Children were all pretty close. Christina Applegate speaks well of Ed O'Neill (apparently everyone was very supportive of her when her mom had cancer) and I don't think that would be the case if they were all sleeping around.

Frufra said...

@space - I meant that I didn't want to insult dermatology, by implying that you don't have many emergencies. Wasn't that the rub between Jerry and his doctor girlfriend - she talked about saving lives, and he felt she didn't - until she brought up her skin cancer patients?

At any rate, just didn't want you to think I was in any way belittling your field. Now, clear your afternoon and solve this blind (please?)!!

Graham said...

Tori Spelling is not wealthy... she inherited basically nothing in the will.

Graham said...

Don't think it's Married with Children and I don't think there's another A-Lister on the show. I don't think Matt LeBlanc counts as he was only on a handful (if that) episodes.

spacecowboy78 said...

@countervail, that's not bad, I guess Nathan Fillion could be considered A list TV (and the hearts of Firefly fans). I can't see him sleeping with Rachel Leigh Cook though, nor do I think she's likely "very rich" or a former A list tweener, so I can't buy her for #2.

Graham said...

Is Nathan Fillion even considered A List for TV? I'd figure B- if that.

spacecowboy78 said...

And regarding Married With Children, Ed O'Neill, despite all the things we see here about underage sex in Hollywood, was not banging teens, no reason to drag someone who's a decent guy into this kind of thing.

Countervail said...

@spacecowboy78 - I think the BI has an error in referencing #5 sleeping with #2. I think it's supposed to say #3. Enty keeps referring to "the tweener" and "the actress" for #2 and #3. #5 was sleeping with "the actress" which is why I think the numbering is off there, referring to her as #2. I will agree that I'm clueless if #2, "the tweener," is really Rachel Leigh Cook but RR supposedly dated her right about the time of the show. Is she "very rich?" Maybe he was dating another tweener about that time I'm no aware of.

AKM said...

"In 1994, Henner hosted her own TV talk show, a career move that coincided with the publication of her autobiography By All Means Keep on Moving. Chatty and very candid, the book revealed that Henner had slept with virtually every male member of the Taxi cast (only Danny DeVito was bypassed because, unlike his hot-to-trot Louie DePalma character, he never asked)"

Not quite. She only slept with Hirsch and Danza. I own her book and I've read it a few times, and since I just watched all five seasons of "Taxi," I just consulted the book for some facts about the show a few days ago. She did not sleep with most of the cast...just two. Plus, they were all single, so that isn't so shocking to me.

I have no guess, though. I never watched that Ryan Reynolds show, but it's probably the best guess so far.

saycheese said...

modern family in the photos.....

Anonymous said...

Two A List Actors? sounds like Spin City. And Heather Locklear is definitely the type that guys would have crushes on.

Veech said...

I would love for this to be revealed on New Year's Day.

AndyCane said...

Holy hell that was a lot of words.

Lucas said...

Good guess.

lostathome said...

Golden Girls

Jennerationb said...

I' m not sure exactly which seasons they were on, but what about the Mickey Mouse Club from the 90's? Ther was Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosslin, Britney Spears, Christina Agularia and Keri Russell.

Bit dams said...

8 Simple Rules?

Sarah said...

Weeds! MLP was getting it in with Hunter Parrish.
Just kidding! I did consider it for a moment, Mary Kate was a gf for a season, but I couldn't make it all fit.
Kevin Nealon might be A list though ;)

sbalb said...

I'm disappointed in my fellow CDANers, 150 comments and no consensus guess yet...not that I really have one. The 2 Guys 1 Girl one is the best one, I think but I don't buy Rachel Leigh Cook as a rich former tweener. She was practically 20 when she hit it big with "She's All That" in 1999 and while she might have been big with the teenage crowd there was never a time she could have been considered a "tweener". At any rate, she fell off the map a few years later and while she's resurfaced lately with an OK, not spectacular, career, there's no reason to believe she's "very rich".
Maybe the "tweener" was Alanis? She was on that old Nickelodeon show for a few episodes in her early teens, and she certainly was very rich by the time she and Ryan were together.

Unknown said...

That 70's Show

Graham said...

Don't think it's Spin City. The way the Blind is written makes it look like both the A-listers became so either during or after the show. It also sounds like the second A-lister came on board the second season.

Both Fox and Sheen were probably considered A-list prior to the show and Sheen wasn't brought on in the second season. I never watched the show, but I'm not even sure they were really on the series much together? I thought Sheen was brought in to replace Fox.

Meg Silver said...

Cheers is a great guess. Woody Harrelson, Ted Dansen, Kirstie Alley, Shelley Long, Rhea and Danny...

