Thursday, November 01, 2012

Today's Blind Items - He Acts Like A Serial Killer

This actor is only B list but he would be A list if lust by fans added to your total. He does a mix of television and movies, but probably has made his biggest fame on a very hit show. Because of his good looks he has had no trouble finding dates. His problem has been keeping them. One actress he dated who is B- list in popularity but close to A list in talent said she loves dating edgy guys. The edgier the better, but this actor made her so uncomfortable that she feared she would end up dead everytime she went to his place. There was no violence that he did to her, but just the way he acted. Very clean. Very anal. Body hair shaved everywhere. Had latex gloves sitting randomly around the house which he said was for cleaning. She said it freaked her out. She would wake up at night and find him staring at her or coming into the room like a ghost. She said that she tried to only have him come to her place instead of going to his, but that he said she was too messy and that he preferred his home which he kept freezing. She swears that she would not have jumped if she found dead bodies in his place and was expecting them everytime she went. Another actress who has way more name recognition than talent has not said as much about the actor except to say that she also found his place cold and that she swears she could see the blood running through his body because he was so pale. For those of you with lots of lust, you need to know he only does it in one position (missionary) because the others are too messy.


  1. Please don't be Michael C Hall

  2. wondering same ....seems to Obvious????

  3. Freakishly white? There can't be too many of them now right?

  4. I kept thinking Jim Carrey, but he hasn't really done tv in years.

  5. So the first woman was so uncomfortable at his place and feared she'd end up dead, but chose to spend the night anyways?

  6. I don't feel like Michael C. Hall is all that pale, though. That being said, I don't have a better guess. I don't watch a lot of legitimate TV shows. Maybe someone from one of the vampire shows? This guy is "edgy".

  7. Alexander Skarsgaard?

    1. That's what I was thinking! *clink!*

  8. Michael C Hall isn't really that "lusted" after, is he?? Alexander Skarsgård jumped first into my mind, but I am not sure he fits

  9. I was thinking Vincent Kartheiser (from Mad Men) because something about him creeps me out, but I don't think he fits.

    1. He has been creeping me out since he was on Angel. Something is just off about him.

    2. Totally! I read an article about him not too long ago. He lives in a small house "off the grid". No phone no Internet, nada. He just reads a lot from the intellectual "best sellers list", if I recall correctly. Like Proust, Nietzsche...

  10. Evan Rachel Wood for the B- (but A in talent)for the first girl?

  11. Skarsgard came to my mind too.

  12. OK...Skarsgård, Evan Rachel Wood (B-, A), and Kate Bosworth (less talent)

  13. If this is Skarsgard then let me tell you I am crushed!!! Crushed I tell you!

  14. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I think it's Alexander Skarsgård, too with Kate Bosworth as the least talented GF. But I'm changing ERW to Amanda Seyfried. Anyone who dated Marilyn Manson for a while isn't easily spooked, I figure. But I can see Amanda being creeped out.

    But either would work, obviously.

  15. I'm liking the Alexander Skarsgaard guess. Hairless men freak me out.

    If someone gives you a really weird vibe, run for the hills. Years ago I dated someone (4-5 dates) who wanted to take me away for the weekend to some secluded place in the country. All I could think of was "what if this guy kills me - no one will no where to find my body." Told him I wouldn't go, and refused to see him again. He was probably harmless, but I went with my gut feeling.

  16. Yeah, I am crushed as well. Though, another way of looking at it is to be relieved to know that I am not missing much, since I'll never have him anyway! :)

  17. But isn't AS rumored to go both ways?

    1. My thoughts exactly! But that could also explain why he will only have sex with women in one position because the others are "messy" (if this is A Skars, which I'm not completely sold on, but don't have a better guess for)

  18. Does anybody lust after Michael C Hall? I adore him, but I think he's ugly as shit.

    1. I think he's hot in a creepy way. Like after I had sex with him I'd be afraid to fall asleep.

      Then again I have weird taste in guys. I like dirty hot guys(Norman Reedus) and others that just seem on the edge. Yet I'm married to the most vanilla law enforcement guy you would ever meet.

  19. I like the A Skars guess. He is pale, shaved everywhere and I lust after him like a ice cold corona when I'm at the lake. Has Askars been in any besides Zoolander?forgot yes he has with his ex the Bosworth chick. Who else has he dated?

  20. Isn't it a little dramatic to label someone as serial killer-esq because of their (clearly over the top) OCD? I keep latex gloves in multiple places. I don't like cleaners on my hands, but I like a clean house. And lots of people don't like sex for whatever reason. Someone's proclivities doesn't liken them to a murderer.

    That being said, I bet that was an uncomfortable relationship. And if it's Skarsgard, I'll share my gloves with him any day.

  21. Wasn't there another blind about some actor who shaved all his body hair? I thought of that Twilight Patterson guy (or whatever his name is) he looks really pale to me. Don't know if he's ever done TV though.

