Sunday, November 04, 2012

The Best Of SNL Last Night

I watched all of SNL last night, but it was in sort of a drunken haze where the cold open is there one second and the next thing you know everyone is saying good night, So, because I was only sober enough to judge the cold open, it will have to be my choice for best of last night.


  1. the cold open, monologue and the Lincoln skit were hands down the best moments of the night, Louis CK was great on the skits he had a hand in, a few clunkers but a good show with everything NYC has been through this week

  2. Louis CK can totally get it. I have such a huge crush on him. And the Lincoln sketch, hilarious.

  3. I thought Chris Christies sign language interpreter was the funniest thing ever! Her movements were just spot on and out of nowhere! His opening monologue was maybe my fav ever, I laughed really hard. I don't know if this makes it not cool or not, but a friend just saw him in Toronto doing the same exact old lady joke. I guess comedians have to test material before going on the BIG stage? So it should only be disappointing for that little Toronto audience.

  4. @katsm I've seen some mentions on facebook they were disappointed he did material from his act for the monologue, I thought he would of done something new but I'll take recycled Louis CK jokes than those musical numbers, I that those with a passion.

    1. @time are they all from Toronto? Because I laughed so hard, I appreciate him testing his material first. If your friends are from all over the country then I say HACK lol. I hate the musical numbers too except Seth MacFarland's was decent.
      I'm also wondering how Sandy interfered with the skit writing.
      I never miss an episode but if Anne Hathaway does a musical opener that's enough to make me turn it off. I used to just watch Weekend Update but that stinks now! I like Seth Meyers but does anyone else think he's awful on WU or are the jokes just not there?
      @mrswiife I looooved the drunk skit too!! When they went against the window I lost it!!

  5. I loved the cold open--Chris Christie and the NJ interpreter was hilarious! I dvr'd it and was able to watch the very last skit where a drunk CK picks up a woman at a bar at last call--it was awesome!

  6. @timebob Couldn't agree more! It was so nice to see someone actually do a monologue and not some lame musical number. First time I've seen that in a really long time, I think.

  7. Ok that was hilarious

  8. The opening, monologue and "Lincoln" were hilarious.

    I feel asleep after, so I can't comment on the rest.

  9. @katsm i got the impresssion that is part of his touring act now. Not sure if that was just a one off gig he did with that material, but yes all comics test material out and tweak it first before doing it for specials or tv.

  10. Yeah, the monologue came straight from his touring act. The guy comes up with an entirely new set at least once a year, so cut him some slack!

  11. Lincoln was ROFL good. BF and I were laughing so hard, it was ridiculous. Louie did a great job, I thought. We missed his monologue.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Personally, I thought it was too soon.

    1. @cali what was too soon, the Lincoln sketch ?

  14. Personally, as a New Yorker, it is just what we needed, to laugh at a horrible situation, they didn't make fun of the victims they poked fun of Bloomberg and Christie and the interpreter, which several of my friends had noted was totally overacting during the actual press conferences. And yes, white people are head over heels in love with Homeland!

  15. let me rephrase, not laugh at a situation, but during it, oh fuck you know what i mean so don't jump down my throat please

  16. Yes, Kats, poor Lincoln isn't even cold yet.

  17. Lollllll @cali I've been laughing about this all day

  18. The cold open and monologue were great, and my fave sketch ended up being the very last one...drunk at the bar. The Viking one where he was blowing the ram's horn was funny, but not for its material, for the way he handled it.

    He's a great host, up there with Seth McFarlane for great hosts this season. And I liked the band, too. Can't say that very often.

    Agree with timebob, this wasn't too soon, it was good for NY and NJ to get a laugh. They ran SNL very soon after 9/11, and I remember Giuliani telling the audience it was a NY institution, and important to give us a smile in the middle of such horrible loss. You need a moment to laugh without feeling guilty during times like this.

  19. I agree w/ most of you on the best sketches (cold open, monologue, Lincoln) although I did enjoy the Hotel Fees one. I love seeing more of Aidy Bryant! Saw her in Chicago this summer and she is SUPER talented.
