Thursday, November 15, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

 This is to make everyone think Shania Twain is all country and everything.
I can't remember the last time Topher Grace was in the photos. This is him on the set of his new movie.
The Hoff figures since he is the biggest drinker in the world that he should just go ahead and dress as Captain Morgan all the time.
Kristen Stewart goes see thru again in London.

Don't think that Kristen Stewart would ever do this unless ordered to.
And because she is really cool, and wants you to know it, she changes despite everyone else staying in nice clothes.
Just when I think that Victoria Beckham has no sense of humor she does something like photoshopping herself into old Dallas cast photos.

Ariel Winter and her sister out and about.


  1. LOL, at Posh Spice! I really am starting to like her.

    Kristen Stewart is such an ungrateful bitch. I would like to think her career will go nowhere after this Twishit, but I know better.

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I give Rob some credit. He may not have always liked the attention that came with being in Twilight, but he seems to treat Twihards nicely.

    Victoria is KILLING me with her wicked sense of humor! She would so be Pam in a British version of the show. LMAO!

  3. love the Dallas pictures, I miss the 80's.

    Robert P. seems like a decent guy, hope he has some success after Twilight, I can't say the same about Kstew.

  4. Maybe K.Stew had a wardrobe malfunction and had to change?

  5. I love Posh Spice. I remember that special they had on her and I thought she was funny. I don't think she is as stuck as she appears to be. I love how interactive she is with her children. This makes me like her even more.

  6. Kristen Stewart can be naked and still not be sexy

  7. lol @ Misch, so true.

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    K Stew thinks she's extremely talented and that all the twilight stuff is beneath her. Incredibly unprofessional to change out of nice clothes when everyone's still wearing there's. Way to draw even MORE attention to yourself paranoid pothead.

  9. I like KStews first outfit...the top half anyway...I find it interesting to see her being a bit more 'dressy' nowadays.

    I think the photoshopped Dallas/VB stuff is funny but what was the context? Did she just post them for s&g's?

  10. ever since I saw posh in that special when her and Becks were shopping for a house here in the us I've liked her...and I don't like anybody (except maybe Viggo)...She was bent over hiding under a table I think, something to do with faking an earthquake..."can you see my knickers?" she says in that British accent...I thought she was funny and have liked her since...

  11. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I'm guessing that Posh was doing it as a joke. Victoria P (as in Principal) becomes Victoria B. Posh looks a little like VP from her younger days. The eye area, specifically.

  12. I feel like throwing a party to celebrate the end of twilight! Saw just the first movie & I'm still traumatised to this day

  13. Please tell me who K Stew's STYLIST is??? That stylist is a genius to make that ungrateful girl look good! And can we get them to work for Brit-Brit? That awful wig se had on last night was killing me...

  14. I really like KStews dressy outfit. But then I'm drawn to skating outfits as well. That side swept hair is bugging me though. Parts that far over remind me of old bald men with comb overs.

  15. The butt cheek covers on Kristen's outfit are the worst!!! The worst, I tells ya!

  16. I've always loved VB. search youtube for "Ali G Beckham" and see how funny and cheeky she is on the spot.

  17. I still believe there is no "romance" between Kristen and Rob, but they agreed to (and are contractually obligated and being paid to) appear as though they are a couple.

    Kristen is obviously getting tired of the charade, hence, the real affair that was spun as "cheating on Rob"!

    I predict big "break up" after this movie comes out on DVD.

  18. I hate hate hate Kristen's hair. It just screams lazy. Just sweep it over to the side, again and again and again, infinity. Blah! She needs to fad away now that this horrible series is over. And I do hope the door hits her in the ass on the way out.

  19. Love Mrs B, always knew she had a wicked sense of humour behind the scowl ;)

    Like I said on Tom & Lorenzo, I think that outfit KStew is wearing (and the other, the nude dress) is her celebrating the end of Twilight, and she has zero fucks to give. Almost like she's saying, 'you think I'm a massive slut? Watch *this*!'

    Either that or she's still trying to be seen as a femme fatale, which, as I wrote a few days ago, I think that whole affair thing was supposed to paint her as. Shame she seems completely uncomfortable in that role.