  22. The only Skarsgård I would be interested in is the father.
    By a looong way.

  23. i LOVE his dad. but i think the son fits this perfectly. sad because he's really beautiful.

  24. I think you guys got it with Alexander Skarsgaard. I know I've definitely lusted after him :)

  25. This is written to point to Dexter, but it's gotta be AS.

  26. I agree with the Skars guesses. I adore him, but I could see him being this OCD.

    And RPatz has a rather hairy chest when not required to shave/wax for a movie ... def not him.

  27. Definitely not Skaarsgard, so keep on lusting.

    1. You sound so confident...what do you know?? :)

  28. Whoever it is, I wonder how long she stayed with him. If she was that creeped out & the sex was routine, I don't see the up side. Unless it was a publicity thing like so many actors/actresses seem to do.

  29. It says that one of the actresses he dated is "B- list in popularity but close to A list in talent" -- so if it's Askars, who is the actress? Is Kate Bosworth a A list talent-wise? Not sure about that one...

  30. Anonymous11:05 AM

    If this is Skaarsgard then no big as far as I'm concerned. I don't think that it's the OCD that's so icky, more the creepiness/coldness/ lack of emotion. I'll never forget an Oprah episode a while ago where she interviewed women who had been raped/assualted whatever and they all said that before they got in the elevator, the cab, whatever that a little voice/intuition told them no... don't do it... something felt wrong. And these women all said that they knew it, they felt it and brushed off their gut instinct. If your gut is telling you somethings wrong, something's creepy, then run, for God's sake, runnnn girl, ALWAYS listen to your intuition. I can't tell you how many times I have kicked myself for not listening to that inner voice for one reason or another only to find out that I knew all along and could have saved alot of time and pain.

    1. COSIGNED!! And never let them take you to a second location, right?

  31. I love Craig T. Nelson! Have had a crush on him since Coach!

  32. a blond haired vampire from TRUE BLOOD

  33. Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch? He does less than zero things for me, but he definitely has lusty fans.

    Trying to make it not Skarsgaard, it does sound like him. He is from a cold part of the world though, where central heating isn't standard, maybe he likes the cold because it reminds him of home?

  34. Hmm maybe it's all based on person to person but what exactly would 'shaved all over' mean... I've lusted over ASkars enough to notice he usually has facial scruff going on, along with some body hair (with the exception of his chest)

  35. Yeah, my first thought was Skarsgard. Hope it's not, though. I do love his stares, though...not sure that would make me feel uncomfortable. He just smolders.

  36. That blonde guy on True Blood who plays a Stackhouse? On his imdb he is pictured with Ashley Tisdale and in another the chick from Entourage.

  37. Michael C Hall??? Since when do women lust after him? He's not a hottie. He's ok, but he's nowhere near on the list for sexiest man alive.

    Definitely Skarsgard. Former B list with more talent is either Amanda Seyfried or Evan Rachel Wood. The A list name, much less talent...Bosworth.

  38. I don't have a guess, but I'm with Nap, this is OCD, not serial killer material.

    My ex's brother used to make his wife change her clothes in the foyer before she went anywhere else in the house. He didn't want outside dirt/germs to come into the house.

  39. Ya .. OCD is a perfectly logical explanation for his behaviors. Germphobe. And trust me .. it is a HORROR to have that disease! And .. imagine having it when you are on anti-rejection meds. Oh ya .. there is a reason my life is a disaster, folks!

    But .. stop me if you have heard this before .. it helps if you seek counseling .. but I do not recommend using drugs for it. I never have as I heard it can make the disease even worse. So .. just more friendly advice from a long lost CDAN poster!

  40. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Could it be Ian Sommerholder. He is pale and almost every woman wants him.

  41. "Isn't it a little dramatic to label someone as serial killer-esq because of their (clearly over the top) OCD?"

    Yeah, so maybe that's a clue. Maybe the guy has played (acts like) a serial killer?

  42. Ian whats-his-face is B listed?
    ASkars has, well, *some* chest hair.

    whoever this person is, sounds like a case of OCD to me.

  43. OCD is not a disease, unless you count attention-seeking a disease.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Stfu insensitive twatwaffle.

  44. OCD is not a disease, unless you count attention-seeking a disease.

  45. Yeah, I was thinking Ian Somerholder (?) too. I don't know anything about his dating history, though. That guy gives me the CREEPS.

  46. If this wasn't an actor, I'd guess my boss :( it is a stress filled working enviroment!

  47. I doubt it's Benedict Cumberbatch. He hasn't dated many, if any, high-profile celebrities.

    OCD is in fact a disease, an "anxiety disorder." Don't be so damned insensitive.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Uh Skarsgard has plenty of body hair FYI

  50. I was thinking ASkars from the first, but I hope I'm wrong. I have heard often that Swedes are known to be very clean people, and the paleness would be required for someone playing a vampire. When he's not on TB he seems to keep himself clean-shaven. He is at the very top of my "Lust List." He fits, but I hope I'm if anyone has evidence to the contrary, please speak!