AKM said...

I just can't believe that it could be "Cheers." For one thing, didn't they have a vary harmonious set, not a dysfunctional one? And a "Cheers" guess would have, what, Shelley Long sleeping with Ted Danson? And Rhea was sleeping around with Harrelson or Wendt or Grammer then, or Kirstie was? Also, while Rhea guested on "Taxi," I don't think Danny ever appeared on "Cheers."

I don't have a better guess, but I just can't believe this one.

(Plus, I STILL need a flowchart to understand the whole bloody thing.)

AKM said...

*very, not vary

Agent**It said...

Mybro, is that the Dennis Leary production?

AKM said...

Plus, a "Cheers" guess would have one of those guys sleeping with a tweener. I simply cannot imagine that, despite how sordid Enty would like for us to believe that H'wood is.

For some reason, I'm thinking that this is A) a show from the free-spirited and heady '70s, and B) it had to have had a young cast, due to the tweener involvement. At least I hope so.

Graham said...

Another thing that could make this blind more difficult to figure out, aside from the Tweener not necessarily being on the show, it doesn't say that she was a Tween while the future A-list actor was messing around with her. She may have been a former A-List Tween but of age by the time they were hooking up.

littlemanwhatnow said...

i would say get real but i don't think it works

Princess ButterKwup said...

Another reason a C list former tweener wouldn't need money- yacht girl! Who are some of the suspected yacht girls?

Chole said...

I thought Married with Children too

Margaux said...

That blind was PAINFUL to read. I had to look at the comments to see if the guesses made it worth going back to try and decipher it. Nope. Do not have the brain power this morning.

Brea McCain said...

@Margaux I did that and I still didn't know that hell was going on so based on what the other comments are I'm going with the 2 guys guess. This one gave me a migraine ughh

cdanluva said...

Spin City had a lot of famous actors:

Michael J Fox
Charlie Sheen
Heather Locklear
Jennifer Esposito
Connie Briton
Alan Ruck
Lana Parrilla (could be the tweener?)

Hard to imagine Michael J Fox being a male whore though.

Agent**It said...

Andy, yes, a shitload of words !

cdanluva said...

Six Feet Under?

Peter Krause
Michael C. Hall
Rachel Griffiths
Lauren Ambrose

Lots of other actors:
illeana Douglas
Justin Theroux

mybrothehero said...

Agent, yes. I know Dean Lorey. He is a super-nice guy. If you've ever watched My Bloody Valentine, or Drive Angry, I also know Todd Farmer. Good-hearted people. They sent flowers when my brother died. I've talked to them a couple times about doing *something* to promote esophageal cancer awareness, and they're willing to help, but I have to figure out what to do. Easier said than done!

kj said...

i am going with Tweens, Teens and Peens. I can't remember who starred in it, but it seems to fit almost every blind item published.

Pip said...

ER was my first guess. No idea about the actors.

b-fabulous said...

it's not a sitcom but saturday night live was pretty wild in the early years.

bunnymother said...


bunnymother said...

ahh shit not a sitcom

Joanne said...

Hope and Faith, Step by Step?

Graham said...

I thought of Hope and Faith too, but I don't think there's any one A-list on that show or Step by Step.

Geebz said...

Is this show what they based the original Melrose Place off of? Damn. That's just nasty. Juicy but nasty!

PotPourri said...

no clue, but love dysfunction in Hwood!

Anna said...

Dawson's Creek had a bit of Fleetwood Mac in it. Some A-listers, too. I think Katy Holmes is rich by now, even with a pre-nup.

MacAttack said...

Everyone's going to be kicking themselves when this gets revealed( and i think it definitely WILL on NY's day)and it turns out to be soooo easy! haha.

i don't think anyone has it yet but 2 guys guess is the best so far (loved that show!)

L said...

not sure it was brought up before, but from how i read the blind, the tweener was NOT on the show.. it says: "Prior to the shooting of the first season, this now A list actor (#1) was having sex regularly with an actress (#2) who was an A list tweener and is now a struggling, yet very rich C list actress"
the sex with lead actress #3 then starts when the show starts! so i just inferred #2 was not in the show...
other than that, I got nuthin

crila16 said...

The OC? Struggling former teen actress being Mischa Barton.?

Graham said...

The OC... not a sitcom and I don't think anyone from that show is considered A-list.

aufstehen said...


Jenna Leigh said...

It could be That 70's show, Ashton and Wilmer have both dated former tweeners, multiple ones actually. Between them, Mandy, Brit and Lin. Those boys got around, but is Ashton A-list? Mila is, I think.


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