Thursday, November 01, 2012

The Live X Factor - Britney Spears' Ear Plugs, Khloe Kardashian's Nipple And Why Britney Won't Be Back Next Year

For the first live show, Britney Spears did amazing. Well, amazing as in she did not walk off the stage, and amazing as she must have just watched a Katie Holmes interview before going out to judge the show because every performance was amazing. That is really surprising because she wore earplugs for the entire show, so she assumed they were all amazing. I was nervous for her the entire time and at the same time was wondering if there would be a train wreck. News is that she will not be back next year though. That salary is way too big, and the potential for disaster is way too high. She kept it together and could not have done much better. On the complete opposite end of the spectrum was Khloe Kardashian who not only decided to wear a sheer top with no bra which might have been a good decision because her nipples kept trying to distract the world from one of the worst jobs hosting anyone could have imagined. Apparently she did not know that when you have a microphone there is no need to yell. She was awkward when talking to the contestants and the judges and it was truly painful to watch. I don't see it getting much better and the producers should just cut their losses and get rid of her now.


  1. If Britney is that fragile, then maybe she should leave show business. That is sad.

  2. I saw those earplugs in Britney's ear but I thought it was more of an ear piece with someone telling her what to say. Which is sad because all she said was that was interesting. Or that was entertaining. Really good was another. I'm seriously disappointed. I want her to be okay mentally and also bring the crazy.
    I didn't think Khloe sucked. That dude last year was a million times worse.

    1. I think you're right! They are feeding her commentary right threw an earpiece.

  3. On the subject of Khloe's breasts - at least it seems like hers are real (unlike both her sisters') - I'd much rather someone flaunt their real (moderate-sized ones) than fake ones that set unrealistic expectations.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Kim's are real- if you've seen her teen pics $ the tape.

  4. Khloe's shirt doesn't look see-through to me? She just needs those High Beams nipple shields to keep herself in check. Which, BTW, look totally creepy on. You end up looking like you have mannequin boobs! haha

    I haven't gotten to watch yet, but it may just take both of them an episode or two to get comfortable with the whole live thing.

  5. Shit, if she did have an earpiece, it could have been someone talking her down throughout the show.

    On a lighter note, I would have never guessed that Mario Lopez was as big as Khloe.

  6. I only saw the end, but didn't think Khloe was that bad.

  7. Last night was my first X factor viewing. Not impressed by any of it. I think these shows have run their course? It all seems so fabricated.

  8. I'm sure Simon didn't realize how much work Britney was going to be for him. Think he misses Pauler yet?

  9. My husband has to wear earplugs when we go tot he movies or concerts. He has severe tinitus (sp?) and needs the plugs to block out extremes of highs and lows. He can hear just fine.

    I don't watch the show, but in that pic above, I can see how the Oj rumors got started. She really does favor him and looks a lot like Sidney Simpson

  10. I thought Khloe did a great job. Enty, why the extreme Khloe hate?? She did a fine job and is the least repulsive Kardashian.

  11. So glad I wasn't the only one who noticed something in her ear. And I really don't think they were just ear plugs to block noise. I'm positive she had someone in her ear the whole night, how else could she make it?

  12. Disagree with the earplugs conspiracy. That show is ridiculously loud and I can only imagine how deafening the crowd is in person. If someone was feeding her lines, she would have been more entertaining. Her responses were pretty generic.

    I thought Khloe was fine but I still don't see why they need two hosts. And after watching The Voice, none of the X Factor contestants hold a candle to the talent on that show. Hence the need for explosions, gyrating dancers and seizure-inducing sets.

  13. Why do people watch this shit?

  14. hiring khloe to host is making a pact w/the devil. as those kardumdums go, she's ok, but that is all relative.

    none of them has any skill and their only talents are attracting attention and making money. of course she was awful. that is a hard job and she has no experience. whether you like ryan seacrest or not, he knows what he's doing and he's unflappable.

  15. Ha! You're right, I wouldn't have expected Mario to be that big either.

    Interesting they had him there, he is a true professional host at this point and he probably helped keep all the shit together.

  16. Is it possible Mario wears lifts just like Tom Cruise does?

  17. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I think Khloe is alright compared to the other girls, but where would any of them be without money?

