Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Derek Jeter's ex-girlfriend looks for dog crap on her shoes. Always a wise move before getting into a car. Once that stuff gets on the mats. Whoa. Just pray you get them cleaned before a really hot summer day.
At this point, I am not even sure how Matthew M even has the strength to film his latest movie.
Michael Strahan and Kelly Ripa take out the kids for fondue. That is a Swiss word which means, "Getting to dunk a lot of stuff that is bad for you into cheese and chocolate, so basically amazing."
One Direction this morning in New York. two years from now there won't be anyone left to catch them.
Pink at an event for breast cancer research.
Rose McGowan forgot to change out of her pajamas.
Hello Selena Gomez.
Sarah Jessica Parker walks the streets of New York.
Solange Knowles hangs out with Mary J Blige.


  1. Jesus, Matthew looks like the walking dead

  2. Entwood,Her name is Minka Kelly .

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Matthew M is entering Christian Bale from The Machinist territory.

    Is that table made from bubblegum balls? Yes, please!

    Selena looks wonderful. Onward and upward, young lady.

    Mary J looks great!

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Selena looks awesome, like a beautiful classy young woman. What the hell is basement baby's styling problem? The hair, the dress, my eyes. That picture of Matthew Mcconaghey shows why it's so unhealthy and miserable having to be soooo stick skinny like all the hollywood actresses. Those poor women live that way.

    1. Basement baby? Whatchu talkin about Willis??

  5. I hate foundue and whenever I walk past Melting Pot, it gags me. Don't know how people stand the smell.

  6. SJP trots rather than walks

  7. Wow, what the f--- happened to Rose?

    1. Didn't she get in a car wreck a few years back and sustain some bad facial injuries? I think I heard that...

  8. McConnahey(not even gonna look it up)looks like he's been injecting dinosaur DNA.

  9. I LOVE Solange's dress!

  10. Was Solange ever considered to be the "S" in the MV Blind, making MV Beyonce?

  11. I love shorts and tights, just not shorts with tights. Ugh.

  12. Kinda OT-I didn't know Camilla was preggers AGAIN! She is huge, but she was way skinny when she and Mathew got married like a minute ago and there was all this coke couple talk.

  13. I think Pink forgot to change out of her PJs, too.

    I looooove fondue, because in my world, there's nothing better than good bread and good cheese. I'm a wannabe cheesemonger.

  14. tights under shorts is a plague on humanity

  15. Oh, Rose. So sad. :-(

  16. Mary J and Solange are rockin those outfits! With hair and make-up on point.

  17. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Dee Lurker, the coke couple was either guessed to be Camilla and Matt or Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. Camilla and Matt were favorited for a heroine/coke couple blind being that the female had done modeling and had been in to heroin while modeling, then had later gotten hubby in to it. I do hope that it's not them. Bring back the texas t rex! I hate looking at him so scrawny and unhappy looking.

  18. Is Solange just famous because of her sister? What does she do?

  19. @Agent Regarding Minka, Enty is joking when he calls her that. He talked about an article once that said "Derek Jeter's Girlfriend" every single time mentioning her, and ever since, Ent jokes by doing it too. (I get that right oldtime CDAN'ers?)

    1. Renoblondee, thanks ! I do remember Enty's endless joke, was trying to get her/him to get a new one:)

  20. Sweet Jeebus! Matthew looks like those meth-heads I see at Wal-Mart here in FL. I guess if they can survive it, Matt can, too.

  21. Kelly Ripa is SO ANNOYING! Just had to get that off my chest.

  22. Hey Matt, Eat something ...Tom Hanks already got that Oscar.

  23. Love for Mary J.

    Solange loos great...I kinda love her hair.

    Selena, you are hot and don't need the Beibs.

    Adore Pink...I don't care how she's dressed. She is an awesome roll model.

  24. Solange Knowles looks like Krusty the Clown

  25. I think Solange looks good too. Much better than her sister. Honestly you can color your hair any way you like but make sure it contrasts your skin a bit. (Hint Bey and Mary)

  26. Good lord, I hope Matthew is under the care of a doctor. He's going to give himself heart failure.

    Pink looks radiant.

    Maybe Selena outgrew Beiber. She looks like a young lady and he still looks like a kid.

    Solange and Mary J. look gorgeous.

  27. love Solange's hair and hate her lipstick shade. My great-grand would love her dress.

    poor Matt. Now he knows how the HW ladies feel on the daily.

    Selena's a lovely girl but the dress is matronly.

    Oh Rose.

  28. I like Solange. She was on an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba nd sang the sweetest song. I know Dlisted calls her basement baby but i think she's very talentes and it must be hard to live in the shadow of Beyonce.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Agreed, i think she's more talented than her sister

  29. Great pic of Solange and Mary. I'd rather see natural hair than weaves anyway, wonder is Solange finds Beyonce annoying? It doesn't seem like they are seen together very much.

  30. Pink looks like Blanche from the Golden Girls.

  31. Good god, did Rose McGowan get MORE plastic surgery??? Or was she just having a bad day?

  32. Someone guessed Mary as MV in the thread last week but I think it kind of got overlooked. It was a really interesting suggestion.

  33. Matronly?! I don't know what kind of matron would be busting that kind of cleavage. If I saw my mother wearing it, Id believe it was inappropriate! I think the demure finish on the skirt keeps it interesting and classy rather than matronly. She is such a beautiful little thing! She is only 4 years younger than me and yet when I see photos of her this total maternal clucking comes out! Weird!

  34. @ Agent
    Oh, sorry! Gotcha

  35. Thanks for the info Carmelite (very delayed due to time difference). It is so weird how much more unhappy/unhealthy he looks while they seem to be getting closer and more settled as a family. Don't know her, but wish him well...and the kiddies.
