Thursday, November 01, 2012

Tim Tebow And Camilla Belle

Camilla Belle has found herself another virgin. Back in 2008 and 2009 she dated Joe Jonas. I think he might have still been a virgin when they started dating. Anyway, now Camilla Belle is dating Tim Tebow. The couple were spotted bowling earlier this week because that is a nice safe, public date that can be attended without fear of ending up being alone and possibly giving into temptation, although, the counter where they spray the shoes is a tempting target. They did kiss a lot and hold hands a lot. Not sure who was doing the moaning. The couple hung out in Jacksonville. Tim was probably trying to convince himself that sleeping naked together is not having sex so that should be fine. Camilla will tell him that is what she did with Joe Jonas and everything turned out fine.


  1. Geez, Entwood, it's All Saint's Day ! Now we are going to have to hear the boring bashing comments. Tebow, virgin. Think I'll go fill a bong and say a prayer :)

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Always thought she was beautiful. Plus, as long as I don't have to hear any dating story ending with Taylor Swift in it I'm fine.

  3. Is Tebow a virgin? I thought he was just very religious.

  4. Christina, funny you should mention Taylor Swift--she has a song allll about Camilla Belle and how the girl stole Joe Jonas from her.

    1. @karen, the lyrics are hilarious! she says Camilla is a big slut and known for it. lol After john Mayer, swifty shouldn't try to drag anyone's name thru the mud

  5. Does Taylor Swift write a g-damned song about her every bowel movement? Or does she pare it down to just TYPES of BM's?

    Everyone uses inspiration from their own life, but every 6-week boyfriend is song-worthy? PLEASE.

  6. 'When i sit on the toilet and start thinking in rhymes, that's how I know it's gonna be a good one'

  7. The transubstantiation thing will be what dooms this relationship. But perhaps she'll convert.

    They're both gorgeous, but somehow they don't seem to fit together to me. He is so all-American jock and she has that elegant European vibe.

  8. Anonymous7:10 AM

    All of her songs sound likee some sad freshman in high school crying into her carebear. Calm down. She's so emotionally stunted, it's sad. Also I agree with you @beguessin, I highly doubt their relationship was based on them comparing guitars late at night.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Maybe it's me being naive, but I don't think John got too far with Taylor. He seemed miffed after things ended with them and for a guy who usually takes jabs at his conquests, JM's reaction to Taylor was surprising. Me thinks she got the best of him on some level.

    But hey, I like Taylor, oversharing and all. I make no apologies for it. :-)

    Isn't Camilla a lesbian? Or at least bi? There was a friendship with Maria Sharapova that got chummy and ended when the 'more than friends' whispers started.

    In any case, this seems like a PR relationship to me.

  10. Libby- she's writing for 15 year old girls, so there is no ceiling on how stupid and immature she can get away with being.

    On a separate note, all those armpits around here yesterday forced me to actually read usernames instead of just looking at the pretty pics.

  11. I don't understand where she meets these guys? I can't even remember that last time I saw her in a movie. Not trying to be mean but she just seems to be known for who she dates. She has to be in cahoots with someone who hooks her up in these PR relationships.

  12. She's so ridiculously gorgeous. TMZ had this picture of them on the red carpet near each other at the Met Gala back in May. Don't they make a handsome couple.

  13. She is stunning, and somehow makes a large forehead work for her (hello, Tyra, Rihanna?). In these pics, they don't exactly look like a matched couple, and Tebow doesn't really do it for me in the looks department, but the TMZ post Amber linked to shows a pretty attractive couple.

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    @ Lotta: I think they met at the MET Fashion gala this year. There's a picture with both of them on the red carpet. Not together, but they came in close enough to each other to where they could have met.

  15. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Ack! I JUST saw where Amber answered Lotta's question, my bad!

  16. I think I'd rather listen to a song about a Taylor Swift bowel movement. It likely had more personality than any of the losers she "dates."

  17. Butter---my dirty little secret is that my astigmatism is terrible, and i rely on MY photo to find where I left off in threads. Seeing it on other comments drove me nuts!

    It's also discomforting because it's a picture of my actual self, like 7 years ago. I look so different! Hair-wise!

  18. My vision is so bad, that the angle of Amber's face, in her picture, looked too much like the angle of my arm, at first, and i would start reading her comments and saying, 'Did I say that? Am I going crazy here?'

