Monday, November 12, 2012

Shia LaBeouf Gets In A Fight At A Pub

Shia LaBeouf does what he does best. He got drunk at a pub in London. Some guy then tried to steal Shia's hat so Shia did what he does second best and that is get in a fight with a stranger. Unlike most times though when Shia gets his butt kicked, this time as the two did what guys do who don't want to fight. They danced around and around. Finally, Mia Goth, who Shia had been groping all night and who is his co-star in his latest movie, you know, the one where they have real sex together got him out of the club and they went back to her mom's place where they spent the rest of the night. I'm guessing Shia didn't tell his girlfriend the whole Mia part.


  1. Ahhh...drunk bar fights. I miss those days.

  2. Don't care. He will always be Louis Stevens to me, and I will always love him.

  3. seaward! I was just going to say that Even Stevens was his best work.

  4. What is this guy's deal? He needs to sit down with Robin Williams and hug it out while Robin says, "It's not your fault," over and over again.

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Am I the only surprised that anyone drinks Hynpotiq anymore? I thought it was passe now.

  6. OT:
    L.Lohan is going to appear on Leno a week from tomorrow, Nov. 20.Lohan is contractually obligated to do one TV interview to promote Liz & Dick.

  7. @Layna - I noticed that, too, but I think it's an old picture so I refrained from making fun of him. I got some mini bottles of Hyp in a swag bag from a party and drank them in the pool this summer. Hah.

  8. @Agent - thanks for the tip!! I really wish she didn't pull out of Barbara Wawa. I need more Lohan meltdowns on TV!

    1. babs bashed her on the view today, i loved it.

    2. jennifer, damn, I was waiting for that !!!!!!

  9. Anonymous7:56 AM

    @Amber: OK, that makes sense. All I could think that it's no longer hip to drink Hyp in public anymore. Hee.

  10. DEAD @ the HYP pic LMAO

  11. Why a douche thing to steal someone's hat. I hate it when people grab hats off of other peoples' heads. First time I am with Shia on this.

  12. What is Hypnotiq? X

  13. Glad to see others noticed the Hypnotiq bottle; were places still displaying it when Shia turned 21 (who are we kidding, 16-18)?

  14. Dude has issues for sure. But I was a giant fan of Project Greenlight and loved watching The Battle of Shaker Heights get made so I kinda have a soft spot for him. Sounds like he had a rough time coming up and I know all too well how hard it is to get past that and grow up.

  15. I loved him in Holes...I just pretend this is some older guy who remotely looks like Stanley Yelnats... Because this guy is a douche.

  16. I think it's time for Ben Savage to trade places with him and finally claim his glory.

  17. It wasn't a club, it was a pub in SE London full of pissed up students.

    The UK papers interviewed the manager and a couple of the students in attendance, and all said the guy who grabbed the hat was being a massive prick.

  18. Yup, first saw him in Holes and kind of hoping this is just a bad phase.

  19. one word, shia.


  20. So glad i have zero interest in booze. Just born thst way.

  21. That's definitely an old photo, he's rocking some Even Stevens hair.

    When I was 19 (10 years ago, when that blue stuff was popular - holy shit, I'm old) we used to mix it with something, it turned green and it was called an Incredible Hulk. For the life of me, I can't remember WHAT we mixed it with. If I drank it today, I'd probably barf.

    Now I'm just a beer and wine gal. Oh, the lessons of youth (and trash can punch).

  22. FSP - Love your avi!

  23. Drunk, rich, egotistical actor gets lippy and ends up in the papers. Sounds like every Friday in Hollywood. Enty, if you hate this guy so much, start telling us WHY. He's an actor who thinks he's clearly better than he is. This guy is young enough to change. If you really want to rip someone for being a Douche, start writing about James "I'M CLEARLY A GOD" Franco. HE is too much on every level.

  24. Lol Amber, and I would jump on that troubled ass in a hot second...just like I would the character in the movie.

    @auntliddy, you are lucky. Booze is poision but so fuckin tempting in so many ways.

  25. @Cornbread - there are different variations depending upon where you are in the country/world, but the recipe I know is Hyp & Hennessy! Ick ick ick.