  18. I didn't see Khloes nipples ans I thought she did well. Britney was ok but def sounded robotic!

  19. Khloe should just have a live sex segment during the first part of show. That'll satisfy everyone's need for a Kardashian fix. Then they can lock her in the back for the remaining 59:05.

    I saw her and my first thought was "wow, kelly clarkson gained a lot of weight."

  20. I saw Khloe's face on my tv and scrambled for the remote.

  21. LOL, I too was expecting Mario to be dainty next to Chloe--I thought he would be Ryan Seacrest size.

    Just watched Wendy Williams and she just offered to send Khloe a good bra for TV.

    I think Khloe was kind of messy but I think she will get better with some practice. I thought Mario was great at moving things along. LOL he kept his composure with one of the contestants wanting to grab his ass---I give him snaps for that.

  22. Uh I wasn't expecting Mario to be that small. I like my men to at least be six feet, so my first thought when seeing them the same size is "Well Mario Lopez is never getting a piece of my tootsie roll".

    I thought Koko did pretty good though. It was her first hosting job, her first live gig probably ever and aside from screaming at everyone through the mic, she did great.

    Definitely needs some more practice though and I agree with whoever said above that there is no need for two hosts.
    Kick Mario to the curb Simon!

  23. @car LOL that was absolutely HIGHlarious. Mario looked so uncomfortable but I'm pretty sure he liked it.

    I also loved Vino practically exploding on stage when he was standing next to Koko. He could barely keep it in his pants, I felt a little weird watching them together.

  24. Khloe is the only KarASSian I like. She didn't really talk until she put Demi on the spot at the end. I think she would do well one on one interview the contestants behind on the stage and keep Mario on stage announcing. Otherwise, I don't really see the point in having two hosts. Bummed about Britney. Really rooting for her but she's pretty vanilla. Personally I was expecting more from L.A. Reid. He blows.

  25. wtf are talking about? THAT WAS AMAZING! Khloe putting Simon and Demi on the sport (and in her place) was the best thing ever.

  26. no it's just Kim's ass that is FAKE.

  27. What did Khloe ditto put them on the spot?

  28. Who watches this shit anyway?

  29. mannyv, kelly clarkson has not been super thin in a long, long time.

    khloe and mario look good in the pic. havent seen the episode but i might watch it this afternoon to see britney.

  30. omg, that poor girl was awful. britney was oscar-worthy in comparison. khloe screeched and screamed her way awkwardly thru the entire first 30 minutes. poor thing. and she's the likeable kartrashian. i don't even care about nipplegate (tho it was incredibly tacky) this was just such a poor choice of hosts. she has no natural grace or word flow ability, and she was probably very aware that they put her in dark clothing so she wouldn't appear wider than mario. even my tivo knew it. it refused to record beyond the first hour.

  31. @parissucksliterally

    I do that EVERY TIME I hear or see a KockROACHian on TV.

  32. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I honestly think Britney had earplugs in. It was bright yellow (which I have a million of around my house since hubby is a pilot) and looked nothing like the contestants ear pieces. Plus the sound was ridiculous. The judges had the yell into the mics to be heard, the mics kept picking up noises and then you couldn't hear the singing. And speaking of walking off, did anyone see LA trying to run back to his seat at one point??

  33. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Only caught a few mins but I thought khloe did well for her first time, britney on the other hand sounds like she doesn't know wat she's doing despite all her experience

  34. I have to chime in on the Khloe discussion. I can't stand the the K-Trash Clan, but I thought Khloe did a great job last night! Lord forgive me, but I think it was because she was acting naturally! She def does not have the polish that other hosts have, but that's what I liked. And I like that she got a job. A cushy hollywood job none of us could ever get, but it's practically blue collar to the rest of them.

  35. I guess none of you have ever worn ear plugs at a concert? You can hear the music so much clearer with them in. That said, I think she had someone talking to her through a mic.

  36. I think Kloe did ok and I bet her sisters are pissed she got a live show! But the way Mario was holding all the contestants was just too much! I am so jaded from all the blinds!!

    Britney seemed a little stiff and didn't really give any extra oomph like I thought she would!! Ahhh, meds.......

  37. The judge threw out the Lutfi lawsuit. That drama has ended.