  51. ASkars was in "Generation Kill", an HBO mini-series about the Irak war that was shot in South Africa. All the cast had to go to bootcamp for weeks. If he were the guy from the BI, he wouldn't have lasted one scene...

  52. @Crazy, nice comment. Grow up.

  53. This sounds like all of us Swedes, emotionally, anyway, heh. My grandma was the queen of icy, sparkling, cleanliness. Plastic slipcovers? Check!

  54. Oh, and the freezing house thing? no matter how much wealth they accumulated, my grandparents had a real thing about the heating bill. She knitted us some hilarious sweaters to compensate. She kept cleaning gloves in damned near every room, always in a cupboard though.

    The woman was gorgeous, and could bake like no other, however. She and my gramps had a long, very happy marriage so I'm guessing the bedroom life was pretty harmonious. Very little physical affection displayed in front of others. Yeah, I'm guessing (stereotyping, admittedly)this guy is just a Swede being a Swede.

  55. Michael c hall seems obvious with Julia styles. but I have been to his house, neat yes, odd yes, cold yes but it didn't have that feel.. I have also met him an this is no way him. I say Vincent k. from mad men is good but he not listed after

  56. Not Skarsgard. He definitely has body hair; it's just blond.

    So does Somerhalder.

  57. Somerhalder has been dating his co-start Nina Dobrev for a couple of years at least now (maybe even living together), doubt it would be said no one wanted to keep dating him.

  58. To whomever said OCD wasn't a disease - go fuck yourself.

    My ex-wife has OCD of the compulsive actions/intrusive thoughts variety on top of being germophobic and it has been pretty well managed with medication. Before she was on meds she once bought some fried chicken from a deli and when the lady handed it to her it had blood on the bag (apparently the deli attendant had cut herself and not noticed). My ex went off the deep end from fear of blood-borne pathogen (like HIV) transmission - couldn't leave the house for two weeks, never touched the purse she was carrying again (I had to retrieve whatever she HAD to have out of it and even that had to be wiped down with a strong bleach solution), and washed her hands until they bled. This was the incident that led her to start seeing a therapist and taking medication to control her OCD and depression. She still has her bad days but nothing like it was before.

    Also - having lived with someone that had such severe OCD I HATE when people who are merely neat freaks are labeled "OCD". Sure, for some people that is how the disorder manifests itself, but there is a whole lot more going on. My ex has never been particularly neat and OCD is not funny or in any way cute.

  59. Crazy Cady - Fuck. Right. Off. OCD absolutely devasted by friend's life. Thankfully, after therapy and meds, she has her life back. Don't open your mouth and show your ignorance.

  60. @surfer

    Wow I felt chills down my spine reading your comment because I was recently in the same boat. There was this doctor @ my job that was trying to date me. On the first phone conversion we had all he talk about was taking me on shopping sprees, cruises, and weekend getaways and the only thing I'm thinking is "but we just met". Follow my gut and cut off all communication with him and haven't look back since.

  61. Not Vincent from Mad Men. He has been dating Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore) for awhile.

  62. No guesses for me, but I had to share that I read Anthony Michael Hall instead of Michael C Hall which makes the comments and my confusion all the more entertaining. I've managed to show my age and my lack of TV knowledge in one amusing sweep. Duh!

  63. I saw Ian Somerhalder half drunk at an awards show. He's from humid, sweaty Louisiana, rescues animals, so I'm thinking he's rather the opposite - beer cans everywhere, his girlfriend wakes up with his cats and dogs staring at her with Ian sitting up in bed eating red beans and rice for breakfast.

  64. Not ASkars, he has body hair. Trust, us ASkars fangirls are well versed in regards to the chest hair, lol.

  65. But, now that I am watching Vampire Diaries... Ian S (Damon) is pretty pale and hairless... not that I want him to be this either. But he is pale.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Can't be Skars, he just bought his first home. He has been living with friends and in hotels since he got to HW. He was spotted at K.Bosworth's home multiple times during their relationship, they were rumored to be living together..

    Look it up, he said it in recent interviews (about just getting a house now, about women he doesn't talk xD).

    And he has bodyhair, look at old movies, he has pubes in the Om Sara showerscene and shows arm, leg and chesthair in pics.

    His co star Kristin B.van Straten actually called him messy, so really doubt it's him.
    I do think he is some kind of controlfreak but not the ocd type; more like obsessed with his privacy and controlling what people see of him and his life. Peobably the most private actor on the planet:-)

    No idea who it is though:/

  68. Sebastian Stan would fit the blind, but he has chest hair in some of the photos I found on the Internet. Chase Crawford? Chord Overstreet? Pale fellows all.

    If it weren't for the TV role, I'd guess Gosling. Half of his face looks like the kindest guy ever, and the other half has serial killer all over it. That would help as an actor - change the camera angle, change how you appear. Robert Mitchum had this advantage.

  69. I just want to say that I also think Norman Reedus is hot. And Steven Yuen, too. Yow.
