Remember When John Travolta Had Hair?
How about this photo of John Travolta and Kirstie Alley taken back so long ago that John Travolta had actual hair and didn't order something from the Nic Cage collection for men. He also looks like he is sporting a real smile instead of the forced one he usually has. I know that Entertainment Tonight wanted a Kirstie Alley interview and they got a lot of mileage out of it with all of her crazy statements, but because they wanted the interview, they never asked any followup questions to what she said. When Kirstie says that John Travolta isn't gay, there are no followups. The reporter just lets it go by. I guess if he is bi Kirstie could say he is not gay and not be lying. She also says that Tom Cruise never auditioned girlfriends. Have you noticed that Tom who will sue about anything has not sued over that story. How would Kirstie know? Oh ah, they go to the same Church so she must know everything that goes on with everyone. I don't think she is calling up Tom, I think someone told her what to say. She suggests that if vanity Fair had called Tom they would have got the truth. Uh huh. And if they asked either one of them about Xenu? I hate when reporters just let these celebrity Scientologists get away with saying whatever they want to say and never asking them anything substantial. Let Kirstie sit down with 60 Minutes and try the same thing.