Monday, November 12, 2012

Paul McCartney Was 2 Feet From Death In Helicopter Crash

Last spring, Paul McCartney and his wife were flying back to his place in England when the weather got bad and according to a report in England was just two feet from ending up dead or at least in a very serious helicopter crash. The weather was bad and the pilot could not see where he was going and came within two feet of hitting a huge group of trees. The pilot recovered and eventually landed safely at an airport. Apparently Paul and his wife had no idea how close they came to death until the report was released. The helicopter was leased by Harrods. Wow, they do everything.


  1. But Paul died in the 60's...tragic car accident

  2. I saw Paul McCartney last night!

    I'm sorry. I didn't even read the post yet. I'm just so freakin' excited right now.

    Happy Monday. :-)

  3. Bahahahaha! I knew someone would say it.

  4. Wow. Uh, I'm extremely glad that nothing tragic happened. This guy is amazing, and he needs to stick around as long as possible.

  5. This is a lucky guy!!!!!! My only criticism is his extremely bad hair dye job. U know hes doing it himself over the kitchen sink. Go to a salon and gradually start going gray. No shame in it!

  6. I saw something yesterday on TV about those old death rumors. I even looked up all the clues on line. I was in high school then and I remember my best friend and I spend HOURS playing the albums and looking at the record sleeves looking for clues. We even tried playing some of them backwards. Seems so silly now.

  7. AKM - saw him, like a brush with greatness, or saw him perform? I need details!!!

  8. I also spent hours upon hours of my youth looking into the Paul is dead myth. It helped me become a huge Beatles fan (seriously..I'm obsessed) so I'm super glad this Paul is okay ;)

    My bff is also a huge fan, her step dad got to see Paul once, it was his first concert and he was front row. Even got to meet Paul afterwards!

  9. Oh, sorry. Concert in STL. Only TWO United States and Houston. Go figure! I lucked out!

    You know, my whole life, I never understood those old black-and-white newsreels of girls in 1964 going mad and crying their heads off. Sir Paul and the band started with "Magical Mystery Tour," and before they could even sing, "Roll up," I had mascara running down my face whilst I simultaneously giggled like a loon. Reduced to a total fangirl, but I have no shame. It was just...incredible.

    I've heard some folks lately say that he doesn't sound so great anymore, but I thought he sounded wonderful. And his band ROCKS and they're all cute, too. Fireworks and actual fire during "Live and Let Die," very cool videos, Sir Paul as charming as he ever show ever.

    rejectedcarebear, THAT is too cool. Any good scoop on Macca from your BFF's stepdad?!

  10. AKM, you lucky girl! Thanks for the scoop. I truly love Sir Paul - have never had the good fortune of seeing him live, but have several live albums that I love!! I would have been right there with ya, crying and giggling!

  11. Oh my God. We almost lost Wings forever.

  12. No scoop from her step-dad but I do know a chauffer who drove Sir Paul around when he was in PGH a couple years ago. This guy is old school and has been driving famous folks around for 50+ years. He said Paul was "the coolest, most polite man" and the only person the driver felt tongue tied around! He also said Britney was strange and quiet but seemed nice. She chain-smoked in the car.

    Wings just came on the radio!

  13. I can see that about Sir Paul and Britney. I seriously don't think I've ever heard any bad stories about him, and I hope I never do. He absolutely seems like he would sit and have a pint with you if you happened to run into him at a pub somewhere.

    Wings! Listening to "Let Me Roll It" right now. ;-)

  14. The only bad stories about Paul came from Heather Mills...and Francie Schwartz.

  15. PM is performing here at the end of the month. I have utterly crappy tickets, but I couldn't care less. I'm going to be in the same building as Paul McCartney! You know he's going to be singing just for ME! LOL

  16. Cee Kay, have you seen him before? Either way, you will ADORE it. Be sure and get a T-shirt! The T-shirts are $40 -- !!! -- but there are only FOUR dates listed on the back, so I have to think that they're really kind of limited-edition. Those of us who get to catch this tour are lucky indeed!

    Hee hee, I said the SAME thing as you: "Paul McCartney has played for the freakin' Queen, but tonight, he's here...playing for ME." I had crappy tickets, too, and it doesn't matter! Have a blast! :-)

  17. There are some bad stories out there.

    -Francie Schwartz "Juden raus"
    -George Harrison seemed to seethe with rage when talking about him in at least a few interviews I've seen

  18. Anonymous10:20 AM

    What a sweet man. I'm so glad he's still alive, so many rockers didn't make it this long. I think his love songs are the sweetest, and that he's a much better songwriter than Lennon. (Sorry John!) Feels like blasphemy to say that, but I just love the " Silly Love Song", his songs just have so much heart, they're so original and have so much good natured pep. Viva la Paul!

  19. W-e-l-l, I know I'm biased, but Francie is a disgruntled ex. I take her stories with a grain of salt. And DOUBLE that with anything Heather Mills says. What a piece of work. :-/

    (I know, I know...I'm biased. Heheheh.)

    And would we call the Beatles disagreements "bad stories"? Those guys were like brothers, and they've described their relationships as such in their own words. With great love and respect very often comes great frustration, and yes, even seething rage on occasion. George, Paul, and Ringo worked together extensively through the years, too. If there were real hatred there, I doubt that would be the case.

    Also, check out LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD to see how George and Paul interacted in later years. I see no bad blood whatsoever.

    (Actually, just check out LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD period if you're a Beatles fan. It's MANDATORY if you're a George fan. Wonderful stuff.)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @AKM: I did see that documentary. Yes, they let bygones be bygones when George was dying. Somewhere I saw an interview in which he discusses Paul blowing off the Beatles' induction into the R&R Hall of Fame. Check it out-the repugnance was palpable even through the screen of my tiny little TV. My estimation of Paul is that he's probably a well-mannered guy with good intentions, but he's a bit full of himself too. I know, I know, he's Paul Effin McCartney. I do believe the Francie story.

  22. Many years ago I saw Paul McCartney filling up his car at a petrol station in Dumbarton. I was at the next pump filling up when I heard a commotion and looked over - there he was, trying to fill his car (with Linda in the passenger seat) and about 5 people were asking for his autograph. He was friendly and polite and spoke to everyone.

  23. Coming close to a tree in a chopper is not a near-death experience. Falling from a 1-story roof would do more damage.
