Monday, November 05, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

 Mark Wahlberg gives an awkward kiss to his wife.
"Oh, were the cameras there? We had no idea."
Naomi Campbell arrives in India to begin spending millions of dollars of her boyfriend's money to throw him a birthday party.
No Doubt & Rita Ora on the original X Factor.
Nick Lachey shows off his lack of back hair. He is really digging into that bush.
Amber Rose at the beach and unrecognized.
Rooney Mara and Michael Fassbender on the set of their new movie.
Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough in Paris. They look thrilled. It is the city of lovers.
Reese Witherspoon out shopping this weekend.
I can tell Victoria Beckham does not even like holding that much sugar so near to her.


  1. Amber rose is gorgeous!!!

  2. Seconded. She is absolutely adorable in that pic!

  3. Rooney Mara looks like she's never held a guitar in her life. This movie is bound to suck.

  4. Reese looks fantastic.

  5. So is one of the blinds today about Ryan?

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Very interesting Enty. I think that the Posh picture shows just how miserable life is if you deprive yourself of food. She looks completely joyless.

  7. oh how sweet - big brother wheeling his little sister around:)

  8. ^ only one with energy.

  9. love the beckham family.

    naomi looks like such a miserable person. I just want to punch her.

  10. when you see all the pics with Wahlberg and his wife,you can see they didn't see the photographer

    Amber Rose is cute cute cute

    who are the pics with crazy Val Kilmer on Malick's set?

  11. Ahhhh!!! Lil Harper is so cute!

    Amber Rose is soo gorgeous. She's glowing :-)

  12. Amber rose cld tap dance right in front of me, i still dont know who she is! Lol

  13. Amber Rose most importantly looks happy! I always enjoy pics of the Beckham's and their cute kids.

  14. So Mark is the answer to one of last week's blind

  15. I was talking to John Doe (X) at FunFunFun fest on Friday when Michael Fassbender walked up & introduced his self to me & my husband. We had no idea who he was until later, but he seemed very nice. They were filming the movie at the festival on Friday.

  16. (name-dropping... ha!)

  17. Oh my, if Michael Fassbender introduced himself to me I'm afraid I'd embarrass myself!

  18. He just said, "Michael". John told us who it was at dinner that night. My mom was very excited! I'm afraid I may have glanced noticeably at his crotch had I known. lol

  19. LOLOL Kraymond, I totally would have embarrassed myself if I had known too!

    But damn he is hawt! He would be an excellent next James Bond. Oooooh, and make Colin Firth the next M. That would totally drool-worthy.

    1. He is handsome. And very sweet, from what we could tell. Good kharma, I guess. (teehee)

  20. Mark sure knows how to kiss LOL NOT.

    Can't stand Naomi.

    Almost every pic of No Doubt that dark guy with blond hair is always next to Gwen. Wonder if they are getting it on???

    Amber looks cute and different with her dark hair.

    Posh always looks weird like not very happy.

  21. Amber Rose is on fire! I guess Wiz is doing something right!
    Hey Naomi!
    That little Harper is just the cutess!
    Don't care much for her mom. Uggg! Smile sometimes!

  22. Cute family pic of the Beckhams. Amber may be a fame whore, but she looks so happy there. Good for her.

  23. I may be way off... But with the comment about the no back hair comment about nick lachey if he was the blind I believe last week about the hairless guy..I can't remember it fully but I just remember it was about a guy who liked I be clean?!

  24. Nevermind ignore that! I looked back and it was a b list actor..and by the way re-reading that blind made me sick!

  25. The Beckhams are adorable together. Those boys and little Harper are the cuteness.

    I just can't with Reese. Just never got her appeal.

    I really was going to ask if you looked at the crotch when you met Fassbender but then continued reading. LOL...I'm a dirty birdy! ;)

    1. I am so thankful I didn't know! Who could have resisted? Poor guy! lol

  26. Hi Sylvia - that guy in the band is Gwen's ex and they were together a long time. Don't Speak was written about him, I think. She's talked about how they managed to keep the band together despite the split.

  27. Yeah looking at all the photos of marky mark I think the blind is him now before I thought nic cage.

  28. That's it-I'm saying it-

    I think Rooney Mara looks boring and unattractive. And you know what else? I think there is a bunch o chics of late (that redhead; hough; e roberts; freakin Pacey's cougar gfriend, etc) who are ooohed and ahhhed over and i think their freakin FUGLY!-

    Lord, that felt GOOD!! Snark-i-freakin-licious!

  29. @ Sylvia - Jo Cross is right. The guy in question is Tony Kanal. He and Gwen dated for years BEFORE HE DUMPED HER. That was before her rise to solo music/fashion stardom. Bet he is kicking himself in the ass now, huh?
