Thursday, November 15, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Jim Toth sporting a mustache for Movember. I encourage every guy reading to do the same and aim not just growing a stache, but am also trying to get my back hair to grow in thicker and fuller.
I'm not sure Keira Knightley needs to be wearing a dress designed to make her look thinner.
I'm not sure Lady GaGa should be wearing this at all.
Miley Cyrus continues with the attempt at punk.
Have you noticed that Melanie Griffith is really putting herself out there more in the past few months to be photographed?
Michelle Monaghan on the set of her new movie.
Also in the same movie is Chris Evans.
Nelly Furatdo and Juanes
Peter Facinelli does not seem like he has been doing the same amount of Twilight press as some of his fellow co-stars.
30 seconds after Rihanna was given her very own 777 for her tour she joined the Mile High club. 30 seconds after that she lit another bong because she wanted to join again.


  1. Long time no see nelly. Her voice is weird but her face is pretty

  2. LMAO@ Lady Gaga's mom jeans.

  3. wonder if Reese has a Clark Gable or Old Hollywood fetish?

    LOL @ Gaga's jeans.

  4. Welcome to the club RiRi! Lol

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Like Gaga a lot, but not that outfit. Sorry, LG!

    That pilot looks like he's getting ready to score with Rihanna.

  6. Gosh, for a second I thought Lady Gaga was Madonna's daughter Lourdes.

    I'm sorry but I have always found Peter Facinelli hot.

    Ditto to Chris Evans, although that ill-fitting suit is distracting.

    Oh, Ri Ri. Sigh.

    1. @Lauren Yes, I was going to say something about Peter F too! Isn't he just gorgeousss!?

  7. Miley Cyrus cracks me up with her 'edginess'

  8. That back hair comment is almost enough to make me puke up my chili, but Gaga's outfit is going to put me over the edge.

  9. Melanie Griffith is on a new tv show on LOGO called DTLA. I think her episodes will be aired next week. Plus wasnt she a reveal to a blind that she is divorcing Antonia bc of his rampart cheating.

  10. I just can't deal with Reese's scheduled paparazzi shot of the day anymore. I used to really like her, but she just seems in dire need of attention constantly now.

  11. Jim Toth actually looks like an old-skool Hollywood ghost or something. I'm not sure that it's not kind of creepy.

  12. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I agree with BorgQueen, there's a reason that there are pics of Melanie out and she's looking put together in them too. Rihanna is so talented, she needs some p.r control right away, she's coming off super skanky and dirty. I used to think going to a Riri concert might be fun, now there's no way I'd go. Just alot of gyrating and self patting. Interesting observation little miss type A. Jim Toth is reminding me of Darren Aronofsky.

  13. OMG Gaga's pinstripe acid-washed jeans! Hell to the no.

  14. Miley obviously has no idea who she is, or is going to be. I think it's good she is trying to figure it out, but she should NOT be getting married. She is going to be a completely different person 5 years from now.

  15. First time I ever thought Toth was gorgeous!

  16. I love Melanie's shoes! I want them!

  17. Easy there, Reese. We won't forget you. Not while "Legally Blonde" is shown on cable every other day.

  18. Thanks for the back hair image, Enty.

    Rihanna, Blohan & the Ks need to fall into the great pit of Carkoon.

  19. Melanie Griffith has had a recurring role on Raising Hope this season.

  20. Be careful this month! When I was at Subway the other day, the fella making my sandwich had this CRAZY handlebar mustache. I said, Yeah buddy. Movember! When he looked back at me puzzled, I realized I had blown it. My recovery was something like, "Yeah, November. $5 meatball subs

    1. Ha, ha. That's the kind of thing I'd say. Loads of guys seem to be doing it this year, celebs and non famous folk x

  21. Gaga looks fine, what's your point, Enty?

    Also, surely what Miley is doing a fairly lame attempt at LA 80s schtick? Stop calling it punk, i don't even think she's trying to claim it's punk (is she?).

    You're a dork, Enty

  22. Why is Gaga dressing like a normal human all of a sudden? She used to never even go out for coffee without a full costume and wig in place. Running out of moolah already?

  23. Omg if your boobs are saggy that's great, but nobody wants to see that!!! ...Lady Gaga

  24. I just can't but LOL at Jim Toth. He just looks so uber cheesy. Like a dirty salesman...or a pornstar! Nah, dirty salesman.

    And I guess Lady Gaga finally got over dressing up for fashion all the time but I am really not digging that is beyond terrible.

  25. YAY to Enty for mentioning Movember! fantastic campaign for mens health!! There are dirty mo's as far as the eye can see in melbourne at the moment (it started as tiny campaign in australia)

  26. Movember started in Australia. I love that its spreading around the world.

    Men grow moustaches for the month of November. They get people to sponsor them, post funny pics, all to get awareness out there and raise money for research on prostate cancer in men.

    My hubby is growing a "fast bowlers" this year. Last year he went for "porn star", I can't tell the difference :) its a real bonding man thing, they all compare their staches, I think it's great.

