Monday, November 12, 2012

Peaches Geldof Is Pregnant Again

Six months after giving birth and just two months after she stayed on the phone while her son took a header into the pavement, Peaches Geldof is pregnant again with another boy. She says they have already decided on a name and I'm guessing he will have a donkey butt because they have decided to name him Phaedra. Peaches has said previously that doctors told her she would never be able to get pregnant. Umm, yeah. I'm just surprised her 10 pound husband even has the strength to have sex.


  1. Calling Margaret Sanger ..

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Phaedra is a girl's name? Right?

  3. Oy vey.

    I actually don't hate that name, but I'd like it for a girl.

  4. This is not a person we are required to know about, is it? I'm tired of this. Yes, she purchased drugs once while being filmed, and yes she drop-kicked her baby while texting, but otherwise, she doesn't really contribute much to the general effort. Let's not feed her.

  5. Isn't she the one who's still shooting heroin? Enty had that blind a couple days ago...

  6. Maybe she dropped the baby in the stroller (or out of the stroller?) because of pregnancy brain. Same reason why she picked "Phaedra" for a boy.

  7. Hopefully having a family, and moving out of London can stabilise her. She seems to really love her baby.

  8. How is this possible? Like physically possible that the two unhealthiest (and possibly dumbest) people on the planet are so fertile.

    1. Dia
      They must shag like rabbits x

    2. Oh Vicki E! That imagine is burned in my brain. Blech!!!

    3. You're welcome hee hee x

  9. So, she's naming her son after a Greek goddess. I'm sure there are stranger celebrity child names out there (looking at you, Moxie Crimfighter) so I shouldn't judge.

  10. There is a god ... not.

  11. She needs to be snipped....she is dangerous

  12. Well, maybe a double-wide stroller will have a bit more stability?

  13. LOL Cathy! I think you may be on to something there!

  14. I like the name for a girl, perhaps they will rethink it and name him Phobos.
    I wish she'd give up the needle and be a proper mom since she seems to come by it so easily.

  15. I wonder if she watches RHOA, which btw, is amazing this season.

  16. I think her baby weighs more than she or her husband. Saw some really cute pics, he's a chubby little fella.

    Birth control screw ups are entertaining for me.

  17. Her little boy is a chubster, and he's always smiling in the photos. Scrummy

  18. With any luck Phaedra will be so offended that they've dragged Her into their delusions there will be an unexpected hot air balloon fiasco which drops the parents in a North Korean prison camp as the two boys land safely in the hay of a humble but kind South Korean cabbage farmer, with whom they grow up to become successful and famous Kimchee chefs.
    I will ask Phaedra to consider this idea.

  19. "I'm just surprised her 10 pound husband even has the strength to have sex.

  20. How does she know the gender of the baby at only 3 months??

  21. They both look to be a hot mess, and not in the good way.

  22. 10 pound husband? I don't get it.

    Let's not forget that Courtney Love's daughter, Frances Bean, turned out to be a lovely and intelligent being despite her mother. So it does happen.

  23. OT: I always found it highly suspicious that Bob Geldof moved so quickly to get custody of Michael Hutchence's daughter, Tiger Lily, when, IMO, she should have gone to live with her paternal grandparents in Australia. Sir Bob hasn't had such a good track record raising his kids. They've all been promiscuous and heavily into drugs. I guess he wanted control of Hutchence's money?

    1. Yes! It's ridiculous. I don't know how he got custody of that child, who he then denied a relationship with her also one child is too many for peaches geldof

  24. I think Bob's got enough money of his own. He had a TV company in the UK and made a packet.

    She must be 20 weeks in the UK to find out the sex- I know I had my scan today and found out it's a girl. So she must have been pregnant for a while??!!

  25. Anonymous11:24 AM

    That poor baby, isn't she the answer to the blind about the celeb who just moved track marks to out of the way places so they can't be seen in pap photos?

  26. Bob is an extremely wealthy man, Hutchence was poor by comparison. I'm not buying into a lot of these recent blinds. I really don't think the girl has time to be a junkie and have all this going on on the baby front. She seems to have grown up a lot. I think someone just looks at what's on the DM website each day and makes up a salacious story around it. I think a lot of the blinds are true but recently I'm not buying them all. The same with the Miranda Kerr blinds, maybe she's in South Africa with her husband who happens to be shooting a film there.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      I agree , not buying most of the blinds lately!

  27. @Mango, didn't he feel guilty about leaving the mom or something like that? That's why he was so quick to go for custody?

  28. Not sure how old Peaches is, but if she's over 35, she would have to do the extra testing (I have no idea what it's called) that would identify the sex of the baby much earlier than the usual 20 weeks.

  29. Anonymous12:01 PM

    how do these drug addicts get pregnant so fast is a mystery to me.
    i know people who never touched any drug in their whole life and have trouble getting pregnant.

  30. Wasn't it peaches mum, Paula, who had an affair with Hutchence that caused the breakup of their marriage. I thought Sir Bob was given custody so Tiger Lily could grow up with her half-sisters. At age 4 she would have been pretty close to them by then.

  31. I think you're right, @islander, I think I had them backwards. Didn't Paul and Hutchence both commit suicide? I can't remember, but I think they did. Maybe he felt guilt about that....Now I'm confused. Is Tiger Lily's Paula and Michaels? And Peaches is Bob and Paulas? Oy. Confusing.

  32. SillyGirl - you've got the parentage right. And Hutchence committed suicide but Paula's death was ruled an accidental heroin overdose. I think i know far too much about Peaches Geldolfs family!

  33. Contrary to popular belief Michael Hutchence did not commit suicide.

    He was participating in a sexual version of the choking game, but slipped and accidentally strangled himself to death.

  34. @Staple - Peaches is 22. So, nowhere near 35.

  35. Thank you! Beyond excited right now.

    I know that Peaches probably has everything private medicine in the UK can provide, but 3 and a half months still seems awfully quick to know the sex accurately.

  36. Yeah even if she had an ultrasound she wouldn't be able to determine the sex at that point. I had my 4th child while 35 and I had to have extra ultrasounds ... also my Dr had a hard time finding her heartbeat a few times so I was rushed to have an emergency U/S. I asked the techs to tell me the gender during these earlier scans but they all said it was impossible to tell before like 18 weeks. So either she's full of shit about the fact that it's for sure a boy or she's had an amnio for some reason that I don't want to speculate on......

  37. Bob Geldof wasn't just given custody, he quickly moved to gain custody before Michael Hutchence's family, literally on the other side of the world, could file for custody of Tiger Lily.

  38. Sorry but who is she?
