Monday, November 05, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Heidi Klum at the park with her kids, the bodyguard and the nanny.

Isla Fisher in a new magazine spread.
Jessica Alba and Nicole Richie compete for world's skinniest celebrity judged by 20 time winner
Rachel Zoe.
Busy Phillips looks great.
As does Mindy Kaling.
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck film a coffee commercial. Not really, but it feels like it.
"Yeah, Jennifer wants to make sure she only has white towels in the room when she gets there."
"Yeah, I'll hold."


Anonymous said...

Does Lou ever walk? She's too big to b carried. What is UP with that? Weird.....

parissucksliterally said...

Busy Phillips has no neck, she looks like crap.

Can you tell I don't like her? haha

Ingrid Superstar said...

Alba looks fine to me.

misspeg86 said...

damn gurl, you're looking hawt Isla! reppin' it for the Aussies!

I don't understand that stupid pose Jess and Nicole are doing. I have some hoochie 'friends' on FB who do that with their girlfriends...legs and hips together then bend backwards like a Y shape (is this making sense to anyone?) I find it unflattering.

Cassiopeia said...

There! Finally another celeb kid getting called out for being carried.

Why do celeb women always stand groin to groin for photos like Jessica and Nicole are doing? Who stands with their friends like that?

Cassiopeia said...

Oh, and Casper looks like a troll.

Cassiopeia said...

Great minds. :)

rhinovodka said...

lol, at J's boy and the comment on the towels.

Isla looks hot.

misspeg86 said...

@ goes in circles - right back at ya ;)

Sunny said...

Ha ha @supa pimp! Of course I read that in your "Rick James" voice!

Jules_345 said...

I love Mindy Kaling! And lol at the comment about jlo's piece said...

Isla looks amazing!

Jlo and ol ferret-face again... they look the same as usual -___-

For some reason I have a soft spot for Jen Garner :-)

Sunny said...

Oops wrong thread. That was for Charlie Murphy!

hunter said...

I hate Casper's face.

auntliddy said...

He is a troll! Dont tell!

Ingrid Superstar said...

Casper's Face looks like the annoying little kid brother in some 90's teen movie I cant quite remember.

auntliddy said...

R u serious with busy phillips? First there are the uber obvious roots, then the amazingly unflattering dress that makes her look flat chested and waistless. And mindy looks like an old lady in that dress. Who cares if someone wants to carry their child around til they are too old? Its their back! My first 2 comments are less about snark, than the fact that famous peeps hv acess to finest beauty minds-use them!!!!!!!!!!

Britney Shears said...

Why is Ben so bundled up? It was hot as hell in LA this weekend.

Sugar said...

I want a piece of that too, misspeg and goesincircles! I'm late to the party today but came here to complain about that ridiculous pose too!

And has dia poop paya shown up today? Does she know she got totes served by Amber's troll this weekend?

Sarah said...

Aww, I love Busy! She seems like the best friend who's always there when Michelle needs her, and she was Kim Kelly.
Instead of a Dawson's Creek reunion, can we PLEASE have a Freaks and Geeks movie?

LA Mac said...

I love Isla!

Sarah said...

I'm glad Rachel Zoe finally got that facelift, her eating disorder left the skin hanging from her face.

astrogirl said...

Sugar why are you down on dia? She is one of the kinder commenters here

chopchop said...

I love Jessica Alba's dress!

And yay for Isla in the photos! For those regulars that remember when I was pregnant (and Susan too!), can you believe my Isla is going to be 2 soon??

Sugar said...

Shoot. I didn't mean to put dia down. I wuv her. Misunderstanding! I was laughing b/c some meanie called her that out of the blue this weekend. Majority thought it was one of Amber's old trolls. It was just funny and random. Me LOVES dia!

astrogirl said...

No harm done Sugar, have a nice day.

Sugar said...

PHEW! xo

whocaresnow12 said...

This makes me pretty certain Enty is a woman with the body hate for Jessica and Nicole, but mad love for bad photos for Busy and Mindy who are both beautiful and have taken many better photos.

Hazeldazel said...

Casper say "Derp?"

Sylvia said...

I really can't stand that idiot Casper. He has an annoying face.

All about Eve said...

I was just coming to make the same comment about the stupid pose! They look like they're going to break!

nettalovesrobin said...

Is there some kind of a cut off to when kids r not allowed to get picked up! My son is 7 and i wish i could pick up his lovely 85 pound ass but i cant! What i get annoyed by is the parents who have their kids in strollers until they r like 10! Lol!

Anna V. Xol said...

The whole Phillip gang is pretty disturbing.

Kelly said...

I too, was coming on here about that stupid pose. They look like they're getting ready to scissor. Geeze.

warmislandsun said...

If I saw Casper and JLo walking down the street, I would probably laugh out loud.

Dumbass wannabe hip-hop guy wearing sloppy clothes that he didn't pay for. Hoochie mama older chick who thinks she is still 22, and is too high maintenance to know any better.

It's like they are stereotypes of themselves.

FalseProfit said...

Isla's shoot appears to have taken place in a Lautner house. What a fine combonation!

Anonymous said...

Heidi can have princess Lou carted around if she likes, so can Katie with Suri. Despite my post Iam not that emotionally invested in how Lou gets around. Didn't know this was such a "hot button" issue. No need for anyone to go all postal. :-)

MadLyb said...

UGH. Casper looks so smug. Oh JLo, why???

@whocaresnow12 - I've long suspected Enty is a woman. Or a very sensitive, overweight guy who loves to gossip, eat bacon and get drunk every day (in other words, my dream man, or gay sidekick - I'm veg, but LOVE the smell of bacon), LOL.