  27. BlindItemMe. Lol great minds think alike

  28. Rest assured that Movember has reached the shores of San Diego.

  29. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Peter Facinelli was used by Summit as an "example" of what could happen to the rest of the cast if they didn't do what they were told. They even tried to get him fired from Nurse Jackie but Edie Falco (who is loyal to her friends and co-stars) said she would walk. That's the only reason he still has his job.

  30. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Oh, been reading for years. Hi.

  31. Anonymous2:50 PM

    to IntheKnow what did Peter do to Summit? He's never bad-mouthed them. How could they get him fired from Nurse Jackie?

  32. Sunny your mo story cracked me up.

    Hello to InTheKnow. With a name like that you must have good gossip :)

  33. Anonymous2:57 PM

    They were all told specifically to NOT speak about any other project than the Twilight franchise. He was at a press tour and was asked about an upcoming movie he had, and he answered the question. That was enough for Summit to then tip off Jennie about the affair Peter had. So sad, he's a sincerely nice guy. They are ruthless in running their PR machine.

    Summit merged with Lionsgate, which produces Nurse Jackie.

  34. Anonymous3:08 PM

    to InTheKnow

    your kidding! WTF they all have other things in the works. I wonder what they did when they first found out about Kristen's affair.

  35. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hahahahaha. They planned that "affair" to get people talking. I could have told you the exact date she and Robert were going to be "back together." Nothing about any of that is real. Well, the director did have a thing for her, so that's why they chose him, but otherwise, all fake. (And she didn't know what to do when things went too far in the car, because she's not terribly bright, you see.)

  36. I always believed it was a set up. She is too guarded with her privacy to slip up like that.

  37. *waves to InTheKnow*
    Welcome! Pull up a seat and tell us more.

    I'm not a Twilight fan but I am interested in stupid and fake publicity stunts. I had a feeling the affair was just to drum up attention for the movie.

    How did the director's wife (Liberty something?) feel about the planned "affair"? Is the extra attention good for her career, too?

  38. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Astrogirl, you are correct!

  39. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Oh, and Lauren, Liberty had no idea (nor did Rupert, because he was thinking with his dick). Very disgusting of Summit to know this would likely break up a family.

    Seems like it's had nothing but a positive effect on her career though. At least people know who she is, she's the victim in this situation, and is a sympathetic character. Rupert's career won't go so well, methinks.

    For the record, I am not a Twilight fan either, but the behind the scenes stuff is even wilder than fiction. Fascinating and yikes.

    1. Hi Intheknow,
      Do you work in Hollywood? Or can't you say, not sure of blogger etiquette yet x

  40. Does Kristen have slight Aspergers? Everybody knocks her for her awkwardness and aloofness I think she displays classic signs of it and it would explain a lot.

    I like her, I think she cops a lot of unnecessary hate.

  41. Hi InTheKnow! :)

    Keira looks like a bobble head, so sad.

  42. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Astrogirl, it would explain a lot, wouldn't it? ;)

    Regardless of any issues she has, I can confirm that she is a highly unpleasant person.

  43. I gave money to movember this morning!

    Juanes. Yum. And I love his duet with nelly furtado on Fotografia.

    I had those exact jeans in the 80s, LG. I, however, have the taste never to wear them again.

  44. I love Michael K

    RiRi and The Difficult Brown crapped out a duet called "Nobody's Bidness" for her new album "Unapologetic" and they just had to drag Michael Jackson into this mess by sampling "The Way You Make Me Feel."

    This song sounds like something Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown turned down before they went with "Something in Common." Because this world is a shit place, I'm sure it will be a hit and I'm sure Hope Solo and the dude who allegedly whooped her ass danced to this song at their wedding. That's romance.

  45. Miley is becoming the next Jennifer Aniston with her no-bra obsession. I would love to take her bra shopping, apparently she doesn't own one!

  46. I have a friend that is traveling with Rihanna at the moment. No gossip yet, however she is a journo do I probably won't get any out of her :(

  47. Oh Chris Evans why must you be so sexy!?

  48. Anonymous6:37 PM

    InTheKnow, does Robert Pattison go along w it all or is he fed up w being Kristen's lap dog?

  49. Well since a couple of you admitted it, I think Peter F is sexay sexay too. I've been sittin on that for a while now :)

    I'm in San Diego too (North County). Is your blogger photo taken at one of the Temecula wineries? We did a party bus up there for my friend's 40th last year. So fun

  50. Oh, and thanks Astro :)

  51. *waves* hi astrogirl! yes great minds do think alike! lol loving that movember is spreading round the world! haha love that mr astro is growing a fast bowler mo! mr blind is growing his but he cant label them as it always looks "pornstar"

  52. Sigh, Juanes....a good looking man that could sing to me anytime even though I speak no espaƱol

  53. Hi IntheKnow!

    *pulls up a seat next to Lauren and makes bag of popcorn*

    im aaallll ears.