    My vision is only bad since I turned about 35, btw. Which should tell you all you need to know about why I'm so in denial about it ! ha!

  19. @libby - I got lasik when I was 25 (I'm 31), and I've been wearing glasses again for 3 years! Being tired all the time/having dry eyes can really contribute to poor vision, but I think I was just too young to have the surgery. My eyes were still changing too much.

  20. I thought "lib-gate" was hilarious. As was the "clearly disturbed" thread. Laughter soothes frazzled nerves.

  21. What's clearly disturbed? Was I there?

  22. I would fuck him so hard.

    Yeah, I said it.

  23. @chopchop...I would be next in line!

    She sure has some forehead real estate going on there.

    Yeah, I said it. (smirk)

  24. Agent may be in bong land by now Libby.

    Clearly Disturbed goes back to the Hurricane Sandy post and the debate about LR posting as whocaresnow 12 or clearly disturbed. I think a lot has been deleted though.

    If only Alex T was still around to post the Not Now Ironman version of that insanity!

  25. Am I the only one who thinks that Tim Tebow and Joe Jonas are a more likely relationship than either of them with a, ewwww!, woman?

  26. The lesbians that I know who follow celeb gossip all think that Camilla is gay or at least bi so this would be perfect for the two of them!

  27. @Libby Libby, I had a deep thought (unusual for me) about your picture.

    The first time I saw your photo I laughed bc it sort of represents the navel-gazing and self-admiration that many celebrities have for themselves.

    It also symbolizes the fact that the website looks for smelly things (rotten stuff) that celebrities try to get away with...


  28. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Thank for the recap Dia Papaya. It's hard to keep up with you guys sometimes. I'll join you as soon as I'm off work Agent It and Rejected CareBear, glad to hear that there's other bong lovers on here! I feel like such a criminal sometimes!
    If Tebow wants to be all pure and wait til he's married then good for you, and props to his Mom or whoever indoctrinated him so seriously in to the church as to overcome any red blooded american man's natural instincts and urges to get it on as soon as possible. His faith must be pretty strong. I'm of the opinion though that if it's that easy for a man to swear off sex with a woman that mayyybe he's just not that interested for a reason. Makes no difference to me what side he plays for. But if he's straight, you Go Camille! Go get that boy and make him a man.

  29. Yeah, no. If he's really virgin he might sucks in bed.

    Oh.... I see what I just did here, lol

  30. Hmmm... dating another guy who wants to "wait 'til marriage"? Lesbian rumors? Why did the blind of the B list actress who had trauma in her past and only dates gay men so she doesn't have to have sex pop into my head? Things that make you go hmmmm...

  31. every gay man i know swears tebow is gayer than Christmas and I totally see it.

    She just looks like a cold fish.

  32. So nobody's business. Ugh. Tmi.

  33. Wasn't she bearding for that Jonas' kid? I can't remember .. but I thought that was what was up there. Perhaps not, though. Brain is not what it used to be as far as retaining meaningless info any more. [And I am actually sad about that!]

    But I have to agree with the "He's gay" posts. I only have one gay male friend at this juncture .. but he seems to think that Tebow is gayer than gay .. and a crap QB.

    So .. there's my worthless post for the day!

  34. I do not find her particularly attractive.

  35. Tuxedo Cat---You're right, that's exactly it. i WAS feeling self-indulgent; I was thinking of Kevin Kline in "A Fish Called Wanda."

  36. Look at that gorgeous mother fucker, all puppy dog eyed and looking like a Nike ad waiting to happen.

    I swear man, that dude's gonna make starting quarterback someday...

  37. Personally, I don't find either one of them all that attractive. She's odd looking, imo.

  38. LOL, Camilla sure does get around. Not surprised, she's traditionally pretty and there are a lot of guys interested in her. What happened to her career, though?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Has anyone told Tebow that dating Taylor Swift, Ashley Green or Camilla Belle is viewed as a half-step out of the closet before either coming out completely or chickening out and retreating back in?

    I think Taylor Swift used a Kennedy as a palate cleanser to rid the public of its impression of the purpose of her dating life, because if you need to find a womanizer to hang around with as a reputation reclamation effort, the Kennedys are the go-to family.
