Thursday, November 01, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

The judges have ruled that this is not a Halloween costume that Christina Aguilera is wearing.
Does anyone else think Courteney Cox is looking more busty than she used to?
Emily Blunt in London.
Edward Burns gives looting on a scooter a try. I kid, I kid.
Gillian Anderson in London.
I'm guessing Ashley Greene was not in London when she shot this for GQ.
Hulk Hogan has quite possibly the nastiest facial hair combination that has ever existed.
Even Nick and Brooke would agree.


  1. Oh Courtney is here... And Emily...

  2. Emily Blunt is looking painfully thin!

  3. Hulk Hogan completely grosses me out...

  4. Courtney definitely got some bolt-ons.

  5. Courtney cox is bustier now cause she's bonier then ever. Can someone please give her a sandwich.

  6. I am not even a fan, but Gillian Anderson looks amazing here.

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Yes yes, Court and Emily in the pics is as good as a reveal. I love Gillian Anderson, there's something so beautiful, tough, intelligent and yet ethereal about her. I just found XFiles on Netflix and am so struck by her when I watch it. She looks great blonde too. What's up with Ashley Greene's diaper/granny panties? Yikes. As far as Xtina goes, she always seems like she's trying too hard and not in the right ways. I understand that stretch pants are a bigger girls best friend but come on girl. BTW, LOVE how the Maroon 5 guy stuck up for her being picked on. Damn decent of him.

  8. Can anyone tell the difference between Hulk Hogan's wives/girlfriends/fiancees/daughters/mothers/grandmothers/mistresses/concubines/courtesans/ho's/etc.?

  9. Emily blunt is shockingly thin, yet proves to us mortals that no matter HOW skeletal we get, that armpit-roll area will always look weird in some dresses. So we can all relax.

  10. two words

    Granny Panties

  11. LOVE Edward Burns. He's mine. All mine.

  12. i know ed burns probably doesn't get how silly he looks there, but i love it.

    wow, gillian anderson!

  13. Gillian looks gorgeous!
    Emily... no words. Sad.

  14. Courtney Cox ruined her face. so sad.

  15. Yes Emily has hit the Hollywood starvation bandwagon, jeez she looks awful.

    Courtney doesn't look happy. And looks older too - super thin women show their age more. Especially those with thin faces. (me - I have put weight on all over EXCEPT my face)

  16. Ed Burns can look as goofy as he wants to, Pookie.

    I'd let him hit it 7 ways from Sunday.

  17. Gillian Anderson looks amazing here.

    Hulk Hogan scared me when I was little. He still scares me, but for totally different reasons. So. Gross.

  18. Ingrid, I was going to suggest a game show where you had to guess if the blonde was one of the above (referencing your comprehensive list of indistinguishable girls).

  19. Jesus, someone get that girl a hamburger.

  20. That's not even thin anymore...that is painfully skinny.

  21. Anonymous5:36 PM

    To my horror, I accidentally saved Hulk Hogan's picture to my screen. He skeeves me out.

  22. Gillian is a natural blonde, and she's hot.

  23. Gillian sort of resembles Julie Andrews...(meant as a compliment)

  24. Ed Burns triggers a yearning in me loins.

  25. either 123 is really deep, or they're having a stroke. I can't really tell.

    1. Or smokes the same pot as Amanda Bynes.

  26. Courtney: NOTHING looks worse than bolt-ons on a bony chest.

    Emily's body actually looks just like Kate Middleton's here. The bizarrely narrow hips...even though she has no waist fat, her hips are as narrow as her waist.

    Wait, Nick and Brooke look like a couple, not brother and sister. Then again, in that family, it could be the same thing. Spammer?

  27. Emily changes weight so often-reminds me of me, tho my range is on the higher end of the scale ;p

    I think the GQ pic is a great photograph-not Greene tho.

  28. I think Emily Blunt has a fantastic body in this picture. Same as Courtney Cox.
    They both do a lot of sport, must be in top shape and probably have a BMI at the lowest of the "normal BMI" bracket. 3 kilos to "soften the edges" and they ll just look slim and slender.
    That they are seen as extreme as people who are 30, 60, 90 kilos overweight is a bit unfair I think. (I am not for thinspo at all btw)

  29. Emily Blunt use to be so cute, but now she's gone all Hollywood and joined the anorexic club. So sad.