    1. Me too, I'll crack open the wine..... Actually maybe not, it's 11.50am, ahem

    2. @Vicki it's always wine o'clock somewhere :)

  54. @ In the Know, you are my new best friend! Love inside information! I always thought it was a set up! Sad they had to drag a family into this mess. Not a Twilight fan and this really makes me feel better that I haven't contributed money to that mess.

  55. Hi Sunny! Wow you have a good eye. Yes, that pic was taken at a Temecula winery called Masia de Yabar. I live further south (San Diego State area) but I try to do a wine tasting trip up there at least once a year. Renting a party bus is definitely the way to go!

  56. love me some ririm but a 777? What? that is a huge plane, what do you put in it after the bedroom, living room, squash court, sauna, full bath?

    Oh, and Sunny, thanks for sharing that you have been sitting on that...:)

  57. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I'm not Ted C but I did give him information from time to time, and not under this name. If he kept his source records he'd be able to figure out who I am very quickly. :) None of you would know me.

    You guys are funny. And mostly not crazy, which is refreshing.

    @hag. Yes, he is going along with it. Everyone is just doing as told until after the DVD release. Still, makes him seem like a pushover yeah? But I guess I'd be okay with seeming like a pushover for millions of dollars too.

  58. I must have those red shoes. And Nelly Furtados grey dress. And I'm going to wear them together.

    @Sunny: excellent comeback. lol.

  59. It makes him seem like the guy we have guessed him to be in so many blinds....and welcome, intheknow! I think you're gonna like it here!

  60. Ah Movember, a month of being surrounded by sex pests.

  61. Why hello Himmmm. Or just a crazed Twihard?

  62. Anonymous6:07 PM

    To InTheKnow I do know something about Rob. When Nick came over to his house on that Monday/Tuesday to find out if he wanted a statement put out on Kristen's cheating, Rob was crying like a baby. I do believe my source who told us that. If everything was fake why would Rob we boohoo crying? Why have they been living together?

  63. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I mean be boo-hoo crying.

  64. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Ah. He knew nothing about the set-up, so he felt betrayed as a friend. They were supposed to be in this thing together, and she went behind his back and he found out like everybody else did. Blindsided him. From what *I* understand from my source, he was PISSED, not sad. Angry crying, perhaps? Feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under you and you don't know who to trust? That's my understanding of that situation. (Also, I have no idea who Nick is.)

    They also weren't actually living together, but it's easy to make it look that way. She is currently trying to patch things up with her IRL love, who was also in the dark and even more pissed. Waaay more pissed. I think Ms. Stewart is headed for a nervous breakdown at this point.

    Honestly I hate that I know so much about these people. Those movies are dreadful beyond belief. I didn't watch them by choice!

  65. @in the know...okay, so I knew that their romance wasn't real, however, I am curious as to their IRL relationships. Who are they dating? I have always felt as if she was dating someone "they" really disapprove of...thus, her anger always looking like it's about to boil over due to their manipulation

  66. Anonymous12:27 PM

    @musesx9 Very astute observation. I have to be careful about certain things because I don't want anyone to get fired, and people have been fired over this crap if you can believe it. Kristen is with someone she worked with in another film and yes, "they" certainly do not approve. Robert isn't quite as tied down so to speak, but he does have someone he loves very much. He and this person have an open relationship.

    It is in their contracts that if they do not continue the "relationship," they will not be entitled to their 7.5% of the gross receipts. So there's the rub.

  67. @intheknow thank you for the insights! I couldn't wrap my head around any of it! I knew it had to be a setup but I couldn't imagine liberty going along with it. Can't believe summit would do that to a family. Are you able to say why they wanted her to get caught with another man? Was it to sex up her image as well as drum up publicity?

  68. Anonymous10:48 AM

    IntheKnow---your a liar. You should know who Nick is.

  69. Anonymous11:55 AM

    @BlindItemMe - Yes. Plus Pattinson wasn't going along with the original plan so they decided to go this route.

    @atiaofthejulii! - I don't give a rat's ass if you believe me or not. And you might want to learn how to spell, you crazy little Twilight fanatic.

  70. Anonymous12:10 PM

    (I love it when people talk about celebrity management/makeup people/assistants like they personally know them. It is a dead giveaway for fangirls/boys.)

  71. thanks again @intheknow! it bloody worked didnt it, i cant stand twilight but i had to know what was going on lol thanks for your insights, look forward to hearing more stories -that you can share, that is :)

  72. Anonymous4:16 PM

    You're welcome, BlindItemMe. I'll be around. ;)

  73. Appreciate the insider info as well, InTheKnow.

    Is Jennie Garth truly the victim in that divorce or did she have her own hand in it as well? She certainly has the public's sympathy.

  74. Anonymous10:23 PM

    KittensRUs, they did not have a perfect marriage, but from what I understand it was sort of a "just don't bring that stuff into the house." Kind of like what Ben Affleck has going. She didn't want to know.

    I don't know if she deserves the public's sympathy, but she is going to try her best to work that angle. She should know he would never let them be without anything.

  75. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Not that I'm defending his cheater ass. (He's nice as a person, but I'm not married to him.)