Brenda L said...

Ben. That is all.

LiteraryLauraEtc said...


seaward said...

LOL Sugar, I thought dia poop paya was pretty genius, I laugh so hard every time I see it. That & auntlicky.

Chrissy Buns said...

I really like Jessica Alba's dress...

short le chic said...

She's hideously irritating

redfishbluefish said...

Add me to the "Punch Casper in the face" club. No reason other than that I think he looks like a douchebag. JLo looks like one for dating him.

LOVE Ben & Jen. They are my fave celeb couple. Hope they can hold it together.

Re: that awkward pose of Alba/Richie....I always assume when I see it that they had just been hugging, and as they see the camera on them they kind of step toward each other (force of habit) but then lean back bc they reaiize the hug brought them too close together. Or maybe I just overthink it.

Alba looks great there, btw. As do Busy & Mindy. Love them both....NORMAL looking women who are just as talented and gorgeous as the lollipop headed skiiny bitches.

Geebz said...

Mindy and Busy are missing necks but they are lovely gals.

I agree that pose is idiotic. And I have to agree with the other poster that noted her "hoochie" friends strike it on FB. So do mine. LOL.

Anyone else think Casper looks like a shaved Geico caveman?

Leisa said...

I love Alba's dress. She should have saved that one for a more major event.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Cougar Town coming back!

EGB said...

That pose is also a popular sorority girl pose, it's sweeping the nation! And Sea, "auntlicky" makes me laugh every time. OT, I LOVE your profile picture, it is so pretty!

misspeg86 said...

haha I'm glad everyone seems to be agreeing with me! we should rally to banish that pose!

dia papaya said...

Hey sugar and seaward. I'm not laughing. I thought it was really shitty and I won't be posting for awhile. I don't need this crap from a racist poster. I just try to be happy for others and it hurts when someone tears into to you for no reason.

Thanks to everyone else who supported me and outed Angie M as the racist troll that she is. And guess what, I am a white non Hispanic.

Jessie said...

You guys, it's call the awkward lean and it's so 2010.

Paper trail said...

Rachel Zoe is a stylist so why can't she find someone to hem her dress properly?

a non a miss said...

Don't let it get you down Dia! I will miss your happiness. People are so tough and noisy on the Internet, its best just to ignore them.

dia papaya said...

CB - I ignored the original troll, bc she is a troll. I am angry that some regulars have decided that the continued use of racist troll lingo is funny. "That bully used funny words. Lets say them some more!"

It's not fucking funny. It's mean and hurtful and I do not have a sense of humour about this.

Love to you CB. Big hug and thanks for the love!

Just Browsing said...

Dia, please keep posting. I understand how you feel, and I'm sorry that it happened and that you are hurt. We need your kindness and humor here; please don't let this get to you.

Unknown said...

I think Busy Phillips looks as bad as her name.

Pics like the one of the Afflecks make me choke on my snark. It's like: "Ha ha haters, jokes on you. We're actually rich, famous, AND content-no hidden secrets here"

That would piss me off so bad.

Jolene Jolene said...

@Dia--I'm just curious, why are you taking the comments from a troll who clearly does not know you personally? They called you out because of your name and nothing more (did he/she think it sounded Hispanic or something? I'm still lost on that one). On top of that, you yourself say you're not Hispanic. I'm actually asking, not trying to belittle you or your feelings. I understand if racist comments, whether they are made at you or someone else, would offend you. But please don't take it personally or feel like it has anything to do with you as a person. It clearly does not.

Mango said...

Gorgeous dresses in photos 3, 4 & 5. Does anyone know if they're at the same event? Even Rachel Zoe looks good!

Why does JLo let Casper wear those ridiculous hats!??

Mango said...

Jeez, Dia poop paya is only funny if you are 4 years old and like potty humor.

Dia, please do not let anyone's comments chase you away. I enjoy your posts. Please stay.

EGB said...

Oh Dia, just reading ths. I thought the auntlicky was funny because it was an autocorrec. It's awful that someone made you feel that way here, especially since you go out of your way to be so sweet and normal and positive. Please don't go, but know that I and others will miss you if you do take a break.

seaward said...

Oh please, dia. I actually came back to apologize for hurting your feelings, but I honestly can't believe you've taken this so seriously. Since you didn't realize it initially, I was being facetious with that first comment. I'm just going to be blunt, if you can't get a thicker skin and let the trolls roll off your back, you might just want to stay off the internet. That is not saying I want you off the internet, I love your positivity. But dumb shit trolls are EVERYWHERE, and everybody gets attacked by them at some point.
By the way, "poop" is not a racial slur.

dia papaya said...

Seaward, I never said poop was racist. I didn't call you a racist. I took offense at the continued use of words said to me by a racist troll.

I clearly stated that my feelings were hurt and that should be enough. The fact that you think I should buck up and get a thicker skin says a lot about you. I go out of my way to be nice to everyone. Maybe you didn't intend to be hurtful, but I was hurt by what you said. I didn't expect an apology. But I also didn't expect "Stop being a crybaby" either.

Everyone can say I am overreacting, but the truth is words are powerful and words with intention are even stronger. That troll intended to hurt me and you chose to continue using those words. That is what upset me. I'm not angry at you. I guess I just expected more. I wanted some compassion, not more laughs at my expense.

Maybe things will calm down here after the election. The CDaN sandbox has become a pretty negative place and I don't want that in my life. So yes, for now, I'm staying out of the internets. I actually do have very thick skin, but I have an even bigger heart that cares deeply for all things. And she needs protecting right now as we go thru this crazy shift.


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