Monday, November 05, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Jude Law takes a break on the set of his new movie.
Apparently Jillian Michaels called shotgun as her girlfriend got the backseat.
Suri Cruise tells her mom that she can now walk. You know, because she is in first grade. I'm pretty sure Katie Holmes will have to carry her on stage to her graduation.
Keira Knightley and her boyfriend double date with Mark Ronson and his wife.
Kelly Ripa goes the no makeup route over the weekend.
You know what is remarkable about this photo of Kristen Stewart? No backwards baseball cap or Converse sneakers.
Liev Schreiber loves some Whole Foods pizza. Right there with him except that I liked the rectangles better than the traditional round ones they have now.
Lots of the Modern Family cast.


  1. It's strange how women tend to look totally different without makeup and men look pretty much the same.

  2. Whole Food was one of the few places open in downtown New York, they got a generator and re-opened quickly....and we thank them

  3. I don't get the people who tease Katie for carrying Suri. I have a 3-year-old son that I pick up sometimes when he is about to have a tantrum (usually means he goes boneless on the sidewalk) and we need to be somewhere fast.

    I imagine paps are always surrounding that child and maybe her mom is just protecting her. Don't see what the big deal is.

    However don't get me started on them letting her wear heels...there is NO reason for that! ;)

  4. @Nervous Nelly
    And I've seen lots of celebs carrying their walking age children in the randoms without any shots taken at them.

  5. wife??


  6. I just don't think Kristen Stewart is an attractive person, inside or out. At all. Even a little bit.

    1. I agree completely. She reminds me of a.stick insect.

    2. Urge! Every time I see her I think: when will this end??!!

  7. modern family reveal on the a-lister cast having sex with each other??? jk but that would be awesome

  8. Kristen Stewart bothers me. I dont know why

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I'm just so pleased to see ed O'Neil on another popular sitcom. He is so good in comedies. Glad he's successful. Go Al Bundy!

  10. I notice even without the hat or the sneakers Kristen managed to re-create the look of her shirt knotted in front, so she didn't give it all up.

  11. Kristen Stewart ruined Snow White and The Huntsman. Charlize was great and visually the movie was perfect, she (KS) just CANNOT convey any emotion! And to think she makes millions?!

    Love the Modern Family crew!

    Damn, Liev is hot!

    1. @curlyhairslacker, so right. It was hard to watch. She apparently equates heavy breathing and lip chewing with actual acting.

      By comparison, I saw Safety Not Guaranteed this weekend with Aubrey Plaza from Parks and Rec, and there is no way KStew could have pulled that movie off. She communicated so much with her eyes and face it was a delight to watch her.

  12. Ty Burrell is an incredibly kind and down to earth man and I hope that show continues it's success just for that reason.

  13. I don't get the Katie hate for carrying Suri either. I carry my 6 year old still at times. Nobody is with them 24/7, and there have been plenty of photos of Suri walking for the past 5 years. Stop picking on a child and single mother. It's tasteless, and rather heartless.

  14. I have no problem with Katie carrying Suri. I would pick my child up also, no matter what the age (wthin reason, not a tween/teen), when you have aggressive paps following you everywhere. it would freak me out as a mother that people are trying to push and shove to get pictures (even if my child wanted to walk).

  15. Well, Kristen may not emote very well I agree, but I think she looks fierce in that picture!

  16. Kristen Stewart always manages to look like shit. It's quite a feat.

  17. @mannyv - women are just smaller, less hairy men with higher voices, and an inside out peen.

    You know what? If I could still carry my 25 year old daughter around, I would. She's adorable and it's a bonding experience. When she was small, I carried her everywhere. She was like a koala bear, and I was her tree. Of course I stopped that shit when she turned 4...

  18. In other words, I wish my daughter was 3 again.

  19. Ah nooooo I was hoping that Eddie Murphy photo in the randoms meant Jude was in the clear for the blind yesterday! Rats!

  20. RE: Katie and Suri. I've seen other pics of this outing on other web sites. It's another one of those situations where it is evident that Suri is extremely bothered by the Paps. Suri has her head tightly tucked into Katie's shoulder. I'm just an aunt but I'd carry my nieces if they were in that much distress.

  21. Mark Ronson! Where you been my man?

  22. Yeah...I could let my young child fee vulnerable with the paps around. I'm fairly sure that's the reason. Couldn't be a celeb because if you mess with my kids, it's on!

    KStew actually looks good from a distance there...compared to normal. Up close, it's kind of a scary situation with the too dark lip & eye combo.

    Kelly on the other hand, looks alright without makeup. Just a normal gal, but tiny.

  23. @ curlyhairslacker - When I asked a friend if he wanted to go see the SW&TH he said he'd already seen it and although it was visually stunning, KStew completely ruined it for him.

    ONLY because NYC is a mess am I going to give Katie a pass for carrying Suri. Really, let the kid walk. And to those who don't like the comments, this is a snark site. If you want ass-kissing, go to or some other sycophantic site.