  20. Shania grew up dirt-poor in rural Canada. That's country as far as I'm concerned.

    Enough. Kristen. Stewart. Coverage.

    I think Posh is actually probably very fun, very kind, and very down-to-earth, and clearly she's an excellent mother. I think she just doesn't smile because she feels awkward about her teeth for some reason.

  21. Shania on her horse does impress me much.

  22. I've run into other Posh stuff, one where 2 boys were "interviewing" her and kept asking inappropriate questions, it was hysterical, she was so funny and also great with the kids, telling them to ask their mums.

    I am SO GLAD This Twilight is DONE!!! Ugh now go away. Altho RP seems nice, but Stewart UGH. On Yahoo there's a story of "the many faces of Stewart acting" and it was all the same.

  23. Ariel Winter looks like she's been crying. :-(

  24. The Ariel Winter stuff is upsetting. She's definitely being used, but by whom? Either her mom, her sister, or both. I can't help but notice that her (failing) actor sister looks very camera ready all the time.
    I also know that a teen girl wouldn't get out my door in those booty shorts.

  25. I am NOT a KStew fan at all, think she's a horrible actress and bratty person, but I have to say, I would change out of that outfit at the first opportunity too! That does NOT look comfortable!

  26. Posh is fabulous. I love her!

    Kristen Stewart...why is she even famous? Ugh

  27. what is with this 'nice' stuff? why shouldn't she change from stupid couture into comfortable clothes?

    you all sound like my mother, "If you just wore a dress, you'd look like a nice girl".

    a better question, is WTF is with those jeans? where are her skinnies?

  28. I figured it out. I finally understand where my hated of Kristen stems from. That damn hair all tossed over one shoulder paired with a tiny knotted t shirt. She's a style icon? Please.

  29. I'd be crying too if my own mother was blabbing to the press to save her own @ss. The fact that she's literally telling anyone who will listen that she was sleeping with her boyfriend makes me think she's better off with the sis.

  30. I quit Kristin. Bye ho

    Topher Grace! What the heeeelllll? Were you in a coma or something. I thought he was going to be huge! Then nothing.

    Victoria Beckham.... Ok, you win me over with the beautiful family and the cutest little chunky baby! Too much cute.

    Hope everyone is having a good day! :)

  31. Now that Enty mentions it, I have never seen Kristen snapping photos with fans. Rob does ALL the time. I can't wait for this Twilight stuff to go away so she can wake up and smell the beans. She is so ungrateful and always acts like she's doing everyone a favour in the interviews heck even every living moment. Disgusting!

    And I don't like Ariel Winter. I don't know if it's because I want to slap her character's face in Modern Family but something tells me this kid is a brat.

    Seems like I am not having a good morning! TGIF!

  32. I saw VB posting this pics on twitter yesterday. She was in Dallas to promote her fashion line at Neiman Marcus. She kept tweeting how she always loved Dallas, etc with these pictures. I love her humor. She would probably be a riot after one or two drinks!

  33. Wow! I don't know if I'd have recognized Topher Grace if Enty hadn't captioned that picture! I'm liking the facial hair - maybe the 1st time I've ever been attracted to Topher? :/

  34. I love that 70's show. So. Damn. Much.

  35. See-through is not KStew's friend, all it does is accentuate the curves that she lacks. It kinda reminds me of one of my friends (who's a nearly 'A' cup) putting on a pushup bra; with nothing to push up, it was like cotten falsies.

  36. Don't like KStews dress much so I too would change as soon as I could.

    Topher! Where have you been?!

    Posh is really growing on me! She does have a sense of humor!

  37. I've always loved Her Poshness and think it's easier for most to hate a skinny, attractive woman with a hot husband, darling kids and clothes to die for.

    She's probably more like most women, except with better shoes.

  38. Nothing but love for Posh, would love to see her photo shopped into Dynasty cast photos!

  39. Victoria Beckham strikes again. She is so fun!

  40. Re KStew, ive seen no work of hers,so im not particularly biased. Her smug attitude is a bit disturbing but from the gossip sites she seems pretty professional.
    If you see the pics of the premieres in other sites such as Celebitchy you can see she's working her ass off with her fans signing autographs and taking pictures just like the pictured above

    LOVE Victoria Beckham :)
