Today's Blind Items - I Never Got Caught
Listening to this B list almost always now movies and frequent nominee of some really high acting awards actress talk, leaves your mouth agape. I always liked that word agape. Seriously, she ticks off things one after the other and think to yourself all of those things must have happened over the period of her life and she says those particular incidents happened over the course of about six weeks. When our actress was far from being legal, she was out every night. She said that one of the first roles she got she hung out with one of the actors from the show who never amounted to much but is from a well known acting family. She says that he got her into clubs because he was at the height of his fame and they would get hammered every night. There was the time she and the actor did a threesome with the actor's brother and how the next day she spent all day throwing up in between scenes. It was the first time she had ever got drunk and also lost her virginity. Yes, in a threesome. On the same show she says the lead actor of the show who was about her same age thought he was the bomb and came into her trailer and grabbed his crotch and said, "I bet you would like some of this. I can make you a star." She laughed and walked away. She said he sounded like a little girl when he was yelling at her. A fairly hit movie that she was in she says she can't even remember filming and that she had to go see it in the theatre because people kept asking her questions about it and she had no clue what they were talking about. Turns out she spent the entire movie getting stoned with one of the actors and even though critics loved her performance she says she remembers filming a scene or two. The actor she smoked pot with all day and all night says that always happens to him but that it never affects his performance. It does in the bedroom though. She says he might be an A lust movie actor who is married, but that when he tried to make moves on her which she was receptive too, that he had no chance of getting it up. He tried three or four different times but that he could never get it up. Our actress says she has done every drug possible, partied for days on end, got into lots of trouble but that she has never been caught. She says the reason she thinks she gets away with everything is that she always shows up on time to work. She night be sick all day or hungover, but somehow she makes it there and gets through the day. As she has gotten slightly older and she is not even halfway through her 20's she says she finds herself more boring and doesn't know if she can stick with the boring because she thinks and critics agree that her performances have not been as good lately.