This Will Make You Angry
20 guys are on trial for taking part in a months long gang rape of an 11 year old girl and videotaping it. The trial has got underway and one of the lawyers for the a-hole above says the 11 year old girl is to blame for all 20 guys raping her because the 11 year old girl lured the men like a sipder lures its prey into a web. Uh huh. The f**ker really said it. He also said that since the girl told all the guys she was 17 that she must have really wanted to have sex with all of them. Yep, he said that too. Now, the girl has always told police that it was consensual. When an 11 year old girl is having sex with men as old as 27, nothing is consensual. Apparently this was all only discovered because of the sex tapes.