Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Shia LaBeouf Splits With Girlfriend - Ashlee Simpson Splits With Boyfriend

If you read the site regularly then it should not be a shocker that Shia LaBeouf and his long time girlfriend have split after two years of dating. What does shock me is that she managed to last this long. That is remarkable, especially considering how Shia is always going to compare his girlfriends to his mother. Meanwhile Ashlee Simpson and her boyfriend Vincent Piazza have split. Ashlee thought she would get more of a career bump dating a guy on a hit HBO show, but realized that no matter what she does she probably won't have a career so is just going to hang out next to Jessica Simpson for the next year or so and try to sell some records that way and get a few gigs lip synching at Macy's.


  1. for Shia LaBeouf,it is not a surprise we saw the pics when they have a fight together in the street and they cried together:propably their break-up) when a guy doesn't fake sex scene in his next movie and hangs out with his co-star

    for Ashlee simpson,i don't care,i don't know her (she's famous to be the sister of a famous person)

  2. sorry for my orthograph,my PC bugs

  3. I think that doing the Lars Von Trier film is going to destroy his career instead of resurrecting it. He's just not as talented as a Dunst.

  4. Good for Lucky Luciano, I wondered why he was with her in the first place?!

  5. I thought Ashlee was adorable on 7th Heaven...then she had to become a 'singer', change her face, etc.etc. If she would have stuck to acting and her girl next door image she may have faired better...imo.

  6. What is the deal with the lip-synching snark on Ashlee? I thought everyone did it at some point or another?

  7. Reeses, I'd say the snark is based in the fact that she had that huge snafu on SNL years ago - I think it basically was such a huge fail that it flushed her recording career down the toilet.

  8. I have never seen this guy Shia in a movie, but I hear a lot about what a douche he is, when I'm looking at that picture up there all I can think is why the hell isn't he carrying the groceries? What an unchivalrous jerk!

  9. @Frufra..Hi! Thanks for reminding me....she blamed it on her band or something skeezy like that.

  10. I think Ashlee's oopsy shuffle was more lame than her lip-synching.

  11. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Ashley should realise that she does not have any discernible talent, not much in the looks department and she generally annoys the entire population of the planet. She should just get a nice stipend from Jessica and be her babysitter/personal assistant. Pete Wentz was the best thing that could have ever happened to her, he seems like a nice normalish person. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

  12. Carmelite: Don't hold back...tell us how you reallyyyy feel! =)

  13. Too bad for Ashlee. Luciano has had the most screen time on Boardwalk than he's ever had. Not to hijack the post, but who's excited for the season finale?! The past episode had me biting my nails, and the finale is going to be a DOOZY!

  14. @Jolene-I cannot wait! It's gonna be a shoot out. I'd like to see Richard 1.team up with Nucky and 2.off Gillian.

  15. ^i'm torn. i want to see more Bobby Canavalle but i also want Gyp to die a horrific and spectacular death.

  16. I canNOT look at Bobby Canavalle the same ever again. I've always thought he was a really great character actor (I'm a sucker for him in Will & Grace), but good GOD that Gyp is a bad, bad man. He's seriously scary. The dog collar scene is what put me over the edge. Just whoa.

  17. Oh, and I think Gillian is going to die, too, @curly! I'm convinced Richard is going to come in and play a huge role to bring down the Rosetti/Masseria gang. Hello, he's a sharp shooter. He's been kind of a sleeper this season, but I think he's going to come back with a vengeance.

    Either way, I'm still really sad about Owen. :(

    1. @ Jolene, I love Richard! I also think he will have a big part in bringing them down. Gyp is such a bad guy! I love Bobby but he's gotta go!

  18. @Jax i am with you, Gyp is so evil but he tears up the screen that I want him dead but I want him back next season too. I'm torn.

    @ReesesPeace Ashlee in her arrogance would give interviews that she would never lip synch and only sing live (basically just mimicing what Pink says) But Pink really does sing live.

    The SNL debacle where she got busted lip synching and blaming everyone under the sun except herself is what did her in.

    I don't see how Vincent Piazza could give her much of a fame bump Lucky is a 3rd or 4th lead in the show he isn't a main lead.

  19. I am SO GLAD to hear Vincent and Ashlee broke up...they baffled me. But I hold Lucky in high regard. :)

    I am super stoked for the Boardwalk Empire finale, and I also really hope Gillian gets offed. I was so upset when Jimmy was killed last season, then having to see the college flashbacks and learn what a whack job Gillian really is...I can't stand her character. She can die. Keep the Gyp, though...he really is bad in a scary way. Bobby is a fantastic actor.

    Jolene - the dog collar scene is what did it for me, too. Now, every time someone makes a comment Gyp doesn't like, I cringe, just waiting for the beatings to begin. He's awesome.

  20. The scene where Gyp was bing ridiculed by his mother and sister was just fantastic. He took all their shit and looked like a beaten dog. Loved it.

  21. ^hence why he's such an evil bastard. Browbeaten by his MOther and can't stand up to her!

    that's what I love about BE, it's so horrifically violent but also dark comedy.

  22. Wasn't there a blind recently about some chick dating someone for a career bump and it wasn't working like she thought?

  23. Poor Pete Wentz. He thought Ashlee was beautiful *before* she had the nose job. I thought she sweet when she had that reality show. Now she's gorgeous but vapid.
